Estáte of John Crandal. STATE OF MICHIGAN, OOUNTY" cf Washtenaw ,ss. At a seHsion it the Probate Conli lor tlie oounty of Y4 ubtenáw, holden at th Probate Office, in i he olty ol Ann Arbor, on Tuosday the tlni'd iluy o!' N rralwT In the year one ihousand flKhi hundred and ninety-one. Preeenl, J. Wilhud Habbitt. Judge of Prcbate. In the matter ol ino estáte or Jjhn Crandal, deceased. On readingraml filiny the petition, dulv vcrified, of Idward Crandal, prayinpthut adniinistration of mihI estáte inay ie ranted to himBelfai d Andrew J. Johii.soti, or sumf other suitable person. Thereupon it i ordered, that Monlay, the Sfith day of November instant at 10 o'click in the forenoon, oe assUüied lur Ihe hearing of said petition and that the heira at law ot said occeaeeil, and all gther persont intere'1-! in said estáte, are rt quired toappearata se.ssiou of said court, theu to ,be bolden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show canse, it any there be. why the pmyer of tbe petitioner should not be gratitud: And it is further orderod that said pelitioner givo notice to the persons iaterested in said estáte ol the pendencj of said petition and the luarini thercof. by causing a copy of thi order to be piiblislii'd in the Ann Aiibok Abvh, anewapaper printed and cuculatcd in said county, three .iiecesriive weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD HA UBITT, (A truecopy) Judgeol Piobate vVilliam U. Dotv, Probate ResrUter. Estáte ot John H. Sweet. TATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTÏ of At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, hotden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbcr, nu Monday, the second dny ol November, in the year onc thousand eight hundred and ninety-one. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Juda-e of Probate In the matter of the estáte of John H. Sweet deceased. Zentis Swiet, the administrator ot said etate, comes into court and representa, that he is now prepared to render his final account assuch adininintrator. Thereupon it is ordered thnt Tuesday, the flrst day ot December next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assuned for exnmining and allowing such account, and"thattheheirsat law of said deceased, and all other pereons interested in said estáte, are required to eppear at a seu-ion of said court, then io be holden at the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, ia said county, and show cause, ïf any there be, why the said account Bhould not be allowed: And it is further ordered, that Baid Adm nistralor give notice to the persons interested in said estáte of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causiog a copy of this order to be publislied in the Ann Arbor Abods, a newspaper printed andcirculating in said county, three suecessive weeks previous to said dav of hearing. J. WILLAKD BABHITT, ludge of Probate. [A truc copy.] WilUam G. 'Doty, Probate Résister. Estáte of Dwight B. Tate. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTV 'J of WaHhtenaw, se. At a session of the Probate Court forthp (Jimnly of Washteuaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city ot Am Arbor on Monday, the 26th day of Oct'her, in thtiear ooe th.jusand eiht hundred and ninetyoi.e. ' Prewul.J. Willurd Babbitt, Judire ñf Probate In the imitt'r of the estute of Dvi"ht H Tate deceased . On roadin?and nlintr the petition, duly vc-ritted , of Charles Tate, praying that adruinistniiiun of nil estáte may be Rranreu to tioloraon Tite, or soine otber suitable person. Thereupon it is Oldered, that Monday tbc 23rd day of Novemhor uext, at ten o'clock in the lorenoon, be assi(fned lor the hearing of said petition and that the heirs-atlaw of said decease 1, and all other persone i nlerestoil iu suid estáte are required to nppear at a session of said tourt, then to be holden at the Probate Offir-e in the city ot Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the priiyer of the petitioner should not begranted. Andit in further ordurea, that said pititioner give notice ( tbc I"Tsons interested iu said islate of the pendency of aid petition and the hearing there-f. by Bauaine n top; of .thia order to be published in thé Ann Arbob Akgus, a ncwspnper printed and iroulated in said county, three successive weekt previous to said day ot hearing. I WILLAHD BABBITT [Atruecop]. Jud,;e of Probate Wm. U. Doty, Probate Register. Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw , ss. Notice la herebv giveu. that by an order ol' the Prohote Court for the tïountv of Wiisbteiuiw. made on the 2fith day of October A. D. 1891, six inooths troui that date were allowed for crédito: to present their cluitns agamst the estáte of Rebecca Hecriques, late of said county, deceased, and that all eremtors of said duceased aie required to present, their elaims to èaid Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, for exanilnation and allowance. on or before the 26th day of April next, and that such claims will be heard beiore said couit, on Tuesday, the 2(ith day of January and on Tuesday, the 2t,th day of April uext, at ten o'clock in tne forenoon of each of said days. Dattd, Ann Arbor, October 26, A. D. 1891. I. WILLAKD IIABBITT, Judie of Probate. Estáte of Alvan Bunting. STATE OF MICHiaAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, bs. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw. holden at the Probate Office in the City of Aun Arbor, oq Monday, the üGth day of October, in the yearone tbousand eiifht hundred and nlnety-one. Present. J. Willard tiubbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of theestate of Alvan Bunting, deceased. On reiiding and filint; the petition, duly verified, of Seiina Hunting, praying that administration of soid estáte mav be gianted to hcraelf or same other suitable persou. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the 23rd day of November, next, at ten o'clock in the fortnoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at law of said deceased and all other personB interested iu said estáte, are required to appearata session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show caufe, (f any thee be, wby the prayer of the petitioner should not be raiiteo. And il ís further ordered, that said petitioner give notice lo the persons interested in eaid estáte of the pendeucy of said petition, and the hearing thereof, bv causing a copy of this order to be publisbed in the Ann Akbou Akgls, a uewspaper . printed and circuiated insaid County, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearine. J. WILLARD BABBITT, IA true copv] ■ Judffe of Probate, h ili.ïam G. Doty, Probate Register. state of T, Dwight Townsend. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COU-NTY ol Washtenaw, ss. At h bession of the Probate Court for the County oí Washteoaw, holden at the l'robate Office in the citv ot Ano Arbor, on Wednesday, the twenty-eiglith day ot October, in the year one thonsand eight hundred and ninety-one. Preneut, J. Willnrd Babbitt, Jiidge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte ol T. Dwight Townsend, deceased. On readinu and tilins the jjetilion. duly verified, ol Kebecca K. Chriety, by T. Chaluiers Christy, heragent and attoroey, iu fuct, prayiug that administration ofsaid estáte may be frranted to Sidncy W. Clarkson, or some other suitable person. Thereupon it is ordered that Monday, the 2!d day of November, next, at ten o'olock in the forenoon, oe nssigned for the hearing of said petition And that the hcirs at law of Baid deceased and all other persons mtereeted in said estato are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Aun Arbor, and show canse, if any there bt, why the orayer of the petitioner ehould not be granted. And it ia further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons tuterwsted in said estáte of the nendercy of said petition and the hearing thereof Sy causing a copy of this order to be puhlished in the Ann Arbor Akuos, a oewspsper printed and circuiated in aitl county three successive week-1 previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLAKD BABIUTT, IA truecopy.; Judge of Probate WilliamG.Uoty, Probate KeïUter. Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Street Railway. Time table taking effect October 4, 1891. Leave Ann Arbor from Court Himse at 8.15, 7.30,9 20. 10.50 a, ni., and 12,50, 2.20, 3 50, 6.20. 6.50,8 20,9.50, U.20p. m. Leave TpnHanti at B 00, 7.15. 9.00. 10.30, a. m., and 12.:, i, 3.3U, 5.0.!, 6 30, 8.00, 9.30, 11.00 p. m. SUNDAY TIMK TABI.E. Leavo Ann Arturr from Court House at 2.20, 3.50, 5.20, 6.50, 8.20. 9.50, p. m. Leavo Ypttilanti at 2.00, 3.30, 5 00, 8.00, 9.30, p. ra. ('ars run on City Time. Coupon tickets, 10 cents. For salo by cond actors.
Probate Notice
Ann Arbor & Ypsilanti Street Railway
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
John Crandal
Edward Crandal
Andrew J. Johnson
John H. Sweet
Zenus Sweet
Dwight B. Tate
Charles Tate
Rebecca Henriques
Alvan Bunting
Selina Bunting
T. Dwight Townsend
Rebecca K. Christy
T. Chalmers Christy
Sidney W. Clarkson