Weak, Nervous Men
., - -ifc TOU.who have been humbugrped bytlie ' Electric Belts," " Fellov sufJp ' w ■ ferer," "Cra5co." "Vacuüm," "Nervine," " (I !a UnilODADIK Cure.' quaekf. and who have found yourpelf pro"7 jffft nUFlUnnDLl. Ing worse and vorse, You, who have given up is himsti S despair, ttayin, "I am doomed; there is no hnpg .3. WK for me;" to vou I say: lP, nü SAVE TOl'BSELF! THtKK IS H(Pi-i I jcfi. JrïF ÏHEBE IS A CUBE ! No matter what you have taken or who has f. iKijM y to cure you, write me s f uil history of your oas muW& andsend for Book (free) Pfí'aí"COCI!l and Qnestion List. O ■W .Thoutnd Cnred. OUUuLOOI UL l'orty jfrt' Bip-rifj. VHSi ' ';l Consult tbe Old Doctor. All Private, Kervoo m.i' AHfe ,11 CHBONIC DISEASES of either ?ex skillfully and successfully treakd ai . ! ,ív Sk a cure gnrnteeI in every curable chsb. Marrled men or tho boni i,. gH aaÉfe&'B ninrry, who dread their weakness or iucapacity, or whose blood is loadüd KÍ with impurities transmissible to oLfspring. should i SB Wfëiconsult the celebrated l)r. Olarke al oiico. TDCATMr?' T e9fSi W" sultation persooally or by letter, free and fltH I ITILb f -- - .a:v..!"B- dential. Medicines sent everywhere, secure from Kstabllihed 1851. erposure. A friendly letter may aid you and direct you to health. Addrt , OR. F. D. CLARKE. Merrill Block, cor.woodWara.a j.a-erson a., Detroit, Mich.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
F. D. Clarke