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Death Of Ex-Regent McIntyre

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Donald McIntyre died at his residence on W. Hurón street, Monday eyeniiig, oí general debillty íxnd olcl age. Fór severa] years past he has been bresking down and his miud lia;; bren failing, until ío-r some months ci.-i he has been as helplesa os .■ child. Mr. Mclntyre was boro at Johnstinvn. X. Y.. in 1S07. He añone to Aan Arbor Ín 1 s ." and opened a bank iu this village soon aftenvards. He contlnued in business here until 1871, when be retlred and went back to his blrtliplece, Jolwistown, N. Y., and spom the next ten years o!' his llfe. ín 1HM1 'toe returned Ann Arbor and has since lived a quiet and retired ufe in this city. Mr. Mclntyre wlien in his vigor was am iucessant worker lor educatiuaal development of the state. He was a representatiVe In toé state legislatnre iu 1855 aud was the father oí the bilí providing íor the presen i unión sctiool system oí Michigan. From 185H to l!S(i4 iie .scrved ís a regent ol 1 1 1 ■ unlversity and in tlús service Jielped inateriülly to fclhaoe. tüe tuture polic.v f.uiul success ,)f tiiat inBtitutibn. When eo-edueation wasbut a íi-f!un lu' was interested In tliis m .- 1 1 1 1 an-d wiirkcd for ii tor years. Wh'lle a regeut he wrote and worketl for' tljs i'íkI, correepondlng on this subjeel witi Horace Greeley and the Otlier leaillng Qieu oí the fciuie, and wiien his term as regent ended li qtinued in this wofk until lie s:uv the Univerniiy oí Michigan, Ule lirst iustituti'),, oï note to Jinnv opea iie:1 d'oors'tó womeq. Prom isüi to 1S7, Mr. -Mciiityri' was treasurer o', the liiivcrsity. He antagonized Pres. Tappan in "nis ciiarge of the University affairs and was instrumental in iiis resigp.iition, the reason glven for lis opposltion belng that tin preedriii serevd wlne 011 'ais table, Mr. belng a si-i;- temperance nan.. He was alwa.vs a jmblic man, albough takinii' bul licite interest in lartisan politics. li was a leading Dèihber oí the Presbyteriaai ohureh. Mr. Mclntyré was marríed twice in1! was (he Eather oí a large íaniily. i i-, second wife and íour children sur■v-ivc (lijm Mis. .1. n. Borlescm, Jersey City, X. .].; Mrs, W. W. Wetmoire, Aun Arbiir; Mrs. A. I;. Potnéroy, Vestinorrlaiul, Ks.; Hnnald 1). Melntyre, Cadillac.