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Estáte of Mary E. Smith. OTATE OF .MICHIGAN, COUNTY ■ 't Washtcuaw, ss. At ;i s"ssion of the Probaie Court fiir thw County of Wttahteaav, holden nt the ProbHte Office in Ui e rit y of Ann Arbcr, on Mu siay, the eighth day oi December, In the eax one thousaod. eight hundred and uinety-one. Preeent, J Will&rd Bahbitt, Jtidj?e of Probate In tbc matter of tbc otate of Mary K. timith, eceased John S.nii )i, the ad mini si rato r of said eeate, comea iuto court and, representa, that he ia ow prepared to remi er hia fiuut account ftsaucb dininl"trator. Thcreupon it is ordered that Tuegday, the flfth ay o! January uext, at ten o'clock in the fbreoon, be assigneu for exwnlning and aüowini; aoob coonut, and that the heirs at law of said leccHsert, ud all other peiwons interested in aid state. re requireti to yppear ut a ses-ion of 8ñid :ourt. tneu ío be holden at Iht? Probate orftce, in hn city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show au se, ïf any there bc, w hy the SHÏd account hould nnt 'be allo wed: And it ia furihei ordered, Ihat said Adin nistrator givc notice to the persons interested in said estáte of the pendency of said jicoount, and theheitring thereof, bj cansina a copy of this order to be published in tht AN Arboh Aitfiüs, a newsp;iper priutt;d undcircolatiog in aaid county, three successive week previous to said dav nt bearinff, J. W1LLAHD IÍVIÍIUTT, )udic of Pronate. [A truc copy.] i WlLLIAM (i. Doty, Probate lieirister. Estáte of James M. Halleck. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY lOot Wnshtenaw, au. At a beasion of the Probate Court for the County ot Washt(?nnw, holden at the Probate Office in the city ot Ann Arbor, on Monday, the seventh 'day ot Tecember in the year one thousand .ight hundreü and ninety-one. Preaent, J. Willard Babbitt.Judffe of Probate. In the matter of the estáte ot James W. Halleck, deceased. On retiding and filing the petilion, duly verifled, of Richard Waldron, prayinai that he niay be licensed to Bell the real estáte whereof sakl deceafed died seizod. Thereupon it ia ordered that Tucsday, the fifih dav of Janviary next, at ten o'olock m the forenoon, he assigneri for the hearing of aid petition .inri that the helrsftt Inw ot saia deceased und all other percona mterested in said estáte are required to appear at a seaaion of anid court, theD tobe holden at the Prob-tto Oflice in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, it anv there bi, why the nrayer of the petitioner sliould not be granted. And it is further ordered that aaid potitloner jeive notice to the persons interested in suid estáte of the pendency ot lid petítlon and the hearing thereof oy causing a oopyofthl order to be published in the ANN' Akbor Akgus. a iiewapHpcr priuted and circulatpd in aaid county three suceessivt; week? previous to said dav uf heitring. J. W1L1.AKD BABHITT, lA truecopy.) Judpe oí Probate Wtt.liam O . Doty. Probate Keeiater. Real Estáte for Sale. ■ OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY 0F 3 Waahtennw, ss. In the matter of the estáte of Benjamin Pryor. deceaeed. Notice 18 hereliy giren, that in pursuance of au order grr&nt&d to th? uudersigned e.ecutor of the last will and testament f said deceased by tlie Hon. Judge of Probate foi the County óf Wushtenaw, on the twent.v-ninth day of Sf ptember. A. D. 1R91, there will be eold at'publie venduo to the hlyhesi bidder, ut the enst front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbnr in the Countv of Washteuaw, in said State, ou Monday, the flrst day of February, A D. 1892, at eleven n'cloek in the forenoon of that day (subject to all eneumbranoea by mortgruiie or otherwlsc existingat the tiiue of the suid sale the ïollowing desoribed Keal Estáte, towit: The est half of the Southeast and the Eaet half ot the Southwest quarter of Seotion Turee(3), in the Townshipof Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Mich Igan. Aleo a piece of land in the Southwes oorner otthe Kust half of the Northwest quar ter ofsaidsection which lies South of the hiifri way, Hie last deseribed piece of lan coiitaining aboutnne acre more or lees. ( HABLBSA, PKYOK. December 15. 1H Executor E. K. 1ÍKAL. GEO. U. POND. BEAL &. POftfD (Sueocssors tO A. Doi'orest.t IüSilIW Api)'! Kepresenüng Ouly FI33T-CLS3 COMPANIES, COVERING Fire Insurance, Steam Boiler Insurance, Plate Glans Insurance, ♦ - Loweat Honorable Adjustment and Losses l'romptly Paid. The patronage of our Kriends and the Public geuerully is solieiujd. Office In the Courier Bulldlna.


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