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Talmage's sermon on seeond page. The 'Lig'ht Infantry held a guard mount, Wednesday evening. Another ebange in the running time of the motor lrue was made Saturday. Preston W. Strong, oí Chelsea, has been granted a patent on an oil stove. The officers-elect of Wastotena'w Chapter, No. C, were installed Monday evening, Jacobs & Co. have a very concise anl interesting statement on our pecond page, F. Bettich, jr., has purchased the saloon 'business of E. Wagner, on S. Main istreet. Ttie schools closed yesterday that the scüiolars may onjoy a vacation until January 4th. While dipihtheria la not raging in Ann Arbor, there are far too mnny cases for the public good. Mr. and Mr. Albert Mann have jmst causo tov rojoicinig in the liirth of thoir iü'st child - a robust son. A Christmas tree for tlie children of St. Andrew's Snnday School Avill be held at Harris Hall, OhriRtmas eve. The new directory of Ann Arbor and the cO'unty is nearly completed, and will be ready for distributlop by .Tan. lst. It is said that O'iie o? onr prominent young business men is soon to .take a partner - not a business partner, howevor. Burilara broke into P. Donovan's store on Broadway. Saturday nicht, imkI hlppd themselves to elgars, candy and othor artieles. The Arwi Arbor Business Mpn'a Quartpttp. sane; at the banrtuet, givpn bv TTnion IConneil, R. and S. M., at Ypsilanti, Tupsday eveninff. The "WolevTine Cyrlers have issnpd invitatiotis for th?lr socond annual New Yenr's ball. to bo given at tflie rink on the evening of Dec. 31. A salp oí dolls. faney articlps and other thinsrs mutable for Christmas prpsents. will bp held by the Latlies' Tjibrnry Assooiation, tomorrow. W. B. Babcock has moved from Bay City to Ann Arbor and is oecupyins; the new house of Mrs. O. B. Hall. corner of "Washtenaw and Geddes aves. A. Hiñes was before Justiee Butts. Monday, cfluirspd with bina: dnink. He was ivned $2 and $5.20 eosts. with the alternative of sroing to j:il for ten days. At the orjcamdzation of the JfihiKan 15vai)LTPii"al AlHanep at Tnckon. thie wepk, Prof. N. S. Hoff, of this cdty; was plpcted a inember oí the state committee. The umi-on services to Jiave bpen hld at th? Presbyteria-n dliureh, last Sunday ove-niiii?, were npeessarily pnstP'O'ned, Rev. Dr. Chamberlain being unable to be present. Sneak thievery and burglaries have been numerous daring the past week. A dozen chickens werp stolen from in front of O'Hara, Boyle & Co's. groeery, Saturday evening. The firo engine formerly used in the sixth ward, a hose cart and a qunntity of hose has teen sold by the Fire Oommissioners to the vlilage of Milan, $425 being the priee received. Edward Wasser, a fiftpn-year-nld boy. was before Justice Pond. Monday, charged with asault and battery by John í!. Saris. The case was adjo-urned tmtil December 29th. Rev. Fr. Kelly has - arranged f o-r a missio to be conducted in ,St. Thomas' Hall wiien that building is completed. It will be oonducted by two Jesuit priests from Detroit. A temperanee meeting, was ïield at Newberry Hall, last Sunday a'ternoon, at which the pastors of several of the churches discussed the advisability of securing the passage of a "five-mile"' law. The entertainment promised by the Ann Arbor Light Infantry will be given attive opera house. January 19 or 20. Relwarsals of the drill and dances are being held nearly every evening. The attorney of Adolph liemper, wlio ihas brouR-ht suit against the city for damages to hiR propprty on Nortlh Fifth Avenue, lias offered to settle for $500 aiïd tli committee is now cotisidering the matter. Philip Schumacher is now Collector of the First National Bank. vice Mm. Finnegan, who is acting book-kecper. J. B. Dowdigan is aeting teller during the absence of W. "R. Price, who is taking a vacation in search of health. The followimg have been chosen to take part ki the Hiffh School junior exfiibition: Misses Thompson, Hobinon, Childs, Purficld, and Brokaw, Me.ssrs. Paltridge, Opsonburg, St.Johns, Montgomery, Coffin, Mogk and Smifh. _ Teachers can get reduced rates to attend the forty-first annual meeting of the State Teachers' Associatie n. held in Grand Rapids, December 28, 29 and 30. Special ti-ains on all milroads and at hotels. ïïvery teacher can afford to go. Last eveming at the Coiigregational cihurch in this city, the New England CcHngregational Club of Kastern Michigan enjoyed a banquet and oUierwise celebrated "Forefathers' Day," About a hundred were present, a number of them heilig froni out of h ecity. The annual banquet of Arbor Tent, K. O. T. M., will be given at the rink ow Wednesday evening, December 30. None but members of the order and tíieir ladies will particípate this year. A tnumber oí tíhe state offiecra of the order have been lieard 'rom and have agreed to be present. Mrs. Dr. C. A. Jeffries died at Omaha, Neb., Dec. 5th, just a year and two hours after the death of her husband, aged 7S years. Dr. Jeffries was one of the first settlers of Dexter and made his home at that place and Ann Arbor until 1870. Two daughters now reside at Omaha. The annual report of State Railroad Cornmissioner Whitman has been issiH'd and is full of interesting figures. From it we learn that 232 persons were killed by railroad accidents' during the past and that there are 9. 018. 89 miles of railroad now in operation in the state. The city clerk has received a letter from the Smith Bridge Co. gtatlnft that Bridge No. 3 is competed, wit the exception of a few minor parts and will be shvpped next week. The cause oí the delay was the extra inspeetkrai of material wlücii President Cooley onadc. A few tlays ago a man drew $25 from th Farmers' & 'Merihanies' bank with which to pay his taxes, an,d between that place and the opera house toe lost the entire annount. He is not in very good and would greatly appreeiate it if person who found tJie money would leave the same at the Argus office. On Friday evening the members of Arbor Tent, No. 296, IC. O. T. M.. met with a pleasant surprise. They had Juat eompleted the initiation of three cnndidates, wïfcen tbirty members of the Ladies' Hive oame into the room. onch bearing a well-fillcd basket. The ladies server! a luncíh. after wliich an informal 'hop was held. Friday night, Ofiieer Collins arrestcd Herman Knapp and Stephen Keegan for stealing a bag of flour from gweet's Feed store. Snturday. ICiiapp plead guilty before .Tustipe Pond and was sèmteneed to the Detroit House of CorrectiO'n for 90 days. The case against Keegan was adjourned until Dec. 29th. Tuesd.y ev&ning about fifty Ann Arbor Masons paid a visit to Union Counell, K. and S. M., at Ypsilanti, fifteen candidates for the degrees being included in the number. After the secret "work, am elegant banquet was served at the Hawkins House, elosing with respemses to toasts by different members of the fraternity. On Friday evening, Welcli Post, No. 137, G. A. B.., elected the following officers for the ensuing year: P. C, Milton H. Perkins; S. V. C, J. Q. A Sessions; J. V. C, James Webb: O. of D., H. A. Sweet; O. of G., E. Bowen; .T. G., J. Jacob Schantz: O. G., John Tice; Quar.i Conrad Noll; Chaplain, W. IC. Childs; Surgeon, Dr. William F. Breakey. The residence on the corner o' Fourth avenue and "Williams street was entered by a burglar, Sunday night. who made away with a diamond pin. a pocket-book and other articles of jewelry. The thief was discovered by a student rooming in the house, hut he was umible to captu-e film. He is suve thiat he can identify the man should he we Mm again. Ann lodge, No. 44, IC. P., elected the lollowing officers Wednesday evening: Dr. J. Ij. Rose, C; Dr. F. H. Brown, V. C; J. H. Hurley, P.; J. H. Otley, Al. of F. and IC. of R. and S.; Jobn Looker, M. of E.: Wm. C. Jaeobus, M. at A.; ..eslie A. Walker. I. G.; Emil Baur, jr., O. G.; Fred ISarker, Rep. to G. U; Ij. J. Damm and Fred Barker, trustees. The teachers canraected with the sewing school are arranging ior an entertainment Iot the tJiildren of the school luring the holldays. They aak the assistance oí their friends in thls. They 'have 100 names of children on the roll and persons desiring to contribute toys, books or money are requested to send the same to the superintendent, Miss M. S. Brown, No. 13 S. State street, before Jan. lst. Last Thursday evening, Ann Arbor lodge, No. 27, A. p. U. W., elected the following officers: M. 'V., John Tessmer; F., Jovn Baumgardner; O., John Molke; Fin., JoJm Kuebler; Ree Gottlob Scluieider; G., Herman Zueil; I. "W., "W. Heift; O. W.. W. Joerndt; trustee, Gottlob Luick; Dl'1. to G. L., George Haller; alt., Henry Allmendinger; Med. Ex., Dr. John Kapp; standard bearer, Chas. Boenke. Mrs. William McCarthy died at her residente, corner of Ann and Ingalls streets, last Friday morning, after a long and lingering illness, at the age of seventy years. The deceased came to Aam Arbor at an early date. She leaves four daughters, uil living i'ii this city,- Mrs. D. J. Ross. Mrs. George Hangsterfer and the Misses Anna iand Mary McCarthy. The funeral was held at St. Thomas' church, Monday taiorning. Eead tae Two Sams' ad, to-day. The Business Men's conimittee having- the School of 'Music project on liauid, lias decldi'd upon a plan, which will uodoubtedly be carried out. One hundred men are to subscribe -V ( -". doch as a guaraatee fund, to pay the ruiming expenses, in case the receipts do mot. This fund is payable in tliree tostallments, $25 on April lst, '92, $25 'on April lst, '93, and $15 on April lst, '94, in cast1 these amounts are tneeded. Arrangements tave been completed by tho local press club for the entertainment of the members of the State Press Assocd-atkm, which meets liere Jaaiuary 12, 13, and 14. Mayor Doty will weleome the association at the Brst meetiiifi, on Tuesday. In the évenáng a public meeting will bc held in University H-all, with addresses by Pree. Nlsbett, Dr. Angell and others. to be íollowed by B, reception by the rnivereity Senate in the ïibrary. On Wednesday and Thurs-day afternnons vUite will be paid to the University. the hospital and other points of interest. "Wednesday evening, Air. and Mrs. J. E. Beal will give a reeeptiom to tlLe membors aai'd on Thursday evening a banquet will be given at the armory.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News