Local Brevities

Go to the opei-a house, Tuesday ovenitig. E. B. Hall is moving into his new house on Hill street. And now is the time to pay your subseription or the Argus. The Wa-shemaw Evening Tinies ce'.ebrated its ürst anniversary, Tuesday. A private dancing party will be given at Granger's hall, this eveuing. Mrs. Theresa Vinkle died on Thursday of last week, aged thirty-one years. The Argus hopes all its subscribers have had a very enjoyable Thanksgiving. James E. Harkins took part in a dramatic entertainment in Detroit las't eveuing. Frank Burns, a vagrant, was sent to jail for one day by Justice Pond, Monday. Cora Murray, of the Fifth ward, broke lier leg last week coasting down Broadway. The collection at the Unjpn service, yesterday, was for the Woman's Charitable Union. The etcction of officers of "VVashtcna w ehaptcr, E. A. M., will be held on Monday evening, Dec. 7th. Prof. Truebïood is deUvering a series of lectures on, "Passion Plays," before the M. E. Sunday schoo!. Miss Irene Kent and Miss Bertha Welby will appear at the Grand opera house on Tuesday night. The Standard O il Co. tank is now eorapleted. A tank wagon supplies dealers with oil every morning. An "evening of oratory" was given at the A. M. E. church, last evening, by the Ann Arbor Debating club. ; A pumpkin pi and baked bean social will be held in the M. E. chapel in the Fiith ward, this evening. The U. of M. team was defeated in a closely contested gaine at Cleveland, yesterday, by a score of 8 to 4. President Angelí has moved back into his house, which was closed for repairs during the summer and fall. The Thompson-Huston Electric Co. will put in anotlier dynamo to supply the demaiid fof incandescent lighting. The town clerk of Anu Arbor will pay for woodchuck scalps in the basement of the court house, on Saturday, December 5. The Gesangverein Lyra gave Miss Flora Diehl a pleasant surprise party at her home on Packard street, Wedneaday evening. The "peanut social" of the Unity Club, Monday evening, was a unique and enjoyable affair, enjoyed by a good size dcrowd. Dead eels have 'feeveral times clogged the wheels of the mili at Foster's. About two busheüs ol dead eels were removed the other day. J. T. Jacobs Camp, No. 90., Sons of Veterans, will give a social and entertainment at G. A. R. hall on next Ttoursday evening, Dec. 3. New cars are expected soon on the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti motor line, when the road will bc equipped to carry 500 passengers at a time." Within a short time Union Council, II. and, S. M., at Ypsilanti, will confer the degrees upon a class of about twenty candidates from Ann Arbor. Hon. Geo. E. Wendling, the second number on the Students' Lecture Association course, at University Hall, Saturday evening. Subject, "Saúl oí Tarsus.". s T!he tax rolle will be in the hands of the city treasurer next Tuesday. Alter tüiat day it wiW be tlie proper thing to drop into the Argus office and pay your taxes. Louis P. Jocelyn, of the High cShool teacMng forcé, will be ordained as minister of the Protestant Episcopal church in St. Paul's church, Detroit, next Saturday. Aa enjoyable surprise party was given to Miss Flora Koen, corner of Fifth avenue and Liberty street, Friday eveniug, by a score of lier classmates in the High School. Last Monday evening a large class of young l'adies was formed for gymnastic exercise at Harris hall. The first meeting will be held next Monday afternoon at iive o'dock. At the "college day social," held at the Methodist parsonage, last Frlday eveniiig, a hundred names were added to the membership roll of Wesleyan Chapter of the Epworth League. The annual election oí officers of Fraternity lodge, F. and A. M., wlH bc held next Wednesday evcning. The election of Golden Rule lodge will place on the followlng rvcning. The Junior League of the M. E. church will give a "Methodist social" in the church parlors tliis evening at sevcn o'clock. An important business meeting will be held after the uocial. Next Sunday eveninj; belng the Eve of St. Andrew'a Day, special addresses will be made ia connectlon with the organization and work of 6t. Andrew's Brotherhood in St. Andrew's church. The ladies sliould not miss attending Miss MÜey's Grand Hoüday Opening of fancy articles, on Friday and Saturday of this week, as advertised on our fourth page. Pretty things werc never so numerous. The Tappan Asociation has re-e'.eeted the foïlowtag officers: President, Rev. Dr. Wallace Radcüffe; eecretary, Dr ."W. J. Herdman; treasuror, J. H. Wade. The library of the association numbers 4,000 volumes. Otseningo odge, No. 295, I. O. O. F., elected the foHowing officers Tucsday evening: Noble Grand, John J. Ferguson; Vice-Grand, James H. Ottley; R. S., Lawrence. J. Damm; P. S., John Wahr; Treas., C. L. Dow. Th eannual meeting o the Waslitenaw Horticulttrral society occurs December 5 at 2 p. m. in thé eourt house. The various committees will report and an exhibition will be made of íruit, vegetables and flowers. The Michigan Schoolmaster's club meete in tfaia city to-rnorrow in Boom 24 of University Hall. Prof. J. G. Pattengül reads a paper, ontitüed "A Practical View of the Teaching of Latin and Greek in the High School." The Arena, one of the debating so cletiés of of the Higli School, has elected the following officers: G. G White, president; Miss Charlotte Piek et, yice-pvesidi'iit; MUs Miimie Caldweil secretory; Miss Finch, critic; L. C. Todd, marshall. Saturday evcaing, a lamp explodcd in a student's room at W. W. DougW liouse on Washlngton-street, setting tire to a set oí lace curtains, and burning the carpet and other articles of furniture in the room. Loss less tban $100; fully insured. Edward F. Buss, treasurer oí Scio township, will be Ín Aun Arbor, in the county treasurer's office, the four last Thursdays in December, and the four Fridays at nis home, and the lo'ur Saturdays in C. S. Gregory's bank, Dexter, to receive taxes. Bev. Dr. Burnham, of Colgate üniversity, was greeted with a very large audience in University Hall, last Sunday evening and gave an eloquent and exceedimgly instruetive discourse on Atnos and Hosea and the dealings of God with the rebe-lious Jcws. Not all the sure shots among the hunters of the county are men. Mrs. John Maul'betsch, of Northfield, whÜe hnnting with her husband a few weeks ago, brought down, a fox, which was an achievement of which any of the male hunters would have been proud. The schools closed Wedaesday to open Monday. The pupils were told thato they had four days' vacation, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Suuday, but as they argüe they nave. Saturday and Sunday any way, some of them don't see where the four days' vacation comes in. Marshal Murray took George Öperry, a vagrant, to the Detroit house oí correction, Tuesday, to serve a 65 days' sentence, given him by Jostice Butts, on Monday. The same man had been arrested half a dozen times during the past two months and nceived Mght eentences before. It is hoped tnat all who can accomniodate any of the editors of the state and their wives on the occasion oí the meeting oí the state press asBoclatlon, January 12, 13 and 14, will at onco send their names to Miss Emma Bower, of the Demoerat, or hand thm to any editor in the city. Rev. T. Sunderhuid will prciieh a sermón, Sunday morning, upon the subject "The. Door of New Opportunity open to Women." TSha sermón wiil be one of especial interest to "King's Daughters," and parts in the service yrül be taken by members of this organization eonnected with the ckurch. "Mate" Schaifer, charged with keeping a house of iil-fame, talled to appear before Justice Pond, Monday morning, and the city is finally rid of her and her house for good. The otficers are now considering the question of prosecuting the owner of the building for renting his house for immora' purposes. The annual banquet of the Keystone lub, given on Thanksgiving eve., by ho president to the menibers oL that trganization, was given Wednesday vening, at the club house at Zukey ttfce. President Z. Roath was the host of the evening and the npread did not fall behind those given by his predecessors. Early Sunday morning, burglars att-empted to make an entrance into the residenee of Iíev. Max Hein, on S First street. A window was raisec but in trying to crawl through, a bi cycle was tipped over, the crash o the falling machine awakening the househoM. This frightened the bur glars away. The seniore of the High School have chosen the following board to Issue their annual publication, the Omega: D. E. Carinan, managing editor; A. W. Hamilton, bu.siuess manager; Mi: s s H. R. Finch, Johanna Neumann, Florence Janes and Minnie Boylan, and L. C. Todd, J. Baird, H. D. Hendry and E. Ii. Sunderland, associate cditors . Daniel Mayer will sell at auction, Thursday, Dec. 3, at 10 a. m., on his farm in Lima, seven miles west of Ann Arbor, on the Liberty gtreet road, and one mile south, or one mile west ol the Scio church, six horses, Jour cows, tour head young cattle, two-year-old Shorthorn buil, tweuty-nine Xiincohishire lambe, one buck, and a very aumerouá assortment of family inplements, etc. Fred Krause is auctioneer. David Kerwim, Michael Reidy and Ben Brndy, two plumbers and a waiter, were before Justiee Pond, Tuesday, eharged by Detective Brooks, oi the Michigan Central, -witli breaking ioto a freight car ou that road ano stealimg a ride. They were on their way to Chicago, and the justice al'mwcd them to continue their journey. senteneing them to one day in jail which they liad eerved beíore being brought before liim. Excelsior Chapter, R. A. M., of Ypsilanti. wlU visit the loeal chapter herc on líonday evening and exempüfy the roya! arcJi degree. On Wednesday evening. Doe. 2d, the Ypsilanti Chapter wlU visit their brethren at Detroit. They will go by special train, whielv wlll stort irom Ann Arbor, and nany of the Masons of this city aviU accompany thom. The íare Will be but $1.00 for the round trip, aud to people desiring to attend the thcatre, t wUl be a good opportunity, as a pecial train will return about miilnight.
Golden Rule Masonic Lodge
Washtenaw Evening Times
Woman's Charitable Union
Standard Oil Co.
Tappan Association
Washtenaw Horticultural Society
Keystone Club
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
E. B. Hall
Theresa Vinkle
James E. Harkins
Frank Burns
Cora Murray
Cora Murray Warren
Irene Kent
Bertha Welby
Flora Diehl
George R. Wendling
Louis P. Jocelyn
Flora Koch
Wallace Radcliffe
Dr. W. J. Herdman
J. H. Wade
John J. Ferguson
James H. Ottley
Lawrence J. Damm
John Wahr
C. L. Dow
J. G. Pattengill
G. G. White
Charlotte Picket
Minnie Caldwell
L. C. Todd
Edward F. Buss
C. S. Gregory
Mrs. John Maulbetsch
George Sperry
Emma Bower
Rev. J. T. Sunderland
Z. Roath
Rev. Max Hein
D. E. Carmon
A. W. Hamilton
H. R. Finch
Johanna Neumann
Florence James
Minnie Boylan
L. Baird
H. D. Hendry
E. R. Sunderland
Daniel Mayer
Frederick Krause
David Kerwin
Michael Reidy