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YOUR BREAD , CAN'T BE SOUR IFYOUUSE GILLETT'S MAGIC YEAST SUfcK NEVEGOETS ECONÓMICA!. S0URAak for "Magie" at your Grocer's. Let him ell bis olher kinds to other people. - -THE SI P i 1 % i 58 ÜPNImWIi nPffllmlMI E & FOR 1892. AN INDEPENDENT, C02CPLETE AND A BLE NEWSPAPEB. THE REPRESENTATIVE JOURNAL OF NEW ENGLAND. Established in 1824 by Samuel Bowles. FnUiibed DAILY, SUNDAY and WBÏKLT, The Sprikofield RepübliCan is emphatically a Jieuispaper for the people. It publishes all the news that is news in the broadest and highostsense, unaffectedby partisan or personal prejudice. Itis enterprising-, alert and intelligent in the performance of its duties to the public. It has its own decided opinions ou public questions, and these opinions are ex. pressed with vigor and ability, but thoy are notallowedto color its news columns. The Rbpublican is a thoroughly fair journal. Membersof all parties whodesire to keep in. formedofihe important political events and discussiona of the presidential eampaign of 1892, should subscribe for The Kepublican. THE DAILT REPTTBLICAN Was started in SU, and is the oidest daily paper in the state outsideof Boston. It has al. ways kept abreast of the times, and has been quick to avail itself of the best modern appli anees for the onlargemeut and itnprovement of its news service. It is now regularly an eight-page sheet with seven wkle columus to the page, and supplemental pages are frequently added as tbc demands ol' news or advertising require. It covers the news of the world with discriminatlngr care and thoroughness. New England happenings and interests receive special attention and liberal space, and a large lorce of special reporters and correspondentsareconstantly employed in gather ing the local news of Western Massaehusetts and the neighboring counties of Connecticut, Vermont and New Hampshire for its readers! It6 edstorial pag-e is broad in range, independent, elevating, and interesting in quality. lts literary departmentis of a rcmarkably higb order. lts political correspondence is furnished by independent, well-informed and capable writers. It publisbes, moreover, a great variety of interesting and valuable geneial correspoudence and selections. ■rnjs SUNDAT EEPUBL1CAN Was first pubüslied in 1878 in response to a real publio demand ui Wes';ern Massacliusetts for a flrst-class, higb-toned Sunday newspaper. Since that timo it lius been constantiy improved and it hi6 beentwiee enlarged. Fully four-flftlis of its 5ii columns oi' space is devoied to matter of a high order, embraeing nows, special oorrespondenoe, a full pag-e of editorial matter, a (icpartment of books, authors and art, a first-vate weokly story and a weeldy sermón, Bportlng and theatrical news and notes, special articles, original and selected poctry, etc. The Sunday Repúblicas is a thoroufj-bly wholesome, excellent and interesting- jonrnal, wc-11 adapted to the tastes aud wanta oi' the inteUlarent New Eugland public. THE WEEKLY REPUBLIOAN Is now more than fi7 yoars old, but ageonly im" proves its quality. Jt continues to be what it hus Ion been, a remarkably faithful and comprelienslve record of American life. lts weeldy roview of the news is rery carefully compik-d, and its ]2 broad pages contain in clitiou to the news, a womlerfully rieh collection of vuluable and entertainiDR matter. AU the best features of The ÍMily and Suhday Rbpüblican are reproduced in The Weekly in full or but slightly abridg-ed, and arranircd with admirable skin and imelligence for the eonvenience and pleasure of the reader. The result is a weekly nevs and family journal which far exceds iu interest and worth any similar publication in the United States. It is a paper that New Eng-landers at home and abroad wijl nud of special value, and which Americans everywhere cao appreciate and enjoy. STJBSCEIPTION RATES. DAILY: 7U cents a month, $2 a quarter, $8 a year. SUNDAY: 50 cents a quarter, $2 a year. WEEKLY: 50 cents for 6ix months, $1 a year. All subecriptions are payable strictly in advance. Specimen copies l'ree. FEEE FOB ONB BTONTH. The Weekly Republican, a 12-pag-e paper, will be sent free for one month to any one who wishes to try it. New subscribers to The Weekly for 1892 can have the paper free for the balance of 1891 . Address THE REPUBLICAN, Springtf eld, Mass. Sealed Bids. Sealed bids vill bc received at the City CKrk's office, of the City of Ann Arbor. up to Oee Ist, 1OJ, at 4 o'clock p, m.. for lig-htiuatho cily wilh HO ure lijrlits of 2,000 cundle power, to run from sim down to 12:30 a. m.. on Philadelphia schc.dule of moonlijarht lig-hting-, contra, t to ruu for one year. The right to reject any and nll bids is reserved. By order ofihe Cominon Couucil W. J. MILLER, City Clerk. Ann Arbor. Nov. öth, 1891. FREDERICK KRAUSE AUCTIONEER. Will attend to all sales on short notiee at reasonable chanres. For further particulars cali at the Arqus office.