Weak, Nervous Men
5SL=_ TOU,wbo have been humlniRt.'ert bv the ' Mectrfc Belts, f ello hurJ """"" - ferer," "Crajon." "Vacuüm," "Nervine," 4 reo f; L Un&BnDADIE Cure," quaclis. andwho have found yourself rt;rorY -SB nUI3U1nDLL ing worsp and orar, You, who have given ih -:7Hfc -wf s despair, payingr, "lam doomed; there is DO for me;" to you I say: DP, and SATÉ YOUKSEI.F! TIIKIÍK IS II Á jk aBV THEBE IS A C'UliEl No matter wliat you have taken or who has f; PriiMKjr to Cure you, wrile me a full history of yo i-Ht'S andseDdforBook(free) OllPOCCOCtll and Questlon List. ., # 1 Thousnud Eured. OUllULOOluL Korty yer' fxpfriirr . V 'ÍI Consult the Old Doctor. All Prívate, Nervonn uuü f A ,.5L CHBOBIC DISKASESof either sex skillfully and successfully treau-d i-.nrt i.a'v. Jfafcn, a cure gnarantftd in every curable case. Married men oí thoeboot ut . JBnJ&A m irry, who dread their weaknees or iut-apacity, or whose blood isloftdeci -S ' witn impurities transmisible to oftspring, should "■S RP' consult the celebrated Dr. Clarke at once. TDCATMP" ! ""Sp5l IPfff sultation personally or by letter, free and I 11 LH I lllLÚ i i -■-v gEK - dential. Medicines sent everywhere, secure irom ! Establlibed 1851. eiposure. A friendly letter may aid you and direct you to health. Address OR. F. D. CLARKE, Merrill Block, cor.woodard Ajefferwniw., Detroit, Mich.
F. D. Clarke
Detroit Michigan
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus