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FXPELL TIIE INTRUDER.- That diseare is propagated by the innumerable microbes, germs, etc, whieh iill the air we breatlie and the water we drink, there can be no question. These microbes attack the hurnaii body and breed poison in many shapes. Recent experimenta read befor the coingress of surgeons at Berlin leave no doubt that the way to clear the system oí tthese germs is to force them out tHi-rough the pores o! the skin. S. S. S. does this in the most efficiënt way. It cleahs them out entirely, and the poison as well. Mr. F. Z. Nelson, a prominent and wealt'lvy citizen of Fremont, Nebraska, suffered foa1 years with Scrofula, and it co'ntinued to grow Worse in spite oí all treatmeut. Finully, four bottles of Swift's Specific cured nim. He writcs: "Words are inadequate to express my gratitude -und favorable opinión of Swift's Specific." Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases maüed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. Eisele's Cáncer Specific. This eelebrated salve and ointmont, prepared by Mrs. E. M. Eisele, cures old sores of lonff standing, fever sores and most varieties of cáncer. As a curative agent it has workod wonders to the joy of the patients and surprise of intelligent physicians. Addross Mrs. E. M. Eisele, 12 Catherine Rtrcet, Ann Arbor, Mich. Enclose postage stamp for circulara. WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. F OH SALE- A span of large horgos weighing 1550poundseach. aged four and five years See P. H. Scully atthe new hospital. 72-74 F OH SALE- Tbr-je new and desirablebouses cheap. D. A. Pray, oHice O. H. Kline, city. re-1 YOUN'G MAX, 21, wants Situation in Store, or any orher employment. Address. Eddie 88 East CTulyerslty Avenue. Tá- 71 POK SALE- A large house and aleo lots on Huron St. Inq. of -Mrs. A. Eisele, :ï:ï N. 5th Ave. Anu Arbor. 12-74 WANTBD-A half dozen wood cboppers. Tor particular apply to J. T. Jacobs & Co. Tl - To FOR RENT- House and Lot, with bain, well and eister -, for $12 50 a uionth, Looated at 25 Spring st. Apply to E. Claney. 70-W FOR SALE- Five acres on West Huron street. Goood house, bain, orehard. Beaulü'ul loention. Will si'll on easy terms. Apply to or address E. D. Davits West Huron street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 7Utf TO RENT- F've unfurnisbed rooms at 10 E. Washington st. 70-7:! FOR 8ALR- Horses. 3Cows, 3 wagons, 1 Doublé CarriaiT-a. 1 Buftry. 1 Holler, 1 Horse Rake, 1 Drill. ; Piougbs, 2 Dram, 8 Culövatora, 1 Cutter. 1 Rob Slcijih. 2 Doublé Har Desa, 2 Single Harnoss. Enquire at' Manu s Drug store, Ann Arbor. . Ult LOST- Friday, Nov. 37. Black Shepherd dog with tan coloree! lefis and spots over oyee, inewers to name of Sliep, lleward for samo at E P. Cook's Livery Barn, Ann Arbor. BUY your wood at the sawmill and save money. Cord and stove wood oonstantUon hand. Cor. Hi.l and Packard St. F. M. Halloc 6a 71 GENTS WANTED.- Gentleman or lady, in every city, and villace in Michigan, whore not represented, to buy and sell our famous Orirans Symphonias, Pneumatio Symphonys (Self-Plaviiigr Organs), eic For our Organs, catalogues, or au ajrency, only address our stntp Au-pnt N VanDer.werken, Manchester Miclif. THE WILCOX & WHITE ORGAN CO Picase mention this paper. ORDERS for the Champion Weather trips for duors and Windows mav be left or addressid to M J. Furnum, 28 N. State street. They keep out wind, 6now, dust and raiu. 68-7U t OR SALE OH -New house, ten rooms, r with all modern conveniences. on Forest avenue. Apply to Henry Richards, 9 Detroit BI OO - Oí W AN'TED- A Birl to help a pants-maker. Wagner & Co., 21 South Main St. 64tf y farm at Scio of :.00 aren- lor sale. 1 1 luwe no boys that Will work tlie ranch, aiKlTam toold io farm. Jf not sold befori thefirstof March nextitis to reut. Geo. A. Poters. -" rvO KENT- Home, just outside of west citj I limits. Inquire at 72 S. Main street ■ IXMfSALE.- Farm of forty cr-s at Wint r moreLake. Mich. Good house. Fivemin , utes' walk irom hütels and postxfflie. Excel lent 9OU: Apply to Water L, Taylor, ' Broadway, Ann Arbor, Mich. w-W FOR RENT- Two commodious pleasant Bats with six rooms eaoh in New Block on Stat ' street. Enquire at No. 18 South State street. NN AKBOK NUHSEKY- Fruit and orna mental trees. Peach and pear a specialty " Grape vlnes, berry plantó, etc. Pnce low Jacob Ganzhorn, head of Spring street.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News