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Dr. Fruth

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FormerJvof New York now the celébrate.! Exaniiuing Pbysician of the Chicago Mediaal and; SurgioaJ Lnstitme, Chicago, JU., by of raany Frieuds and cal ana Patiënte, lias iK-clued to visit ANJff AJSBOR THÏÏHSDAY, DECEMBEE, 24, '91 . Consultation and Examination Cree and strictlyconfldentialin the private parlors of rj:z3:: cooz: house, ONE DAY ONLY. Chicago Medical & Surgical Instituto, S. E. Cor. Wabash Ave. and Van Buren St. Permanently Established and Incorporated under the Laws of the State of Illinois, witha Capital Stock of $100,000, for the Scientific and Successful Treatment of all forms of ChronicA Sexual Diseases, Catarrh, Asthma, Stomach, Kidney, Bladder, Nervous and Special Diseases of Men and Women. irfvlníM1iHfpO?ÍnHtnemlnentph8l?lane1S"r'reon8'8Peoialí8ts and Assistants, eacb mvmg nis entire attentioa to one particular ciass oí disease hadV S"tKh2fW?pSíf haVe b6en r6StOred tó PERFECT HEALTH ís it not reasonable that the combined skill, knowledire and exDerienee of a Rtaff of eminent specialists can produce resultó that the family pbysician Tcanno? CHRunderiorwhoNhC1'?A?Lí! CaS"8 solioiteJ reerardless of whose treatment you hfive been DISEAWS ni Mrií yu.yur "aae was incurable. Cali upon us and beconvinced. nfss NPRVniN nmw'dy8Pepsi '""'on, consumption, lost vitality. weakli'nnrt irtnivl DEB1LITY, vancocele. catarrh, bronchitis, thrcat and lunK diseases, diseaS y ' P ' P a" Skin aud blood diseas írom any cause. prlvat niaOTslPPnrpI'í;0'081101"0100"6'.1110 of vital foroe. insomdeOTtíPofS?ffi iñíUl?1in0ry?ldea8l blurríng of the eyes. lassitude, languor, norvous ,■ íbt', , ?il í confklence, unfttness íor business, aversión to society, or Sther Süo tuV f ? f rom oyer-eiertion, mental or physical exhaustion, can consult us with the.vssuraoce of reetoration to perfect uealth by our method of treatment. sUimStlorf H?i'llflNFPMArIrOew'c.Ilt?rJne Jisnlaeements, vicarious menstrual ion, constipation, stenlity FEMALE WËAKNESS, and all diseases peculiar to women. , Each Person applying for medical treatment should exanínatiónT Ur"le' Whloh wi'1 roceive a caref ul Chemical and microscopieal WONDERFUL CURES rerfíedMln ol1 cases whlch hai'e been ne?lected or unsklllfully express, but where pobliSnStTopreÏÏSdf L%%L'S&'BA LiTa 8-t C. O. D. to any part of the V. a Tü. .. O. FRUTH, 172 Oakwood Boulevatd, Chicago, I1L


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