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Mi. J. Hummel, of Chelsea, dled on Thureday, after a íong illness. Leoni and Grass L.ake sportsmen are trying to arrangc a competitivo hunt. G. V. Jaekson has been elected commamlor of Wm, Bell post, G. A. R., at Dundee. Dr. N. W. Tracy has been holding a series of temperance meetings at Tecumseh. Heek's mili, in Teeumseh, is iiow in shape and is running night and day to catch up with orders. The b.-ini of John C. Hockstadt, iu Ypsilanti burned on Tuesday of last. week, loss about $200. There was wily one prisoner to take dinner with the sheriff of Livingston cou-nty on Thanksgiving. The old Fi-iends' meeting house has been purchased by private parties and will be made over into a resldanee. MoncbesteT young folks are to learn to dance this winter. Bugene of Hillsdale, will instruct them in tinart. W. B. Iester has been arrested at Stockbridge for not closing 'nis billiard hall at ten p. to., as preseribed by the village ordiuance. B. E. Sparks, who has been spending a conple of years at Omaha, istepending the remaiuder of t'his year with his paren ts at Chelsea. Sneak thieves are working the farms in the neighborhood of South L,yon. Messrs. Richards, Gould and Smith have lost considerable corn and iork aa the resul t. The Southern Waghtenaw Farmers' club niects to-day al W.H.Henion'S, 4 miles Mist of Manchester. H.B. l'almer will read a paper 011 "What crops upon the farm are produced at a loss.'' Frank Logan, who already nas 1290 acres oí land ander cultivation, can't kci']i busy enough to keep out of mis, eund lias rented the f armi oí Z. T. Starr, in Bridgewater. E. R. Smith lias a plan for supplying Clinton and Manchester with electric lights, by putting in an electric plant at his mili in Bridgewater. All lie asks is that 200 incandesceut lights be pledged ín Clinton and 300 in Manchester. The Duindee Reporter is a little rough on some of lts oitizens or else some of the citizens themselves are a little tougli. It sajrs: "It was a question on Sunday whether there were more who waiked along Monroe street going to chuich or more who waiked the other way on a hunting expedition." James McCabe was brought before Justice Calkine charged with disposing oi a horse on whieh James Blackwood held a cJiatti-l mortgage. In the examination the defendant claimed iie was so druwk he did not know he had disposed oí theproperty. Mr. McCabe gave bail to appear 'or the postponed examination, Dec. 9th.- South Lyon Excelsior. Tecumseh Herald: Mrs. James Kennedy departed this life on Friday last, at the age of 71 years. She was stricken with apoplexy about two weeks previously, from which she oever recovered. The funeral was held at her home in tilis village Monday afternoon. Many of her old neighbors and friends from Raisin were present. In addities to tliose living in the villaeg. The bnrial service iroin the Episcopal ritual was read by Rev. J. Phc'ps and apprppríate musi? was rendered by the ehoir. Here'a a sample of what a minister can do whn Ue sterts on a story. Manchester Enterprise: "Dan Gage accompanied Rev. Cope to Lcnawee eonoty and they went into Ohio huntijiii. Tlicy returned home to-day with G3 quail and one partridge. The eider informa us that 'Dan drovo up a Hoek f quail and shot one with eaeh barrel, the dos cauffht one and anbther oné flew direct iy towards Da:; ;i:iI 'm struek it witl] iiis gun and killed it. If those Ohio poople want any quail they better have a law passed prdhibiting these Michiganders froni huilt i ng there. Died, in this village, on Nov. 27th, at the residence of iier son-in-law, John Hughes, of acute bronchitis, Mrs. Mary Wheeler, aged 57 years. The deceased was born in Rome, Mich., and lived for many years in Adrián. About three years ago her hnsband pasifed on to the better land, and since tlien she has niade her home with her daughter here in Tecumseh, Mrs. John Hughes. She has been afflicted with broDchial trouble for some years, but her death was somewhat sudden and iiiicxpected. The funeral services were eoaducted on Sunday by Rev. W. H. Iïabbitt, and the remalna were taken to Adrián for interinent.- Tecumseh Herald. It must be that the horses that propel the Tecumseh milk wagons have a special prejudice agojnst working on Thanksglving daj-, or else they were on a strike last Thursday. The team on Adama & Bryan's wagon Btruck in the morning - struek out at a pace saltogether too speedy to insure the rapid formation of cream - ran north on Evans street and up Pottawatamie street, dragging the wagon along on its side, and were stopped after a lavish distrlbutlotn of mllK ana eans along fche tilghway. Dlck Farley's horse must have also been on the' lookout lor a lockout, at any rate he broug&t matters to a crisis, upset the milk wagon, produoi'd a fall In mllk on Pottawatamle street, and demoralized thlngs generally. Guess our mllkmen nre srlad Thankscirlnc day comes but once a year.


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