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Weak, Nervous Men

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5SL=_ TOU,wbo have been humlniRt.'ert bv the ' Mectrfc Belts, f ello hurJ """"" - ferer," "Crajon." "Vacuüm," "Nervine," 4 reo f; L Un&BnDADIE Cure," quaclis. andwho have found yourself rt;rorY -SB nUI3U1nDLL ing worsp and orar, You, who have given ih -:7Hfc -wf s despair, payingr, "lam doomed; there is DO for me;" to you I say: DP, and SATÉ YOUKSEI.F! TIIKIÍK IS II Á jk aBV THEBE IS A C'UliEl No matter wliat you have taken or who has f; PriiMKjr to Cure you, wrile me a full history of yo i-Ht'S andseDdforBook(free) OllPOCCOCtll and Questlon List. ., # 1 Thousnud Eured. OUllULOOluL Korty yer' fxpfriirr . V 'ÍI Consult the Old Doctor. All Prívate, Nervonn uuü f A ,.5L CHBOBIC DISKASESof either sex skillfully and successfully treau-d i-.nrt i.a'v. Jfafcn, a cure gnarantftd in every curable case. Married men oí thoeboot ut . JBnJ&A m irry, who dread their weaknees or iut-apacity, or whose blood isloftdeci -S ' witn impurities transmisible to oftspring, should "■S RP' consult the celebrated Dr. Clarke at once. TDCATMP" ! ""Sp5l IPfff sultation personally or by letter, free and I 11 LH I lllLÚ i i -■-v gEK - dential. Medicines sent everywhere, secure irom ! Establlibed 1851. eiposure. A friendly letter may aid you and direct you to health. Address OR. F. D. CLARKE, Merrill Block, cor.woodard Ajefferwniw., Detroit, Mich.