The Meeting Of The State Press Association
The animal meeting of the state press association will be held in Ui is city on Tuesday, Weduesday aud ïhursday, Ja'.ninry 12, 13 and 14. The programme for the meeting bas not yet been f ully arranged. A meeting of the execntive conmiittee was beid ut the Cadillac, in Detroit, Monday evening, whicb was attended by Messrs. Moran, Pond and Beakes, of the Ann Arbor press club. At this meeting the following skeleton programme was arranged to be filled out later: At 2 p. m. Tuesday, the address of welcome, response, organization and appointmentof committees. At 7:30 p. m. the president's address and other speeches. At 9 a. in. Wednesday, business. The afternoon to be at the disposal of the Ann Arbor press club. Al 7 p. m., banquet. The association leave on the early train Friday morning for Detroit, from whence they visit the Mammoth Cave. Some of them take a trip to New Orleans and Florida. There is every appearance of a good attendance at the meeting to be held here, and no body of men wil] better appreciate a rousing reception tlian the editors of the state. In their initial circular, jnst issued, the seeretary, says: ''Being in mid-winter, man y of the customary modes of enjoyment must necessarily be omitted, but no doubt need be entertain ed that our welcome will be a warm one there, and the programme all that could be desired. Ann Arbor people never do anything by halves.'' Át a meeting of the Ann Arbor Press club, held in Mr. Moran 's office last Friday, the following committees were appointed : Arrangement and Program - Messrs. Moran, Liesenier, Pond, Jirown, Stone, Ross, Prentiss. Banquet- Messrs. Beal, Watts and Brown. Carriagea- Messrs. Suekey, Cramer, Watts. Accommodations - Miss E. E. Bower, Messrs. Frueauff, Snow.Pond, Suekey. The president and Messrs. Beal and doran were appointed a committee to epresent the club at the meeting of he execntive committee in Detroit. Mr. Moran was appointed a commit,eeof cm f to ascertain tliecostof securng electrotypes of various buildings of lie city and university. Mr. Liesemer was áppointod a committee of one to give a general -write p" of places of interest. A resohition waspassed making each member of the club a member of the iccommodations committee.