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JBuöft, Lutiw and Horthern Railroad. A.M. P.M I P.M. P.M. I.oave HoweHJuno... 9:48 4:15 8:15 Arr. Ponth Lj'Oi 10:12 4:60 8:45 Plrniouth 1U dB B:1S 9;0T Detroit :l:I6 6:06l 9:86 .. .... J.eilve Howell Juuo... 8:50 l-:38 6:45 7:27 Arr. Luneta. 18:00 1:50 8:06 8:18 Urand l.edge.4. 10:30 8:86 B:8ü :40 I,ii1,c('(cn.-u ... 11:10 9:15 G ni n ' 18:1 ., . ... . . 10:15 " loot....... 11:2 3:45 9:36 P.M Groptville 12 ai 4:67 10:32 Howiml City... 1:00 5:S5 11:15 Fast train leavcs IVtioit 1:1B p m, Howell 2:37 p ni, iirrive nt Lni6ig 3:24 p m, (jrund UapiQs fi:w p ni. Lenre Grand Rapfde6:25 p m, arrhr :i Lonslng S:18p m, Howell 9:08 p m, Pctroit I" '■': p m. Parlor turf on all traína brtweon Detroit and (rund Kiipiclb. Si'jUs. 250 for auy distauce, ti I September 6, 1891. lifi!2l3 ui Wast Michigan Railway, A.M I P.M. P M. P, M. Lravo Cnin.i Rftukt.. :00 1;Ü5 5:30 8:30 Arr. il'llml 11:66 1:45 :25 9:30 Gvand Haven.. 10:37 3:41 1:Ki 10;13 MiiBkeyon .... U:05 4:16 7:85 10:te A M. P M. Lenvo Orand Kapldfi 7:25 5:17 Arr. Nowsysm :52 H:4 "VhiteClond 9:15 7:15 S'g Umpi's 10:15 8:10 Baldwln 10:20 8:30 liidnKt( via P-M. F, & P. M 2:00 10:20 " Matiistoe via M. &N. K 12:10 10:15 " Triivi'r.T City la :5 10:35 Daily Otber trHinswcok days only. FrecChair oni-s liptweon Grand Rapidsand JlutiistPo. 1. ave Grand Ruptdfl 6 1T P. M. The "Favnrilos" betwcen Detroit. Grand Rapids and aü point 111 Western and Northern Michigan. GEO. DeHAVEN, Goneral Passenger Agent. 'Dr. T G. Selirepper, jymbhut mm i Is responsible for all the vrork lie does in bis line of business. OFF' ■■rtsro's T.h ■■■'. Hesidc -'■ Orders may beleft or telephoned toEberbaoh'3 Drug Store. FREDERICK KRAÜSE, AUCTIONEER. Wil] attcnd to all sales on short notlce at reasonable charge. For further particulars cal at the Aküus office.