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Forty-FIve Yearsof Bondage. Gents: For forty-five years I have been afflieted with blood poison, liver and rheumatie dii'ficuities. l3art of the time conïined to my bed. My blood was badly diseased. Six bottles of Hibbard's Rheumatie Syrup did me more good all the other medicines I have taken. My friends liave ueed it and in every case it has proven a wonderful remedy. I have known of sonie woiulerfu! cures of dyspepsia and neuralgia. MliS. MARY BIDDLE, Mitchellville, Iowa. Hibbard's Rheumatie Syrup and Piasters are remedies of jrreat merit. I believe they no equal in the euro of rheumatism and all blood diseases. Dr. H. REICHAILD, Druggist, Mitchollville, Iowa. The spring is the time to take Hibbard's Rheumatie Syrup for the blood. For sale by all druggists. Prepared on'y by the Charles Wright Medicine Company, Detroit, Mich. HibbarcTsRheumatio and Liver Pilis These pills are scientifically compouniied and uniform In aetion. No griplng paiu comniomly folio winjr the use of pills. They are arlapted to both adulta and children -with safety. We jruarantee that thoy have no equal ín the cure of Sick Headache, Constipation, Dyspepsia and Biliousness; and, as an appetizer, they excel any other preparation. For sale by John Moore. Douler in all kimis of Maple Flooring, etc, also Fine and Shinglss. ALL KINDS OP FIRE VVOOI. PKrCES as LOW as any dealer In the City. Ag-eut for tapiua liki ú kmi, Tío. 9 Detroit Street ANX AUBOK. - - MICHIGAN M. P. VOGEL, lYesli, Salí and Siuokerl Moats And trame in soason. 22 E. ■ïtXIOlsr SrT"RE5"H!T MARTIN & FISCHER. PKOPRIETOK8 OF THE WESTERN BREWBRÏ, ANN ARBOR, MICHBrewers of Pure Laster Beer. Cbftfin SALAEY nnd CommisJhMjJiJi sionto Agente, ivlen and Women, {wv#i Teachers and Clergymen to Introduce a iii'w and popular stantiiircl book, MARVELS OF THE NEW WEST A new Airent sold 70 n one week. Agent's proflts L130.50. 0%'er yöü orgraal engravings. 10.4U0 copies sold in one week. Exclusive territoi-y. Endorsed by the greatest men ofour country. Agents thoroughly iustructed. pply to The Henry BUI Pubiishing Co., Norwich, Conn, REPORT OF THE CONDITION -o ff- THE FUST UIUJUL SAK, -OF- ANN ARBOR, MICH , At Arm Arbor, in the State of Michgan, at the close of business December 2nd, 1891. resources. Loans and liscounts, $344,225 61 Overdrafts, 2.20 1 L S. Bouds to secure circulation 2f,000 0 Jther stock, bonds and mortgages, . . ,'M) 00 )ue f rom approved reserve agenta,. 53,862 51 3ue irom State Bank and Bankers,.. 7,68" 43 'reniiums paid 4.S00 00 iesd estáte, furniture and nxtures,.. 13.9B0 (Hl 'urrent expenses and taxes paid 2,065 65 Checks and other cash items 672 24 Jills of other National Banks 3,312 00 Fractional Currency (including nickels) - 181 45 Specie (iucluding gold Treasury notes) 13,967 15 Iiegal-tender noteB --- 3,679 00 Redemption iund with U. S. Treasuier (ö per cent oï circulation)..1,125 40 Total, tmjBS 60 UAIULITIES. Capital stock paid in, - $100,000 00 Surplus fund - 1T.OÜ (-0 Üther undivided protits 30,'JS4 46 Nnüonal liank notes outstanding, ... 22,500 Ofl Dividend" unnaid 40 00 individual Doposits subject to Demand éeruilcates of deposit, 95,54101 Certiflod Checks 180 00 Total, - Ï473.028 (50 STATE OF MICHIGAN, I Countyot' Washtenaw, f"I, Sidney W. Clarkson, Cashier of the above narned Ba' Folcninly swcar that the aliove statement is true to the best of my kuowledge and belief. g ctABKSON. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to bofore me, this slxteenth day of December, 1891. JOHN Q. A. SESSIONS, Notary Public. CORRECT- Attest : JOHN M. WHF.ELER, ) HIÏNKY CORNWELL, Directors. WM McCREERY. i


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News