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I I " I I g MI i the Larfrest Gold Mines. fifllüRÜ FUI the LarsrestSilver Mines. wm m aygsasMr Has Extensive Qrazing: Ranges, Fine Timtoer Belts, Wide Agricultural Valleys ís lartíer than New Englnnd, New Y"ork, Peunsyívania, New Jersey mil Delaware couibined. The Great Northern Kailway is the direct Une from St. Paul and Miuneapolis to Great Falla. Monaroh, Neihart, Barker, Helena, Butte and other Montana points. Apply to your hom'1 railway asent for tickets over the Great Nmthern. I do not wish to blow into LLIND theni, but inerely whisper that the Ked Kiver Valley offers ÜDe ._„ indueemeuts for home seekers, jVlt as aleo the entire región alOBK the Great Northern Railway through Minnesota, North DaYÜUR kota and Montana. For Mapa, Guide Hooks, etc., apply to F. n i to Whitney, G. P. & T. A., St. LAKo. Paul, Minn., orto your nearest railway agent. In some states the -ruc YOUNG ratio is two and oflnt ten three to one in vniiur ■..rN,, favor of the men. ÏUUINÜ WOWEN, The best route from MrN St. Paul, MinneapiwtiN rn olis, Duluth and ADcrniix uil West Superior to AHtuul the Northwestern TUrnr WEST! and Pacific States is lnLflt ■ via the Great NormdA thern Kailway . IN u w . Farms can be had in Minneeoia and North Dakota on erop mand other plans to suil purchasers. No failure of erops in twelve years of seltleinent Large yields of wheat and othpr DCn staples. Fine stock regrloa. IIÍ.U Good schools and churchee. Healthlul climate. Great Markets within easyreach. Farms RlVER !ai1 for froin tne P'Oceeds of ■ ui kii one crOp# Highest prices paid for pruducts. The Great Nor.... , _., thern Kailway has three lines VAL EY through the Valley. Address W. W. Uraden, Land Commiesioner, St. Paul, Minn , for particulars. ABOUT A GREAT COUNTRY. Maps and publications sent free, and letters asking information about travel and settletuent in Minnesota, the Dakotas and Montana answered by F. I. Whitney, G. P. & T. A., Grear Northern Hailway, öt. Paul. Tickets to all points in the West. Lowest rates to the Pacific Coast. fr (8 (B fc ( (B The Next Number Especially Good. TALES KROM! TöwnTopics READ BY ALL MEN AND VVOMEN. Fubllghed first day of December, Mareh, June and September. DELICATE, DAINTY, WITTY, INTENSE. Every reputable news and book stand has it. Price, single number, 80 CENTS. 82.00 PEK ÏEAK, postage FKEE. This brilliant Quarterly reproduces the best stories, sketches, burlesques. poems, witticisms, etc, from the back numbers of that much talked-about New York Society Jouroal, Town Topics, which is published weekty. Subscription price, $4.00 per year. The two publications "Town Topics" and " Tales from Town Topics " together, at the low club-price of $5.00 per year. Ask your newsdealer for them or address, TOWN TOPICS, ai West 23d Street, N. T. City.