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WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. W ANTEO A nalf dozen wood ehoppers. For articulara apply to J. '1'. Jacobs & Co 71-73 FOR RUNT- House and Lot, witu bavn, well and eister-, lor $12 50 a month, Located at 25 st. Apply to E. Clancy. 70-72 FOR SALE - FÍve acres on West Hurón stree'. Goood liouse, harn, orchard. Beautiful location. Will sell on easy leruis. Apply to oruddress E. D. Davis, West Huron street, Ann Albor, Michigan. 70tí TO UENT- Five unfurnished rooms at 10 E. Washington st. 70-72 FOR SALT5- 4 Horses. 3 Cows, a Wagons, 1 Doublé CarriagB, 1 Buggy, 1 Roller, 1 Horse Rake, 1 Drill, 3 Ploughs, 2 Drags, 2 Cuiti vators. 1 Cutter. 1 Bob Sletgh, 2 Doublé Harness, 2 Sing-le Harneas. Ënquire at Mann's Drug store, Aan Arbor. 70tf LOST- Friday, Nov. 27. Black Shepherd dog wltb tan colored leps aud spots over eyes, ; answers to name of Shep. Reward for si'unc at E P. Cook's Livery Barn, Ann Arbor. W-T3 , t'Y your wood at the sawmill and save money. Cord and stove wood 'onstantly on hond.' Cor. Hiil and Paokard St. F. M. Hallock. 03 71 AOF.NTS WANTED.- GentlPmM n or lady, in every city, aud vülupe in Miohlgran, where not represen led. to bny and peil uur famous Orjrans, Symphonlas, Pneuuiatic Symphouys (Self-Playing Organs), ec For our Organs, catalogues, or hd ayency, only address our State Agent, NT VanDerwerken. Manchester Mich. THE WILCOX & WHITE ORGAN CO Please mention this paper. ORDERS for the Champion Weather strips for doors and windowB may be left or addresstd to M J. Furnum, 28 N. State street. They keep out wind, suow, dust and rain. 68-70 l?OR SALE OR -New house, ten rooms, with all modern conveniences. on Forest avenue. Apply to Henry Richards, 9 Detroit St. 65-67 WANTED- A girl to help a pants-maker. Wagner & Co., 21 South Main St. 64tf i A Y farm at Scio of 200 arorps for sale. ] have no boys that will work the ranch, and I am to oíd lo farra. If not sold bef ore the flrstof March ncxt it is to rent. Geo. A. Peters. 62tf TO RENT- Home, just outside of west cirjIimit8. Inquire at T2 S. Main Street. F O RSALË."Farm of l'orty acres at WhMmoreiake, Mich. Goid house. Fivemioutes' walk from h'rtelsan.l post-offioe. Excellent sofl. Apply to Walter L. Taylor, S0 Broadway, Ann Arbor, Mioh. R9-tf FOK RENT- Twq commodious pleosantfiats, witb six rooms'eaoh in New Kloek on Stilte Street. Enquire at Ko. 18 South Suite street. i;- tr. ANN ARBOR NURSERY-Fruit and ornamental trees. Peach and pear a speolalty. Grajn vines, berry olanrs, etc. Prico ov. Jacob Ganzhorn, head of Spring street. fl.LJl November 15, 1891. im3 Lansine and Northern Railroi A.M. P M. ; P.M. Leave Howell 10:16 3:45 8:59 Arr. South Lyon 1(1:48. Plymouth 11:11 9:54 Detroit 12:00 5:101 10:40 Leave kowell !):0ü 12:43 6:45 7:23 Arr. Lansing 10:05 1:60 8:05 8:18 Grand Ledge... 10:30 2:30 8:32 8:40 Lake Odessa ... 11:10 9:15 ' Grand Kapids.. 12:10 . 10:15 Iouia 11735 sTlS 9:40 ...... P.M Greonville 12 32 4:58 10:37 Howard City... 1:10 5::i5 11:20 Vaut train leaves Detroit 1:15 p m, Ro'vell ■ :"7 p m, arrive at Lansing 3::;ti p m. Grand R-i pias 5:15 p m. Leave Grand Rapids 1:OÜ p m, irrive at Laiising 2:.",ü p m, Howell 3:45 p m, D'-iroit 5:10 p m. 'arlorCars on all trainpbetween PorroHand Giand Rapids. Seats, 25c lor anyditstanee. flM November 15, 1891. lifllGSigü and West Michigan Hailway. A.M. i P.M. P.M. P. M. Leavo Grand Rapids.D:00 12;05 5::K) 8:30 Arr. Holland 9:55! 12:45 6:25 9:30 Grand Haven.. 10:37j 3:41 7:05 10:13 Muskeg-on 11:05 4:15 7:35 10:4j A.M. PM. Leave Grand Rapids 7:25 5:17 Arr. Newayjsro 8:52 6:49 White Cloud 9:17 7:15 Big Rapide 10:45 8:15 Baldwin 10:25 8:34 " Ludington via p.m. F, &P. M. 2:00 10:20 " Mauistee via SI. &N. E 12:20 J0:22 Traverse City 12:45 10:59 Daily . Other trnins week days only. Free Chair cars between Grand Rapids and Manistee. Leave Grand Rapids 5 17 p. m. The "Favorites" between Detroi Grand Rnpids and all points in Western and Northern Michigan. GEO. DkHAVEN, General Passeng-er Agent. THE SONG OF THE "No. 9." My dress is of fine polished oak, As rich as the finest f ur cloak, And for handsome design You just should see mine- No. 9, No. 9. I"m beloved by the poor and the rich, For both I mpartially stitch; In the cabin I shine, In the mansion Fin fine- No. 9, No. 9. I never get surly nor tired, With zeal I always am fired; To hard work I incline, For rest I ne'er pine - No. 9, 'o. 9. I am easily purchased by all, With instalments that monthly do fall; And when I am thine, Then life is benign- No. 9, No. 9. To the Paris Exposition I went, Vpon getting the Grand Prize intent; 1 lef t all behind, The Grand Prize was mine- No. 9, No. 9. At the Universal Exposition of 1889, at Paris, France, the best sewing machines of the world, including those of America, were in competitiou. They were passed upon by a jury composed of the best f oreign mechanical experts, two of whom were the leading sewing machine manufacturers of France. This jury, after exhaustive examination and tests, adjudged that the Wheeler & Wilson machines were the best of all, and awarded that company the highest prize offered- the GRAND PRIZE- giving other companies only gold, silver and bronze medals. The French goyernment, as a further recognition of superiority, decorated Mr. Nathaniel Wheeler, president of the company, with the Cross of the Legión of Honor- the iaost prized honor of France. The No. 9, for family use, and the No, 12, for manufacturing uses, are the best In the world to-day. And now, when you want a sewing machine, if you do not get the' best it will be yourown fault. Ask your sewing machine dealer for the No. 9 Wheeler & Wilson machine. If he doesn't keep them, write to us for descriptive catalogue and terms. Agents wanted in all unoccupied territory. WIIEELEIi A WILSON MFG. CO. Chicago, 111. FOR SALE BY Jüchael Staebler, Ann Arbor, Micli. Mr. M. Ilaller, who ie eelling carpets by samples íor a large Chicago fírm, has received a revisled pricc Jist and can offer at present gplendid bargains io Carpcts, Rugs and Art squares.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News