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At The Store

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CLOAK a DEESS GOODS SALE! The Great Cloak Sale annoünced for this week owing to the bad weather is postponed till next week, commencing Monday, Noy. 30. Over 200 Garments Kanging in Price f rom $10.00 to $25.00 will be placed on Salo Monday at $7.77. Tuesday at $6.66. Wednesday at 5.55. Thursday at $4.44. Friday at $3.33. Saturday at $2.22. Ulm MUUU& QW Uure is your opportunity: A nice Wool Dress of 8 yards, doublé fold, $1.35. 200 Pieces to select froin. All new Goods and styles nevei wortli less than 30c a yard. Also 100 pieces fine Homespuns, Cheviots, Camel s Hair, Storm Serges and French Flannels in erery Weave and Color. JS'ext week only 38 ets. These are our ragular 75c Goods and wil] be on SaJe everv day next week. MACK & SHMID. A GENTS WANTED.-Gentleman or lady in ■- evory city, and village in Michigan, w'here not represented, to bny and sell our famous Organs, Symphonias, Pueumatic Svmphonys (Self-Playing Organs). eic For our Organs catalogues, or an agency, ouly uddress our State Agent, N. VanDorwerken, Manchester Mioh. THE WILCOX & WHITE OHGAN CO Please inention thia paper. Grand Opera House ONE NIGHT ONLY. Thursday Evening-, Dee. 3, '91 Positively the only performance oí this great production In Anu Arbor. VV. A. Itrady's Superb Original Production of the VVorld-famed Ctaancean Case Alexander Dunas' Greatoet Play. MISS EMMA BELL, AS IZA, the Hewiiching, Handsome Model 'Uie Virgin-8:00 p m; The Pnge- 8:30 p mTheModel-flrlX) pm; TIn? Bride-9: ló p ra The Wife-Í):4ñ p ni; The Siren-IO:ló p m. Koifninji Sensation of the world ! Direct trom the Standard Theatre, New York City wlth uil the Identical tast, Scenery and Etfects. Prices, - 5O, 75aud$l.OO cats on sale t P. O. News Stand.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News