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Council Proceedings

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[OFFICIAL.] Council Chamber. Aun Arbor, Dec. 7th, 1891. Eegular meeting. Council met and was ealleÖ to order by Pres. Coolry. Iioll called. A quorum present. Absent,' Aid. Wines- 1. Mtautes of previous meeting approved. PETIWONS M COMMUNICATIONS. To the Honorable Mayor and AÍdermen of the City of Ann Arbor. Gentlemen: - We hereby propose to continue the present contract for lighting the city of Ann Arbor for one year commencing Jan. lst, 1892, unto conditions and upon the same trms as at present in force, vlz: eighty are lights (80) at eightyome "dollars ($81.00) eaeh per year, lights to burn two hundred and sixtyfive (265) nights from dusk until 12.30 o'cloek a. m. The lighting to be done ouder the diroction of the Lighting Committee. Additional lights, should any be required, to be furnished upon the same terms. Also additional lighting, other than the time above specified, at proportional rates. Kespectfully yours, Tlie A. A. T. H. E. Co., A. L. NOBLE, Sec'y & Treas. Referred to lighting committee. REFORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. FINANCJB. To the Common Council: Youx Committoe on Finance respectfully report that they have liad the following bilis under consideration and would recommend their allowance at sums stated. CONTINGENT FOND. W. J. Miller, salary 6A 66 E B. Norris, " 25 00 Jacob H. Stark, janitor, salary 8 33 Eli W. Moore.six montlis' saiary 25 UU MissJessie F. Kuby, typewriting 75 Dr. E. A. Clark, salary 25 00 Sheehan &Co., Waple's Rules of Order, etc H 00 Henry Wilmot, posting bilis 100 Jas. É. Baeh, 5th and Bth ward engine house Insurance 17 50 Seyboldand Almendinger, repairs 3 00 W. J. Miller, post stamps 100 Louis Ronde, coal 6 25 Ann Arbor Savings Bank, interest 73 27 P. O'Hearn, 6alary 166 5U Ann Arbor T.-H. Electric Co., office 2 00 Ann Arbor T.-H, Electric Co., Street lighting 666 85 Total Í 1099 11 STREET ÏXTND. Felson Sutherlant), salary, 66 66 Sinith Motley, " 60 00 Philip Veasel, gravel 34 00 Christian Braun, Isbor 4 00 John Carrol I, 6now plowing 1 60 George Schlimer " 3 00 Heury Marsh " 160 Honry Warner " 3 00 (ieo. Weeks " 1 60 John McHugh " 3 00 Frank 8ütherland, labor 931 Michael Williams, labor 21 68 Wnj. Niinps, labor 14 63 Win. Kuehn, labor 13 U3 Juseph Hutze). labor 15175 Gustuve Walters, labor _ 1 o Karl Yardt, labor 2 25 Jacob Michenielder labor 75 Miohael Hession, labor 8 86 Willis Clark, labor 18 68 M. a. Murphy, labor 22 88 Dean &Co., eupplies 1 25 Patriek MeCabe, teaming _ 6 25 Dan Crawiord, teaming 3 15 Michael Kusterer, teaming l 1 75 Elias Saaier, teaming 111 70 N. Sutherland, horse and cart. 30 57 Michael Heary, teaming 10 60 Chauncy Thompson, repairing waLks 6 50 J.L. Judson, " " 88 00 Geo. Isbell.Coping 3 50 William Herz, paintiDg Bridge No. 2.. 45 00 K. J. Hogers, repairs 3 40 Frank Hallock, lumber 160 Wood & Son„ " 44 31 Seybold & Allmendinsrer, repairs 'i 6U Heinzmann & Laubengayer, salt 90 Sehuh & Muehlig, hardware, etc 33 89 Wm. Herz, painting sign 2 75 Total S 644 83 FIEE DEPARTMENT FUHD. Fred Sipley, salary 60 00 U. A. Jidwards, ealary au UU Louis Hoelzle, salary 45 UU Heury Mcl-areu. salary 46 U0 Chailus Uarroll, salary 4u UU Morgan Wiluains, salary 40 Uw Max YVittliuger, salary 4U OU Aiexander U. Jinus, salary 40 UU Herman Kim, salary iju Kobert tóoss, salary 8 uu Louis VVeininunu, talary 8 uu John Kinuey , saiary „,„. y Qu Sam McLaren, salary g w Ceorge Jeüele, hay 10 10 Freüeriuk tiast, carrots, assigued to b'vmi öipley - 7 02 Heinzuiuu ' Laubengayer, Uran ' d9 H. u. Clark, oau _ 4 5U lieo Swuet, oaw B 64 Autou Tumel, blankets and repairs. .. 21 3u Mrs . li. Keiim, washuis 4. uu Mrs. O. tí. fcall, sewing - cu I. Handy, pamung- 5 UU seaffravu o Co., brake 13 uu Total s 473 75 POIdKm FÜND. James 11. Murray, ealary 65 00 David colimo, isaiary au 00 JNoble C. Tiee, saiary 5U OU Joüu Kenny, special pólice z uu Aljohael iirenuer, speuial pólice uu Melviu C. f elersou, special pólice ' uu .Krank Canipion, special pólice 4 uu Al. ü. Alurpuy, speOiai pólice a UO JMelsou Butlierlaud, use oí two horses Ociober ölst 2 00 tóobiuson & Howleu, use of backs 3 óu VV. (i. snow, use oí bus and hack 4 uu Total $ 186 ÖU POOB JfUND. Fred Sipley, salary 10 00 Mrs. Evaus, aid. ti uo Miss Süaw, aid y ou J. Jvapp, woocl 1 75 auu Arbor linoK and Tile Co., 7B corus wood JJJ8 50 Doty it Feiner,ëhoes.- 7 65 Ed. JJully, rocerits a Ou J.T. Jacobs & (Jo., ulotbiuif 1 15 WilUain t'. .Lodboiz, grroceiies ö iu Wuiiaui H . Mclutyre, " o tí U'tlara Sc Boyle " 344 U. Kinaey, " 3 4 Kiusey & Scabolt " 7 ju J. Wuruer, " 500 Total.... $ 284 66 RECAPITUL.ATION. COQtingeut Fuud $1,09!} 11 Street Jj'uiid 644 sa Fire Fuud 473 5 Pólice Kuua lüti 50 l'oor i'uuu 284 uo Total tL.ti87 85 liespectfully submitted. Louis P. Hall, Ë. G. Mann, M[LL1AM ÜliRZ, Finalice Cum. Aid. O'Hearn moved that the report f be accepted and adopted and warrants j ordered drawn for the same. Which motion prevailed by a yea. and nay vote as follows: 1 Yeas - Aids. JJaiui, Herz, Martin, e Allmeiulinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Rehberg, Hall, Kitson, 1 and Pres. Cooley - 12. Nays- None. e REPORTS OK SPECIAL COMMITTF.KK. Aid. Mann, ehairman of special committeo on what suras of money will bc necessary to obtain the title to the la-nd required for the extensión oí S. Fourth ave., asked for fuether time which was granted. VAld. Hall, chairman of special eommittee on free beds for the city at Universlty Hospital, asked for fm-ther time whlch was grantèd. REPORTS OF CITy OKFICERS. CITY TKEASURER'S REPORT FOR TnE MONTH ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1891. To the Common Council of the City (ij Ann Arbor: Balance overdraft as per last report $5,858.09 MONEY HECEIVED. Contingent Fund- Mjller, licenses $ 5.tO Pólice Fund- Marshal Murray, fees 7.25 Justice Pond, flne 1 OU 8.25 Total $ 13.25 $5,845.44 MONEY D1SBURSKD. Contingent Fund.. $ 97f.72 Street Fund 768.00 " Firemen'g Fund 51U.2H Pólice Fund 178.U0 Poor Fund 165.06 Water Fund. ('emeiery Fund Soldiers' Keliel Fund 33.00 Total $2,6250 BALANCE ON HAND, Contingent Fund overdrawn $3,057.36 Strett Fund, ovcrdrawn 7,723.76 iireuien'sFund, overdrawn 828 06 Pólice Fund ,4.47 Funil, overdr'w 1,019.08 Water Fund MtM 71 Cemetery Kund 6&88 Soldiers' Relief Fund. 569.40 UiiivorMty Hospital Aid Bond Fund 810.00 Delinquent Tax Fund ovprdrawu 382.38 Tax Fund 100.00 Total $3,656.12 $12,u2fi 63 Total overdrafts $8,470.5] Respectf ully submitted, S. W. Beakes, City Treasurer. Ann Arbor Cily, December 1, 1891. Ann Arbor Savings Bank ) Ann Arbor, Mich., Dec.2,1891. ] To the Mayor and Aldcnrien of the City of Ann Arbor: This will certify that the account ol S. W. Beakes, City ïreasurer, is over drawu in the amount of Eight Thousand, Four Hundred Seventy-sever and 3-100 Dollars, ($8,477.03). Respectfully, Chas. E. Hiscock, Cashier. The reporta of city clerk, marshal and superintendent oí the poor wer received, read and placed cm file. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. Alderman Herz Moved, that the resolution of Aid Fergusom for the extensión of Sunimit st. cast to Detroit st. be taken froa the table and put upon its passage The resolution of Alderman Fergúsoin was then read, as follows: Whereas, This council havin through its committee duly instructed for that purpose, made a fair and reascmable effort to obtain the riglit of way for the extensión of Summit et. eusterly frcun Beakes st. to Detroit st.; also a release of damage likely to 'be oasioned thereby, and this council doth declare that such right of way has not been acquired by purchaee or otherwise, for the reason that they were not able to agree with the persons interested in the land and tenements, required therefor, or aifected tnereby, therefore Resolved, That the city clerk do certify this resolution to the city attorney, vrho is hereby directed iorthwith to institute proceedings in condemnation, and acquire such right of way and settle such and all such claims for damagss. Aid. Martin moved that Aid. Heri's motlon be laid on the table. Which was lost by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aids. Mann, Martin, Taylor, Hall, Kitson- 5. Nays- Aids. Herz. Allmeadinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Rehberg, Pres. Cooley - 7. The niotion of Aid. Herz then prevailed. ; The resolutiioe of Aid. Ferguson was then lost two thirds of all the aldermen clect not vbtlng therefor, as follows: Teas- Aids. H rz. AlmandinKer, FÜi more, OHearn, Ferguson, Kehberg and Pres. Cooley - 7. Nays- Alds. Mann, Martin, Taylor Hall and Kitson - 5. MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS. By Aid. Mann. Whereas, Oomplaint having beer made of the lighting of the couri house doek, Kesolved, That the matter be rcferred to the lighting committee wlth direction to investígate and report to the council. Referred to lighting committee. By Aid. Ferguson. "Whereus, Detroit st. at and near its unction with Beakes st. has been considerably narrwoed by the Street railway track, and it appearing that the eaiety of the travcling public require fchat such street at such point be widened, therefore Resolved That the -widening o{ Detroit street along lot number sixteen block four, Ormsbey & Page's iddition to the city, is a necessary public improvement, that the sum of three humlred dollar.s ($300) bc aud the same is hereby appróprlated froui the contingent fund for the purpose of purchusing .said lot No. 10, from the A. A. Gas Oo. that an order therefor be drawn payable Feb. lst next for guch purpose, that delivery of such order be made ou delivery of a MTood and gufflcient deed of said lot, iliai af ter such purchase said lot be graded and used for street pnrpoee ilms wldenlng both Detroit .",nd Teakes sts. Which resolution prevalled by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas - Aid, Mann, Herz, Allmending;r, Fillmore, O'Hcarn, Ferguson, lor Behberg, Hall, Kitson, nd Pres. Ooaley- 11jiays- Aid. Martin- 1. ]!y AU1. O'Hi&artt. Wheras, the city has obtained, through tlie kindness of Hon. Jas. y Gorma n, two large and valuable iuaps of the United States, therefore, Resolved, That the thnnks of the council be tendered to Mr. Gorman, for his prompt and favorable congideration, that the city clerk do transmi t to Congreseman Gorman a copy of tliis resolution under the seal of the city. Which resolution itnanhuously prevniled. By Aid. Taylor. Resolved, Tliat the mayor be and he is hereby authorized and empowered to appoint for the term of one year, p B.vcraft and Ilobert Leonard, special poliwnen lor the purpose of gunrdinir the property of and conserving the peace at the grand poera house in this city, such policemeu, howeviT, to perform such service without coste to the city, and also the city to be without liability for any neglcct of duty on their part. Wliich resolution prevailed. By Aid. Fillmore. Resolved. That a special committee of five be appointed by the chair, and -,harged with the duty of investigating the cvidence in the case of Kemper va. the City, now pending in the circuit coutrt, -vvltli power to employ counsel to assist the city attorney on the trial, als-o if such committee deern it advisable to compromise said case and to report their doings without delay. Which resolution prevailed as 4ollöws: yeas_Alds. Jlann, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearu, Ferguson. Taylor, Rehberg, Hall, Kiteoii and Pres. Cooley- 12. N'ays- None. TIn; president appoantea tne loiio'wnisï committee: Aid. Pillmore, Martin, O'ik'arn, Wtnes, Hall. Aid. Taylor moved that all members oí this council who aro interested in gatas for rail-road erossings in this city do meet comminsioner of railroads, at 2 o'clock p. m.. Wedncsday Dec. 9th, at the council chamber . Aid Ferguson moved as an amendment, that the full board meet. Which amendment prevalled and the original motion as amended prevailed. Aid. Hall moved that the board of public works do report on petition for Bidewallc on 13th st., west side to this council at next Wednesday's meeting. Which motion prevailed. On motion the council adjourned. Clerk.


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