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WANTED, FOB SALE, ETC. POK SALE- A 8pn of larire horses weighng ■- 1550 pon neis each. aged fourand fiveyen See P. H. Scully ut the new hospitiil. 't FOR SALE- Three new and desirablo houá?s cheap. D. A. Pray, office C. H. Klim , City . 72_74 YOUNG M VM, 21, wants Situation in 8ta , or any oi.her employinent. Address, KUii ■ 88 East Uuiversity Avenue. T:- 74 FOR SALE- A large house and also lo Hurón St. Inq. of Mis. A. Eisele, 38 .. 5th Ave. Ann Arbor, 72-74 WANTED-A half dozen wood choppers. h ■:■ particulars apply to J. T. Jacobs & Co. 71-TJ Ij'OR RENT- House and Lot, with barn, mïl and eister-, for $12 50 a month, Locavd at 25 Spring st. Apply to E. Clancy. 70-7.' FOR SALE- Five acres on West Hunn Street. Goood house, burn, orchard. Besntiful location. W'ill sell on easy terms. Ap)k to or address E. D. Daviu, West Huron street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 70tf TO RENT- Five unfurnished rooms at 10 E. Washington st. 70-72 FOR SALE- 4 Horses, 3 Oows, 3 Wagons. J Doublé Carriaga, 1 Bnpgy, 1 Roller, 1 I tors Rake, 1 Drill, 3 Pioughs, 2 Drairs, 2 Cultirato-i.. 1 Cutter, 1 Bob Sleigh. 2 Doublé Harneas. :: Single Harness. Enquiro at ' Manu's Dri!store, Ann Arbor. 70tf T OST- Friday, Nov.. 27. Black Shepherd dog -" with tan oolorcd Iors and spots over eyes, answers to nameof Shep. Reward for same at E P. Cook's Livery liarn, Ann Arbor. 70-72 IÍUY your wood at the sawmill and save ■ money. Cord and stove wood nonstantly on hand. Oor. Hi.l and Packard St. F. lï. Hallock. 69-71 A GENTS WANTED.- Gentleman or lady, in every city, and villase in Michhran, wnere not reprt'6ented. to buy and sell our famous Ortrans, Symphonia?, Pneumatic Syuipbonys (Self-Playini? Orfrans), etc For our Organf, catalogues, or uu ajreney, only address our State Agreut, N. VanDerwerken, Manchester Mich. THE VVILCOX & WHITE OKGAN CO Please mention this paper. ORDERS for the Champion Weather tri[ for duors and Windows may be left or aidressrcl to M J. Purnum, 28 N. State street. They keep out wind, enow, áuet and rain. Í, ORSALEOK -New house, teu room', wltb all modern eouvenieuces. on Forosi avenue. Apply to Henry iiiehai-ds, Detroir Pt 65- _67_ WANTED-A ï'1'1 t0 hcP a pants-maker ' Wanner & Co., ai aouth Miiin St. C4tl' , , Y farm at Scio of 00 arerpf lor sale. I have no boys that will work the ranch. and I am to old :o farm. lf not sold bufoi-c the flrst of Maich nexi it is to rent. Geo . . Peters. '_ B2tf H[O KENT- Hou.-e, just outside of west city 1 limite. Inquire at 72 S. Main street FOR SALE.- Farm of foiíy aoves at WhitmoreLake. Mieh. Good house. Fiveminutes' walk f rom hotels and post-i ffi ;e. Excellent oil. Apply to Walter h. Taylor, 90 Broadway, Ann Arbor, Mich. ñ9-tf FOR RENT- Two commodious pleasant öats, with six rooms eanh in New Bloek on State street. Enquire at No. 18 South State street. m- tf. ANN ARBOR NURSERÏ- Fruit and ornamental treea. Peach and pear a speciaity. Grape vinos, berry nlants, etc. Pnce low. Jacob Oauzhoru. hend of Sprin etreet. F0BE8Ï 'ÉL CSHSISHY mm. The Anniial of Forest HUI Ceraetery Corapany ol' nn Arbor, for the election of three Trustees and the trnnaetion of Buoh 3ther bupijiess as may come foel'ore it, will be held on 'l'ue-day, Jaauary 5, 1H9?, at ten o'elock a ni., at the office of the Clerk of said Companyf ,o. tj North Main Street. ELIHC it. POXD. Clerk. Dated, Arm Arbor, üec, 22. 1893. FREDERICK KRAUSE AUCTIONEER. Willattend to all sales on short notice at reasonable charges. For further partioulars eiill at the AKGTJSOffloe. i e i ■ ■ az i i the [iirfcest Cnld Mioe . MfPMI5(l Sfli the Lar?estSii ver Mines. mm w sgasgsssïisr Has Extensive Grazing Ranges. Fine Timber Eelts, Wide Agricultural Vp.lleys. Is laryer thun New Eniiland, New Vork, Pennsyivania, New Jersey and Uclaware combined. ïhe Great Northern Kailwny is thedirect line froui St. Panl and Minneapolis to Groat. Falls. Monarch, Neihart, Rnrker, Helena, Butte a:ni other Montana points. Apply to your home raiiway axent for tickets over the Great Northern. I do not wiñh to blow info f FND them, but merely whlsper that the Ked Kiver Valley offers liue induceinonts for home seekers, (VI F H8 also tbe entire región nlontí tbe Great Nortliern Rallway through Minnesota, Nortli l)aYOUR kota and Montuna. For Maps, GuideBooks, etc., apply to F. I. WniTNKY, G. P. & T. A., st. , FÁRS Paul, Minn., orto your nearest I raüway agent. In some states the xhp YDIING ratio is two and ' ncten three to one in , vnilivn favor of th(i men. 'UU Nía WOMEN, The best route f rom MFra St. Panl, rac" nri ! olis, Duluth and adcoiitÜU West Superior to l(tuul the Northwestern -i pop iiircT and Pacific States is incnc. WLM ■ via the Great Now thernltailway. NUW. Farms dan be had in Minne. sota and North Dakota on erop ! i Ki and other plans to yuii purcbasI Hl ers. No failure ot crcjs in twelve years of settlement Lnrgre yields of wheat and ottaer RPH Staples. Fine stock región. ntu Good schools and ehurches. Healtbful olimate. Oreat Markets within easyreaoh. Farms R!VER Pnd for f rom the proceeds of one c,.Op HighoBt price9 paid for The Great Norr-j 'liern lÍHilnny has three lines VALLtl throusjh the Valley, Addross; ln w. v. Braden. Land Commissioner, St. Paul, Minn . for parI ticulars. ABOUT A GREAT COUNTRY. Maps and publioations sent free, and letters asking information about travel and settlement in Minnesota, the Dakotas and Montana answered by F. I. Whitney, G. P. & T. a., Gi'eat Northern Hailway, St. Paul. Tickets to all points in the West. Lowest rates to the Pacific Coast. & te . I' $ . - te


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News