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i Michigan (Tentral "The Niágara Falls Route." ! TÏMETABLE (REVISED) NOVEMBER, 15,1891. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. i j EASTWARD. IN'thl ; I vTA-riosM Mail DayjSbreN YlNl't Atl. BxpfLtm EipEï.t-. A M A. M V. V. P.M. P. W. P. M. A. M 90i 122 3 1" 9 25 1010 456 I . Icfeiu 80 847 i 15 6 ; 339' 5 u8 7 V 10 26 'i..-vr 4 14 518 7Ï61O88 Delhi Millo... 430 ■ j Si: t 7 33 . . . ASK ASBOi.. J4SI6 21 6 22i4 r. 4 ■ 7 45'lw5-. I i i.silítuti.... ''S,1 5:0 ... .1 85G tiül ROó 11 0 WayusJuue .r'S7. 627 8 35 11 3(' P. . ",M. i'.M. P M. A.M AM. P M. Detroitr , 6 15 64.% 7 20 I"4J 7 151 9ol210 A. M. A..M JA. M.P. M. P..,üo I 8 0'! 4 001 7 45 8 16 60i 918 WESTWARD. FÜÜL N'th mtioss. Detr Chi. Urn Eve. Shre Pac Mml Exp KTp iCxp üxp. Lim Ex. Acc. A.M. A.M. A.M. i V. I. M. A M. illtfdlo, ISOC 630 9 451 3 ! 12 50 6 C0 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. P,M. l'.V. : ":roit,l.v .. 8 2 7 4" 1 20 8 01' 9 25 9 15 4 4S Wayuejunc 9 00 S3í .. . 9 35 5 19 Vpilsnti U 22 S'lfi 2 05 9 00 ....1015 5 40 ASIÏASB08.. 9. is 8 2 19 9 18 lu lü 10 82 6 52 i ■' ■; .Mili.. 9J. 9 87 IMl 965 ... .1 945 1052 6W ■ . ... lu 1(1 . 958 110; 6 18 (taoti... . tl 9S5 3 i4 1040 11 15 llfiÉ 6 S5 l'.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. A.M. (lii-Mf'i. Ar. 7 5' 3BS! 8 00 6 50 4 50 7 .'5 11 lo O. W . RÏJGGLE8, H. VV. HA5TES, G. P. & T. A. Chicago. Aff't Ann Arbor Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan RaiSway. 'í' üiird ia eífect Decrmber 6, 1801. Arrival of Iruino at Ann Avbor only. GOIKQ NOHÏH. No. 1. Malí and Express 7 27 a. m. i), l'asgr, Ana Arbor Accom.. .12 00 noon No. 5. Mali Passenger 4 !íó p. ui. OOIN'O SOUT1T. No. 2. Mail Passenger lllSa.m No. 4. Mail Express S40p.m. No. t. Passenger, Toledo Accom 7 00 a. m. Trnins 3 nnd 6 run between Ann Arbor and Xfiledo only. ('ontval Btandard Time. All Trains Daily except Bunday. W.H. BBNNETT, R. S. GREEN WOOD, . Gen. Pass. Afceut. Local Agent. Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Street Railway. Time table taking effect October 4, 1891. Leave Ann Arbor f rom Cnurt Home at 6.15, 7.30, 9 20. 10.50 a. m., and 12.50, 2.20, 3.50, 5.20, 6.50, 8.20,9.50, 11.20 p.m. Leave Ypsilanti at 6 00, 7.15, 9.00, 10.30, a. m., and 12.30, 2.00, 3.30, 5.0P, 6.30, 8.00, 9.30, 11.00 p. m. SÜNDAY TIME TABLE. Leave Ann Arbtir l'rom Court Hovse at 2.20, 3.50, 5 2'), 0.50, 8.20, 9.50, p. m. Leave Tvnüanti at 2.00, 3.30, 6 00, 0.30. 8.00, 9.30, p. m. ( Vir.s run on City Time. Coupon tickets, 10 cents. Kor sale by conductora. ■c-3 THE "ACMJE" ff RGRICULTURAL MJL BOILJER. 19 For Cooking Feed for Stock, Heating Water, ,' IH anc' Generating Steam _j_ I for Various Purposes. ■P Ë&lffll -or Descriptivo Cirenlar Jj EjNI In and Price Libt, address the ffsflES manufacturer, ■IS C.H.DICKINSON, Kala':stsSI mazoo, MCich. N'O.4 W. WASHINGTON ST. npK8E, SlGN, OrKAMEML AND FRESCO PaINTER, irlldintf, oalciminiDS, glazinK and paper nangln,r. Állworkia done in the best style and warrantoil to irivo satisfaction. EEPOET OF THE 00NDITI0N OF THE ruw Si mm mi - AT - A7PÍ ARBOR, M1CHIGAK. At tlie (!)oe of business, September 25, 1891. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts S?4;),76" 93 Bonos anti Mortgages S7.T46 07 OverJrafla í.liíll 99 Furniture and flxtnres _ :!,00ü ün KxpensfS and inieie-t paid 2,597 02 Dueöom Wa.-hltnuw Co 27 57S82 Büls in trausil : 4,66950 Dne from banlts in resarve eitits 2!i,78:i 64 Cash and cash tema 18,753 17 Total $423,5S7 1-t LIAHILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000 00 SurpLua fund 10,000 fcO Undivlded proiits 12.06958 Depusits 351.52750 Total $4-23,587 14 STATE OF MICHIGAN, ) Dounty of V'nshtenaw. (SH' I, Frftierick H. Relser, Ciisbier of the above namtd bnnk. do solenmly swear that thei abovo statement is true io cti; best of my knovvledge and belief. F. H. Belskr, Oasbier. Subscribed and sworn to before me thia lst day ofOctober, iS9l. William W. Whedon, Notary Public. COBBECT - Attest : Ambrose Keakney,) JüniüS 15. liEAL, -Directors. Chas. E. Gkeene, ) 25% We Have on Hand an Elegant Assortment of SoLON PaLMERS Finest Perfumes. We can suit your Fancy in Cut and Decorated Hotlks and save you 25% MANN BROS., DRUGGISTS, 39 S. Main Street, - Ann Arbor, Mich, I rÏLIT E, No. ti Wkst Ann Street. LiVËMV,ll AI:K AMiB4GG.(iE Li.VE, In the rear of Edward Duffy's grocery store. Hack to all trains, day and night. Orders for trains, parties, weddintfs and funerals uromptly atteuded to. Telephone, 108 AnD I Arbor Mich.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News