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Dr. F. Gr. Schrepper, Isresponsilile for all Ihe work lie doos in lils line of busiupss. OFFICE: At Kit'redgc's Livory Stable Residente, 7 Fountiun ctreet, -A-ÏSTIN" . AR3OR. Orders may beleft or lelephoned toEberhach'í Drug Store. TRUCK i ST0BABR Now we arts ready with a NEW BRICE 8'i'OEEHOÏÏSI for the storage of housenoid goods, pianos, bookg, stoves.etc. Movingof householdgoods and pianos carefully done. A 11 kinds of heavy aud lightdrayiusr. Freig-ht work. C. K. GOBFÜF.V, Resirlence and office i Fourth Avenue North BPTelephoue '.g3 HANfa; IfcnrtK'jb CO N FECTÍ ON 5ESJ Y. Hot Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Hot Lemonade, Hot Beef Tea, Sandwiches, Etc. Ice Creain Soda During the Winter. Health is Wealth ! SM ' ■ -LL 'ÜA-:ñ:'J 'm Ép. : líátfcí -- - ( -. ;; I ' ; Uit E.C. WbST'SNbrvb vsdBiuinThiikat munt, aguaranteed epeciflc tor Hysteria. Dizziness. fonvulsioüs. rits. Nervous Neuralgia. Headnrhe, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobáceo. Wakel'uluess. Mental Deprfssion, SofieniDg oi the BratD resultlng in lDsanity and leadiug to misery, decay and death, Premature Oíd Age, Barrenness, Los: of Power in eiilier 6ex, Involuntary Losses and Spermatocrhcea causad by over-exertion of the brain, seJf-abuse or over-iudulfrencp. Each box coutains one nintli's treatmeni. $1.UU a box, or six boxes lor $ .(.HJ, sent by mail prcpaid on reoeipt of prioe. WKGDA It NTEB SIX IIOXES To cure any Cviso. With each order rceived by us for six boxea, accompanied with $ñ.uo, we wül send the purobasor iir wrltten srnarantec to refund the money il the treatment does not et a cure. Guarantees i-sued onlj' by Eberbaoh & Sou, DruggistB, Solé Agente, Aun Albor, .Ik ii. $500 Eeward ! ïïR will pay the ab'Ve reward for any cuse of Liver Complaint, Dyppepsia, Sick Headaclie, Ju(íií:estion, Conntipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with Wesc'8 Vegetable Liycr Pilis. wheu the directions are strict ly complied witii. They are purely Vegetable, and never l'nil to give satisfnction. Migar Coati'd. Large boxes, contaming 10 Pilis, 25 cents Deware of counterfeits and lmlttttiona. The irenuinc manufactured only by THE JOHN C. WEST C0MPANY, CHICAGO, 1LL. Kor sulc by all druggists. Having bought the woral yard and fced business of GeorgeH Hazelwood, i propose to keep WOOD OP ALL KINDS Kindling Woocl. Balea Hay and Straw, Flour and Feed of the best quallty, Charcoal, etc. Goods delivercd to any part of the city. CASH PAID FOR CORN and OATS l'he ilrm wiil continue the truck business of . H. Jones as bef ore. üiders by telephonc pronjptly nt tended to. Ú. C. Cïarkj 33 East Huron St. Teicphone U. One door west of Firemen's lail! FREDERICK KRAUSE AUCT1ONEER. Will attend to all sales on short notioe at easonable charges. For further particulars all at the Argus offlee .


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News