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Commissioners' Notice. TATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY i VV;ishttios% Th.B ande f si tn tí d hu ving een appoiuted tj ihe Probate Court for said mnty, coiiuiu-'-vio'u is to ■ ve, examine and just all al:itDl3 and iemands f H persons ■araet Uie eaiute of John Crandal, late of said n.nty, dcoe.ised, hereby (jiv notice that eix uMths from dato re allowed, by order of suid róbate Cdu rt lor creditornto present iboir claims -inKtthe ewtutp of 9:iid ■ cr('iisct. nd tliat Ihcy ili meel at the rtsidence of William Murrav ï Sal m, in said couuty, or Frlday, thp fourth. ay of Mareh, and on Saturday, the fourth dar June nxt, at ton oVlock u m. ot ench of snid is to rceiv, exninint' and adjiiBt said claims. Dated UcCcinbür Uh, lsiïl. w [LLTAM MURRAY, JOHN WATERM N, (?ommissioncrs. Commissioners1 Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY J of W-ishtonaw, The undersigued bsTing een appointed by the Prohate Coiirt. for said ouiny, Ooonmlraionars to recelve, examine and dj ust til! claims and (tamañita f all persooi uainst the estáte ot Dwigbt B. Tftte, teol iaidoounty.deoeased.hereby fflve noiloe tb al X taonths f rm date are alloweii.hy ordyrof said 'robftie Courttfororeditorsto pre i( thoirolaima tigainstthe estáte of sid decewed, and ibat they ill meet at thr icsidence of Kmmut O. Alcnin ïetownship of Bridewater in snid connty, on 'riday, Lbe fourth dy of Maroh, and on Hurdny, the fourth duy of June next, at teu 'clock A. V. of each of sod daje, to reeive.exiutiine and adiut saïd chiims. Dated, December 4,, 1891. JAMES BENH u, EMMET O. ALLEN, Oomuiieaiooera. Estáte of Leonora Kelly OTATK OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY Oof Washtenaw, bs. At a session of the Probat burt for the Coitnty of WaahU'naw. holden at the robate Ottice Ín the City of Aon Arbor, od Friday, the sixib day of November, in the earone tbousand eiht hundred and nincty-oue. l'reaent.J.Willard Habhitt, Judpe of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Leonora Kelly, eceased. On reading and Illm ; the pelition, duly verified. fElizaoeth L. Kendall, pr8ying that adnunistralon of 8iid esiate may be tanted to Joaeph O. ilcKce, or some other suitable person. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the lth day of Jauuary, nest, at ten o'clouk i"u tbe forenoon, be assigned tor the hearing of said :d itiun, and that the heirs at ]aw of said deOeasod and all other persons ïntereuted in said estáte, are required to appear at a í-ession f said Court, tbeno be bolden at the Protmie Office, in the city of Aun Arbor, and show oaute, i f au y thee be, why tbe prayer of thü petitioner should not 'je praine. And Í1 w furlher orde red, that snid petitioner ffive notice !o the persoiiB interested in naid eatate i)t the pendeocyoj said petition, and the bèaring tliereof, bycausinef a copy of thiw order to be pablished in ihe Ann Arbor Argls, a m-wspapcr printed and ciri-uiatpd in saul County, three suo ceásive weeka previous to snid day of hearing. J. WILLARD BAIÏIÏITT, IA truecopy] Jude of Probate. WIXXl M G. Doty, Probate BcKister, Notice to Creditors. jTATE OF MICHIGAN COUN'TY OF O W;ishtoniiw, bs. Notice is h.rcby iven, that by in order of the 1'robntu Court tor the County of Washtenaw, made on tlie Ihird ilay ot December, A.. 1). lStl. ix inont.lis Irom that date were illowcd for creditora to prescut their claims agaiuat [he estáte of T. Dwight Ton-imend, late of saM ïounly, deceased, and that all creditora of said ieceased are required to present tlieir claims to said Probate Oourt, at the Probate Offioein the cityot Auu Arbor, for examinution and allowance, on or befoie the thirri day of Jumnext, and that such claims will bfl heard betore eaid Court on Thurday the thini day oC Blaren and on Fririay, the third day of June nexl, at teu o'clock in the forenoon ol each of said )ays. Daled, Aun Arbor, December 3. A. I). 191. J. WILLAüD ItABHITl', Judfrc of Probate Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OP Washtenaw. The undersiued havin been ppointed hy the Probute Court for aid Cnunty, Coniinissioners to rt-ceive, examine and adjpst uil clamip and flemands of all persona Bgainst the estáte of' Seary J. Hickson,late of said County, deceased, hereby give notice that. six nionths frora dave are allowed, hy order of siid Probate Court, for Creditors to present their claims against the estáte of tiaid decensed, and that they will meet at the office of John 1'. Kirk in the city of V'psilanti, in said county. od Wedoeeday the ilurd day of Ftbruaiy'and on Tnesdy, the third da of May next, at teu o'clock A. JVf. of each of eaid davs, to receive, examine and adjust said clainis. Dated No?emb;r M, 1891. JAMES M. OHIDISTEH, JOHN P Klllli, Cominis&iocers. Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, CO U NT Y ÍOof Waahtcnaw, sa. Notice is hereby given, thatbyan order of the Probate Court for the Coimty of Wtishtenaw, made on the 6th day of Ot ber A. D. 1H91, six months from that date were allowed for creditora to present their claim agiunst the estáte of Sarah L. Uouglaa, late of said county. deceased, and that all creditors of said deceased ure icquirea to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Oöice in the city of Anu Arbor, forexaminaïion and allowance. on or before the 6th day of April next, aud tlmt Kuch claims will be heard beiore said Court on Wednesday, the fith day of January - and on Wednesday the 6th diiy of April, next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of BnM dnys. Dated.Ann Arbor, October 6, A. 1. 1891. J. WILIjARD BALllïITT, Judge of Probate. juagQ oí i rooate. Estáte of Thomas Keedle. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, UOUNTY L ' 11 1" Washtenaw, ss Ata session uf the Probate f'ourt forthe Üouuiy of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oftice in the city of Ami Arbor, on Saturdny, tlie Eist day of November, in the yetti One thüutüiiid eltfht hundred and nioety-one. Pret-eut, J. Willard Babbitt, Jude of Fmbate In the matter of the estáte oí Thomas Keedle, deceased, ün readin? and filïnf? the petition, duly verin" ed, ofWilli&m K. ChiMs, adiüiniatratov, práyingthat. hemay le licer.sed tn sel! the real estáte whcreof said tleceanedditíd seized topay debu. Thereupon it is oidcred, that Tuesday, the 22nd dfay of December next, at len o'clock in the lorrnoou, be ns-signed for the hearing of said pvtition and that the heirs-at-law of eaitï deceaM i,and all other pejadusiuiereated iuaaid estáte are reqtdred to appeftT at a session oí' eaití tourt, iheu to be holden atthe Probate Office i the City ot Ann Arbor , and show cause, il ony there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. Andit itj furttier ordered,that said nttitiouer give notice to the persona imereöted ín said estáte of the pendency of aaid pulition nud the heariug there-'f, by cansina a copy of thia order to be published in the Ann AfBon Akgcs, b newspaper prlnted and dreolfttad in said county, threo successive weeks previous tosaid day oí benniiKJ. WILLAUD BABBITT, [A truecopv]. Jadgeof Probate. Wm. G. Uoty, Probate Register. Notice to Credïtors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw. se. Nottcc ie hereby given, tnatby an order of the Prohate Court for thu Oounty of Washtenaw. mude on the Ut day of December. A. D lS91,six months from that dute were allo wed for creditors to preBent their claims against. the etate of Mary Cullinene, late of said county, deeeased, and that all oreditors of said deceased are required topreaeuttheircluima tositid Probate Court, at the Probate Office in tbo city of Ann Arb-or, for cxaminition and nllowance, on er before ihe tlret day of June next, and that such claims will bcheard before said Court on Tuesday, the Sñt day oï Mjirch, and oa Weduesday, the fiwt day of Juno neit, at ten o'olock in ihe Ibrer.oon of each f aid days. Dittec, Ann Arbor, Deoembor 1. A. t). 1W1, J. WllJjAltD IiAlïUITT, Judce oí ProhüLe. Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. Notice is hereby unven, iliHt by an ordr of the Probato Oourt tor the Countv of Waahtonaw, made nn tho 26th rtayofOctcber A. D. 1891, ad inontlïs trom that ifate were ailowetï for credltor" to present their claim i Rjtattwi th'í pélate of Rpbncci Henriques, lato of finid cutí T) l v. !:■ ;i.i"., iii'l LhathU oretiitori ofsaiil Jeceftsed aie rnqulrod to present tbelz rlaima to süi'J Probnteiourt,aMhe frobato OÜice in the city Oí Ann Arbor, for examiiiRtion )ind allowniu-f, on' or hefore fhE '2;tli d;iy of April OKXt, anti tlm' fiucli Hniipa will be lieard belore Btiid noutt.i on Tnemla., the 26th day of Jftunary and on Turadny, the 2 ih dny of April next, at len o'clock in tne forenoon of citch nf aid (layB. I)AU'd. Ann Atbor, October 2fi, A. D. ïttl. U WILLAUD IIABBITT, Judgeof Probate.


Ann Arbor Argus
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