An Illegal Divorce

The body of Miss Matilda Weston, of Dexter, wae found, 'November 13, in an out-buildlng, where liad gone with a pail of suds and a broom. She lived alone. She had evidently been ■washing, part of tlie washing was hung on the line, and ■vhen a nelghbor entered the house' in , the eveening to cali úpon lier, the wasliboiler was found on the stove perfectly co'.d. Al.irmed by this a st'areh was made ïor lier. A corouor's jury decidid tliat her death was caused by haart cBseaee. Jliss Weston was 62 years oíd. She carne to Webster wirli Iut parante as ear!y as 183G. On Sujxday, November 15, John Ancliff a well-known farmer of South r" Mancliester, went out to milk. He was a larg-e man and appareatly in good Jiealth. As lie did not return, his wife looked for hun and found 'liini in the tabte, dcad. There was a little milk in tha pail. A post mortem rxannnation showed that he dfled o7-lu'art dlsease. He was iiuvu in Eng'land sixty-ïiv' years ago and carne to this country in 1S51, scttling in Mancliester in 1852. He was twice married, but had no children. He liad accumulíited considerable wealtto.
Heart Disease
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Matilda Weston
John Ancliff
Dexter MI
Manchester MI