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Aii tofant child of Mr. and Mrs. .]. B. Mlddlecoll dled Mónday. Six clerks at Maek & Sffhmld's store are down wii.h the g.'rip this weck. Ex-Coimty Clerk Hpwlett is at his old static, n ttota week, County Clerk Brown being on the Kick list. The mew list oí subscríbeos oí the Ann Arbor telephone wchange !ia,s been fasued. There are 150 naracs on the The Argus is issued on Thursday this week in order to allow the entire force, from editor to "devü," a chance to enjoy a hoMday. Carda have been issued aunouncing the marriage of Artliur Mummery, oï this city, and Miss Jennie E. Fitzgerakl, of Geddes, to take place next Tuesday. The Landwöhr Verein elected the following offioers, Mou-d'uy uvening: Pres., William Kulin; vice-pres., Julius Loerke; sec'y, William Feldiheusser; fin. sec'y, Conrad 8ehneider; treas., Ghristiaii Wiegand; sec. oí sick. Cari Kruini-i; trustees, Jacob Sc-hanz, Cari Raab and John Berger; steward, Adolpli Betke; committée on widows and orphans, Ernest, sr., and Oottlieb Maulln'tsvh: ensign, AVilliam ftldebnek. Ellen G. Watson, widow of the late Eltham Watsoai, a brötüier of Prof. J. C. Watson, dSed at her resideuce on S. University avenue, on Saturdaj-, of cáncer. She was 47 years of age and had made her home in Ann Arbor for a number of years. Slie lea ves ome daughter, a student Sn the University. The iuneral was held at ttie resádence on Tuesday. Considerable noticc has been given tlirougliout the state to tlie faet that a Jack.soii mau liad perfoi'un-d the cal of eati-ng thirty quail in thirty pomsécutivc d;ys. Tiiis is ;i very trifling affair wlien compared with tlKit oí Fraink Vanderwarker, oí this ity, wV, ) tyn Tuetjclay air liis fortleth ijuail i: as mans' days, and was willi n '_u i" mate ín ■ siuiaber larger. Tin; Januai-y nipetins; oí tila V'a.-.hÉenaw Horti; uitnral Söeiety wlll be lield Jan. 2. 1892, ar tüe usual place ta the court af2 p. m. Topics: "To Iiicvease the Interest in oor So3iety," by Pres.; "KTut Culture," paper by 5Ir. Ganzliorii: "Reviewlng the crrors of the i'ast Seaswu," paper by W. F. Bird; "Entertainment of Mie Next Annual Meeting of tlie State Society an-d the Citizeus oí Ann Arbor," by A. A. Oqaiev. Exhibit of fruit and jellies.