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Miss Grace Huntington visited Ann Arbor Friday. Miss IC. Knight visited friends in Dundee, Friday. Alvin Wilsey, oí Ann Arbor, visited Milan the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Sayles entertained guests irom Ohio last -weel!;. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Fuller will move to Ypsilamti, Monday next. Mr. J. Colier, of Macom, is in town visiting friends for a few days. Mrs. O. A. Kelley entertained a few frierais, Wednesday evening. Dr. J. C. Harper vlsited Detroit, Friday, for more Christmas goods. The Milan school is out this week Friday, íov a two weeks' vaeation. Mr. and Mre. E. C. Hinkley entertained guests from Ypsilanti, over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Day entertained guests from Grand Eapids over Sunday. Miss K. Lamb, oí Blis3üeld, is the guest oS Miss K. Knight for a few duys this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. House and daugihter, oí Saline, were the g-uests of J. C. Rause, over Sunday. Mrs. Thomas Dexter. is spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Stringer, near Inkster. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Millen, of Ann Arbor, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. WhitmarSh, last weck. Mrs. Will Humtington and thildren lelt for Mies Frklay, after a four weeks' visit with friends in Milan. Mrs. Day lias returned from l.udington where Bbe was called last week to atteiwi the funeral of her sister. Messrs. Wm. "Whitmarsh, O. A. Kelley anJ Prof. Dennison attended the Knight bauquet at Detroit, ÜTriday evening. Editor Smith, of the Miian "Leader, and wi.'e, and Mr. and M:. Joel Marble went to Ann Arbor to hear T. DeWitt Talmage, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Glimp and sou and Mr amd Mrs. M. ïlitchcock Ieft last Tuesday for a six weeks' visit with 'riends in Pennsylvania. The dhildren of the various Sunday schools are lookhig forward with ;reat expectations to the coming of Santa Claus at Xmas time. Mr. Jolm Bracy feil from the roof jf the engine liouse of the Wabash ailroad in Milan, Friday and was ieriously ihurt, it is ieared internally.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News