Additional Local
M.iny student, this w, k, have tak en advantage of the reduced rates of fered ljy the rallroade and are apend Ing iheir vacatlons ejsewhcr. Mr.s. IIsu-i-V! '! a.v-nr, wü'r of J. C Taylor,. Hying on I'.i-oadway. was Btrtoto'sn down with apop'xy liistev.n Ing on Detroit Street, whlle retarnlng i" der lioiiic.-uid died soon aftérwards from the effcets of f he strke. An English Lntberan Sundaj sehoo was organized at the Discip'.es c-hurch last Simday. Dr. P. H. Brown was elected superintendent; C:u-1 Iange assistani superintendent; Miss Marj Eng-'.ehardt, secretary; Mrg'. Brown breasurer; Cari Schlenker, organist Teacliors were appointed as follows Prof. Beiser, senior class; Mrs.' Brown lodlflB1 Biblp class; .Miss Paulim Weis, H. J. Siagle, F. H. Belser, intermedíate classes; Miss Clara Bhetfleld primary. The Sunday school opens next Suuday at three o'elock in the Disrip'i-s church. For several ïnonths, goods have been regülarly stolen from freight cars on the Michigan Central, between Detroit ánd this city. Trampa have made it quite a practiee of breaking into cars and steal'ing rides, usually taking some artteles of value from the car betere teavtng. About two months ago, Detective Brooks, of the Michigan Central force, was stationed here and has since captured more than a score of fcramps at this point, -vvho luid broken üito freight cars and werc steaUng rides., Monday night he mail:' his íatest haul, ;i gang o! fcüre?, and p'ai'i-il fchem ia jail. The WeMs memorial wimlow. whlch has been placed in the Chancel recess of St. Andrew's church, is the finest window in Michigan. It is 12 by 16 feet in size, and the colors are dar, contrastlng well wifch the other wiudows in the church. The design for this window was originally made for a lni-ge London church but was not used. The sccne brought out is the "Kesurrection Morning," representlng the Angel sitting on the stone by the sepulcher, white the three women who carne to visit the tomb are standing on one side. The charm of the winöaw is ;u the blendiag o: ths d.-r.-k coiors. A.8 is usual at this season o!' i!i y-:;:. Ann Arbor is infested with trampa, goimg jfrom house to house, bog-ging money and food. The authorities could soon niake this city a place that th; gentry would shun, if they worked it riglif. A tramp liate.s work as badly as he does water, and if every one brought before a justice' was ssntenced to twcnty or thirty days at pounding stoue, Ann Arbor woul'd not bs bothered much -nith them. A sentence of one, two or ten days in a nice comfortablc jail is what the tramp is looking for, but the stone-yard lias nntold horrors for them. Anothor horse and carriage were stoJen from the barn of Conistock F. HUI, ïiear Saline, Wedncsday evening, inaking the seeond rig taken from the same place within a month. The iamily were all up when the ris' was taken. A young man drove out from Saliae lo sec Mr. HillSe daughter carly in evefliug, and whcn he went to hltcli up to return home, about eleven o'clock, ]ie failed to find bis buggy and robes. He called to Mr. HUI and upon investigation it was iound that a horse and barness beJongVng to Jlr. Hill were also missing. The rig was traeked soutn for about three miles, bul tliere a'A traces oi :t were lost. Mr. HK1 Is pretty warm and offers $10!) i-i'ward for the thiel and $50 for the property, to whleh the sheriff adds another 50 for thé t!]i f. The Unity Club wishes to cali the attention of the citizens oí Aun Arbor and a'.l who are interested in the Vjrork of the club, to the fiict that this week is the best chance to purohase tickets for oor most admirable course of lecturcs, papers, musical ent.-iinmentK, etc. lectura b.v Col. Kylvc.ster LariK-d, of Detroit, takes place oa Monday eveuing, nexc. His suSJect is remiïiiscenoes of Washington in the days of Clay, Calhoun and Wcbstcr. It is thought that this lecture will be something especially üne and it ie urged that ai'l who are intending to attend the course procure tickets as soou as possible for no reduction will be made on account of lecturcs. This lecture and that of Mrs. Bïary A. LiTermore, on "Columbus and the Diseovery of America,"' should be heard by everyone. These two lcctures besides fifteen other entertaininents are oífered íor the very low pric' of ono dollar, it will pay everyone ío procure season tickets as single admlsslon for Col. Larned's and Mrs. Livermore's lectures will be 25 eeats respectivcly. Let no onc fail to hear these bwo, cspeelally. Mr. M. Hallar, who is sclling cárpete b.v aamplea for a Iarg Chicago firm, has received a revlslefl priee ist and can at present sptendid bargains lo Carpets, Rugs and Art squan.
Michigan Central Railroad
Unity Club
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Harriet Taylor
J. C. Taylor
Mrs. J. C. Taylor
F. H. Brown
Carl Lange
Mary Englehardt
Carl Schlenker
Pauline Weis
H. J. Slagle
F. H. Belser
Clara Sheffield
Comstock F. Hill
Sylvester Larned
Mrs. Mary A. Livermore