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[Crowded out last week. J Wedding bella aré riaaging freely thlg week in this vicinity. Wm. Bacon went to New York the first oí this week wlth a car load of poullry. Eev. ü. H. Conrad preaehed the union Thankagiving sermón at the M. E. church. Winter weather lia.s s?t in upwarda oí two weeks earlior fchan lt has for yiany years past. Chauncey Clark of Lyndon has lost all his Iiogs with the cholci-a and will have to buy pork for family use. The Baptist ehurch society liad a well patronized and pleasant chickenpie social at the town hall, Tuesday tiig'ht, ïhe co'Jd weather has preventcd farmers doing their usual amount of fa'.l plowjmg besides catching much eorn and stalks out. Hog cholera continúes to take off many porkers in this vicinity, some lOÈlng a part and others all they had The Epworth League of the M. Ë. thurth he'd a rectp ion at their chu ch Wetlnesday night of last week for the young peop'-e of the other churches, which was well attended and all had il srood time. The markets have been active this week but gcnernJIy weak and inclined downward. Red wheát stands at 91 cents and white at 90; rye, 86; barley, dull and nominal at $1 to $1.10 per üundred; oats, 30 ets.; beans, $1 to $1.30; clover eeed, $4.50 for prime ive hogs, 3 ets. per hundred; eattle 2 to 3 cents; turkeys, 9 ets.; cliickens 6 ets.; ducks and geese, 6 cents; butter 22 cfnts; eggs, 20 ets; potatoes, 30 ts., onions, 60 ets.; apples, 35 ets. per barrel.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News