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AT E. F. Mills & Co. Our recent trip to New Yo'-k secnred for us soine remarkable ond striking Bargains in CHEISTMAS GOODS." These unique and beautifül Articles we are otfering at Prices that meet tke entlmsiastic Approbation of every Seeker after Bargains. At 2-3 to 3 4 the Usual Prices. You secure the Very Best and Latest Designs in Holiday Goods. "Isn'tthat cheap?" "Hov can they afford to sell them so jow ?" are the expressions constmtly heard f rom the delighted admiréis of our Magniñcent Window Displays of these Goods. Tke Secret is tkis: We wère in New York at the time when importers are closing up the season's business, and we secured large quantities of these goods at from 20 to 30 per cent, below usual rates. It was our opportunity - we improved it. It is your benefit - will you profit by it? WE ARE SBLLING: Floral Penwipers at 5c, worth 10c Horn-Mounted Inkstands, $1.69 Sachets, Handpainted, at 9c, "loc worth $" 5C Satin Hdkf. Cases, " " 29c, " 60c Collar and Cuff Boxes at 89c b ine Christmas Cards, " 9c, " 15c worth $1 25 ëlegnt" " " 18c " 25c Fine Plush and Leather Collar and' Novelty Purses, " 25c, " Söc Cuff Boxes at $1.69 fTlneAu.rses at 50c and 53c Shopping Bags, very low at 50c, 63c, Hand Mirrors at 29c, worth 40c 98c, $1.13 and $1.75 Better Mirrors at 39c and 75c Oak Writing Desks at (J8c, worth $1.50 Manicure Sets at $1.23, wortli $1.50 Japanese Silk Initial Hdkfs. at 25c Fine Manicure Sets at $2.25 and $S.25 Embroidered Japanese Silk Hdkis. Work Boxes at 98c, worth $1.25 at 17c Other Styles at 69c, 89c, $1.75, 11.91 Elegant Mufflers from 25c to $4 Ou „ ., „ „ and $2.49 Gents' $1.00 Silk Initial Hdkfs. at 89c Wiiisk Broom Sets 59c, worth 75c Hamisome Neckwear at 25c and 50c loilet Cases at 89c, worth $1.25 Gents' Kid Gloves $1.00, worth $1.25 Finer Toilet Cases at $1.25, $1.50, Gents' Suspenderá 17c to 75c a pair $1.69, $2.50, $3.50 and $5.00 ' Carpet Sweepers at $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50. Smyrna, Goat and Moquette Rugs. Portieres, all prices, $3.95 to $18.00. Lace Curtains, all prices, 89c to $12.00. Umbrellas- Novelties- 98c to $7.00. Shawls, all prices, including Special Drives at $1.49, $2.39, $3.69, and $5.00. Ladies Fine White Aprons at 25c, 39c, 48c, 63c, 75c and 89c Fine Towels 25c to $1.00 each Napkins 50c to $7.00 per dozen Linen Sets, Bed Spreads, Table Spreads, Fancy Drapes, Fascinators 25c to $1.50 each. Kid Gloves 49c, 73c, 98c, $1.50, etc. Evening Gloves, all lengths. Dress Goods Bargains for the Holidays. Special Drives in 48-inch Henriettas, worth 75c and 59c, and 48-inch Eavennas, sold everywhere at 90c and f 1.00, our priee 75c. 50c All "Wool Novelties at 39c. Pattern Snits in Handsorae Styles. Fine Black Goods. Black Silks.-QOLD MEDAl BRAND, FULLY WABRANTED. 83c, 98c, $1.23, $1.47 and $1.75 for Elegant Goods. COLOREO FAUCES, Worth $1.25, We are Selling at 98c. Santa Claus' Headquarters will be at the Popular One Price Store of EP TWIT T Q Jtr rO JT O XVJLAJLj Ji3 %jó %jkj% SO 8OÜTH T-.I3%T.


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