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A Cloak SeijsalionThree Days' Sale. Friday, Saturday and Monday, I0V. 20, 21 Al 23 A Sale too good to be lost. Sample Garments purchased from three leading Manufacturera. Less than 5O Cts. On the Dollar. Consisting of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Newmarkets, Jackets, Astrdthan Cafes, Phish Sacques, Jackets and Capes. The greatest Sacrifice Sale ever known. One Lot Children's Sample Newmarkets, 6 to 17 yrs. Worth $5.00 to 58. 00; Your Choice for $2.98. One Lot of Misses' Sample Newmarkets and Jackets, 10 to 18 yrs., Worth SS.00 to $15.00; Your Choice for $4.98. One Lot Ladies' Jackets, Worth from $5.00 to $10.00; Your Choice for JS1.98. One Lot of Ladies' Newmarkets, Worth from $8.00 to $18.00; Your Choice for Í4.67. One Lot Plush Cloaks, Worth $18.00; Your Choice Duringthis Sale $9.79. One Lot Ladies' Plush Jackets Worth jSi2. to $18.00; Choice $9. 75. One Lot Plush Capes, Worth from $7.00 to $10.00; Your Choice for $2.75. One Loj Astrachan Capes, Worth L6.00, Your Choice for $1.97. For Saturday only 500 Black Hare Muffs; Worth 75c, for 29c e?ch. 40 Dozen Ladies' ISIack Wool Hose, Worth 25c, for 15c a pair. 10 per cent Discount on our Entire Dress Goods Stock During this Three Days' Sale. Come in the Morning if Possible and Avoid the Crowds in the Afternoon. Schainr filien Leaders of Lovr Prices and Always the Cheapest. MaNN pros. DEALERS IN ]&ÜBSAD"])aÍBÍrgüÍÍSa lair Clippers, Brown & Sharp - S3.50 iorse " " " " - 3.00 Cream Shaving Soap - - - .10 iorse Tails Strops, genuine - 35 and 85 Turkish Cosmetic - - .15 Water Hones - ■ - 50 to 1.00 jerman Yellow Jlones - - 50102.50 iazors (Hammer Brand) 1.25 and 1.50 Aug with Cream Soap - .25 MANN BROS., 39 S. Main Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Having boiifrlit the wond yard and feed business of George H Hazelwood, 1 propose to keep WOOD OF ALL KINDS Kindllngr Woed. Balea Hay and Straw, Flour and Feed of the best q'.iality, Charcoal, etc. Goods delivcred to auy part of the citj". CASH PAID FOR CORN and OATS The firm wiil continue the truck business of (J.H. Jones as before. Orders by telephone piomptlv attended to. C. Clark, 33 East Huron St. Tekphone 14. One door west of Firemen's Hall. Health Wealthï lm E. C. Wrsr's Nkrvk and Brain Thukatmknt, a gruaranteed speciüc for Hysteria. Dizziness. ' 'onvtilsion. Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Hendelie, Neryous Frostration caused by tho use f alcohol or tobneco. Wakefulness, Mental DepM esion, Solïening of the Brain resultingin insanity nnri lending to misery, decay and dcuth. Hri-mvturo Oíd Age, Barren nee9, Loss of pwOr in eilher sex, Involuntary Lóseos and Spermatorrli(jLa cjiuaed by oyer-Exertion ui Ihu lirain, nelf-abutie or over-indulgence. EhcIi liox contaln one months treutmftit. tl.OU a tiox, or pix bnxes lor ïö.OÜ, sent by mail jioi:ik on reoelpt of prlce. 'BC Ui Alt .vrHHSI.Y BOXUS Toeure any ci,s-e With each order received by ijs foreiï tioxoe accompaniedwith $5.00, we will t.pnd ilic pin 'hasor our writteu guárante to refund tlie money if the treatment ñnee not efft et a cure (u-i. " 'pi :. 'v Eberbsj h È Pon. ' ■ Arbor, ' ' WB v . ,--.; iiipatx've rewar.. 1.,; . i;dse of J-iTerl.omplaint, Dyspepsia. Siok Headaehe, Indigestión, ConeMpatioD or ('ostiveness we cannot cure with VVpsi's Vegetable Liyer Pilis, when the dlrectione are strietlycomplied with. I liy 11 ie purely Vegetable, and never fail to giTeMtlpfaotion. Nngar Coated. Large boxes, conta niiir 3B 1'DIb. 25 cents Beware of counterfeits and iinitations. The genuine manufatturi only by THE JOHN C. WEST COMPANï. CHICAGO, 1I.L. Kor salo by all drugists.