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A Cloak SeqsationThree Days' Sale, Continued on Account of the Rainy Weather, Friday, Saturday and Monday, NOY. ÏI 28 Al 30 A Sale too good to be lost. Sample Garments purchased from three leading Manufacturera. Less than 5O Cts. On the Dollar. Consistiug of Ladies', Missrs' and Children's Newmarkets, Jackets, Astrachan Capes, Plush Sacques, Jackets aid Capes. The greatest Sacrifice Sale ever known. One Lot Children's Sample fíewmarkets, 6 to 17 yrs. Worth J5.00 to $8 00; Your Choice for $2.98. One LotofMisses' Sample Newmarkets and Jackets, 10 to 18 yrs., Worth $8.00 to $ 1 5.00; Your Choice for $4.98. One Lot Ladies' Jackets, Worth from $S.OO to $10.00; Your Choice for $1 98. One Lot of Ladies' Newmarkets, Worth from $8.00 to $18.00; Your Choice for S4.O7One Lot l'lush Cloaks, Worth $18.00; Your Choice Duringthis Sale S9.79. One Lot Ladies' Plush Jackets Worth $12. to S'S.oo; Choice $9.75. One Lot Plush Capes, Worth froin $7.00 to $10. o; Your Ch-iice for $2.75. One L01 Astrachan Capes, Worth $6. 00, Your Choice for $1.97. For Saturday oniy 500 Black liare Mufirs; Worth 75c, for 29c e?ch. 40 Dozen Ladies' Black Wool Hose, Worth 25c, for 15c a pair. 10 per cent Discount on our Entire Dress Goods Stock During this Three Days' Sale. Come in the Morning if Possible and Avoid the Crowds in the Afternoon. Sckirflta Leaders of Low Prices and Always the Cheapest. MañN PROS. DEALERS IN Hair Clippers, Brown & Sharp - ?3 5 Horse " " ■' " - 3.00 Cream Shaving Soap - - .10 Horse Tails Strops, genuine ■ 35 and 85 Turkish Cosmetic - - -S Water Hones - . ' - 50 to 1.00 Gerraati Yellow Hones - - 50 to 2.50 Rozors (Hammer Brand) ■ 1.25 and I.50 Mug with Cream Soap - -25 MANN BROS., 39 S. Main Street, - Ann Arbor, Mich. Havinj? boujclit the wond yard and feed business of Georire H Hazelwood, i propose to keep WOOD OF ALL KINDS Kindling Wood. Balea Hay and Straw, Flour and Feed of the best quallty, Charcoal, etc. Goods delivered to any part of the city. CASH PAID FOR CORN and OATS The flrm wiil continue the truck business of (J.H. Jones iis before. .Urders by telephonc pi (iinptly-ttt tendea to. H„ C. Cark, 33 East Huron St. Teicphone 14. One door west of Firemen's llali. Health is Wealth! j"ÑT7!7E j ■ íJhai n 1B K.C. WkktVNehvk andBrainThreatMINT, B guarauteed speciflc lor Hystoria. Dizziness. f'onviilsious. Kits, Nervous Neuralgia, Ih duche, Nervous l'iostration eaused by the use .f ulcuhol nr tolmcco. Wakefutness, Mental Uepr.ssion, Si ftening of the Brain resulting in ipsnnity and learting to misery, decay and driii ii. Premature ü!d Age, Barren ness, Loss of pnwer In eilber ?ex, Involuntary Losses hixI Spermatorrbcea oaused by over-exertion of thii braln, wll'-almse or over-indulgcnce. Eftch box containa one month'e treutment. íl.cii a box, or pix boxes for ïö.UÜ, sent by mait prepaid on reoeipt of T'rice. WUGDAKANTEESIX BOXES Tocure any With each order rteeived; bv U8 forpix boxes accompauied witb $5.00, we wï]l tend ihe pnrohasi'r our written guurunti-r to refund the moiiey if the treatmentdoes not eff.-et a eme. Guarantees ifsued only b' Ebertiauh & öon. nru-ryists, Solé Agentó, A nu Arbo-,Mit'.. $500 - T WK wlU puv the u.' ve r. of liiverComplaiin, Dyspep 1 ij(1ir('stion, Oonptipation or Costiveness we cannot cure wit li Wost's Vegetable Liyer Pilis, when the direetions are strictly complied with. 'l'hey are purely Vegetable, and oever fail to give satisfaotion. Kngar Coated. Large boxes, containiiiif 80 Pilis, 25 cents Beware of counterfeitB and imitations. The genuine manufactured only by THE JOHN C. WEST COMHANY, CHICAGO, 1LL. For sale by all druggists.