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Scribner's Magazine

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J'HE Yeaj' 1S91 has been marked by a greater advunce than any similar period since the Magazine was establvslied. Not only hos the literary and arlintie excellence been maintained and increased, but a corresponding gain lias been 'nade in the sale and influence of the Magazine. At the end of 1891 tlie circulation has risen to more than 140,000. It mayjustly be promised that thefurther improvcments for the coming year will be proportiónale to these largely increased opportunities. ïW ;N"ext Yeki. It is not possible to give, in a brief space, au account of all the features in preparation, but the material is deficiënt in neither importance nor range of subject. Among the subjects treated: The Poor in the World's Great Gities. It is proposed topublish a serios of articles, upon a soale not before attomptcd, fririnir the resulta of special study and wovk among the pnor of the rent citios. The plan will includc 1111 account of the condiiións of Ufe 111 those cities (in many lands) where th! results of research will behelpful for purposes ol comparison as well as for their own intrinsic interest. While, from a scientiflc point of view. the articles will be a contribution of graat importance, the treatment will be thoroughlv popular, and the ela'.orate illustritious wiil serve to make the presentation ol' the subject vivid as well as picturesque. Washington Allston. Unpublished lloniUtisceitces and Letters of this foremost among early American painters. A number of illustrations will Ie nd additional interest to the articles. Important Moments. The aira of this series of very short articles is to the sijfnal occasions when some decisiveevent took place, or when some preat expei-iinent was tlrst thowa to be successful- such moments as that of the flrst use of the Atlantic cable, the llrst use of the telegraph and telephone, the flrst successful experiment with ether the nin of the Chicigo fire, tbe seene at the momento!' the vote on the impeachraent of Andrew Johnson, etc, etc. Out of Door Papers. In the early spring will be bogun a number of seasouable articles, them being: Small Country Places, how to lay out and beautify them, by Samuel Paksons, Jb. JFishhig Lore from an Angler's Note JBook, by Dr. Leeoy M. Yale. Mouittaiii Station Iylfe in New Zeal'and, by Sidney Dickinson. Bacing in Australia, by Sidney Dickinson, with illustrations by BniGE Hakrison. The illustrations are made from original material. A f uil prospectus appears in the Holiday Number, now ready. PR1CE, 25 CENTS. $3.OO A YEAR. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, Pubiishers, - 743 and 745 Broadway, New York.