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The Webster Public

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Wednesday evening the Webster Society gave its initial public entertainment of the ycar in the lecture room of the law building. A large and appreciative audience filled the room to its utmost capacity. The programme, a very interesting one from first to last, was opened by President A. F. Sheldon with an address of welcome. During the course of his address Mr. S. took occasion to deprecíate ideas, held by some people regarriing the lawyer, and extolled in eloquent language the dignity of the legal profession. Miss Minnie Davis followed with a piano solo, and acquitted herself in a creditable manner. "The Age of Problems" was ably handled by A. Webster, who showed himself thoroughly conversant with the subject under consideration. An oration, "A Dependent Commonwealth," by J. W. Browning, was well delivered, reflecting credit upon Mr. B. both as an orator and writer. Next carne a banjo solo by Mell Gillespie, accompanied by Miss Davis. The excellence of which number is best attested to by the hearty encoré which it elicited. A satire by J. G. Kral closed the first partof the programme, and was a happy production. "A Man of the Future," was a true portrayal of the ideal anarchist. Sparkling with humor, it served to enliven the general prosaicness of the excellent programme. Part second was opened by Mrs. C U. Colby with a violin solo. The rendition was excellent, and received a merited encoré. In the scène from "Othello," Messrs. W. I. Maney and H. D. Jewell entered into the true conception of their respective roles, and acquitted themselves grandly. The cornet solo by G. W. Collins, was admirably rendered. A discussion on " Two Views of Parnell's Life" by Messrs. H. A. Smith and J. E. Roberts, was one of the principal features of the exercises. The bright side of the great leader's life was stronly presented by Mr. Smith, who argued that the sin of the present was more than covered by the charities and good works of Parnell's past. In refutation of this Mr. Roberts argued that the evil which led to Parnell's downfall was of too serious a nature to merit forgiveness, even in consideration of past virtues. The exercises were closed by a piano solo by Miss Davis. In every sense the entertainmentwas a decided success, and the efforts of the participants well merited the highest encomiums of.praise. Further entertainments by the Webster Society will be looked forward to with pleasant anticipation by all those who hád the good fortune to be present last evening.