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Dr. Fruth

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formerlv of New York, now tho celebnitod Physioian of the Chicago Medical and Surgioal Instituto, Cbleugxi, 11)., by reques' ot' mimy Prienda aJd Putioiits. bas mecifled lo visit -á.XN ABBOIl THÏÏESLAY, DSCEMBEE '81. Consultation and Examination freo aud strictly confalcr.tial in the private parlors of jTZ-aiE cooz: hottsb, ONE DAY ONLY. "jSI"1" ' . ; Chicago Medical & Surgical Institute, S. E. Cor. Wabash. Ave. and Van Buren St. ■ ! Permanently Established and Incorporated under the Laws of the State of Illinois, with a Capital Stock of $100,000, for the Scientiflo and Successful Treatment of all forms of Chronic & Sexual Diseases, Catarrh, Asthma, Stomach, Kidney, Bladder, Nervous and Special Diseases of Men and Women. By afull staff of eighteen eminent physicians, Surgeons, Specialists and Assistants, eacb ; giving his entire attention to one particular class of disease. Man y persons meet death every year who mitfht have been restored to PERFECT HEALTH had they placed their case in the hands of experts. Is it pot reasonable that the combined skill, knowledKC and experienee of a staff of emini ent specialiste can produce resulta that the fainily physician cannot? CHRONIC AND INCURABLE cass solloited reaardless of whose treatment you have been under or who has told you your case was incurable. Cali upou us and be convinced. DISEASE3 OF MEN- Rheumatism.dyspepsia, indigestión, consumption, lost vitality, weakness. NERVOUS DEB1LITY, varicocele. catarrh, bronchitis, throat and iunif diseases, liver and kidneys, tapeworm, piles, all skin aud blood diseases from any cause, prívate diseases. The yomiK, middle-aaed or old sufferlng from fteneral debiiity, lack of vital forcé, insomnia or sleeplessness, confusión of memory or ideas, blurring of the eyes, lassitude, languor, depression of spirits, lack of confidence, untltnoss tor business, aversión to society, or otner nervous troublesresultirijf from over-exertion, mental or physical exhaustion, eau consult us with theassuraace of restoratiou to perfect health by our method of treatment. DISEASES OF WOMEN- Leucorrboea, uterine disnlaeements, vlcarious menstruation, constipation, eterility FEMALE WEAKNESS, aud all diseases peculiar to women. FREEEXAMINATION OF THE URINE. Each person applyintr for medical treatment should send or brinc au ounce of their urine, whioh will receive a careful Chemical and mieroseopicai examinaiion. WftNnF'RPnT rriRPÍ Perfeeted in old cases which have been neglected or unsklllfu'ly IlUllUEiftrUL UUnriO treated. No experlmonts or failures. Parties treated by mail ana express, but where possible, personal consultation is preferred. Curable cases guaranteea WCases and correspondence confldential. Treatment sent C. O. D. to any part of the U. S. List of 130 questions free. Address with postage, Xü. J. C FRUTH, 172 Oakwood Boulevard, Chicago, HL


Ann Arbor Argus
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