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[OFFICIAL.] Cotí nc il Ch amber. Ana Ai-bor, Dec. 21, 1891. Regular meeting. Coinicil met and was called to order i)y Pres. Oooley, llnll called. Quorum present. Ai'srni Aids. O'Heaxá and Perg Minutes oí meeting approved. ï'KTinoNs AM) COMMUNICATIONS. A prtition slgned liy Suathcl, Kyci& Peteirsoai, RcLfinald Spokes and 2." othere, asking the council to cause Summüfc street (lately called High street) wwrterly from Main st', to be wMened and etraigiitened, to be 60 feet ia widtdi. Refoa-red to frtreefc committco. RErOKT OP STANDING COMMITTEB. To tlie Comnion Council:- Your committee on to w-hom was referrcd the matter of hK-litinjï the city ïor next year, commenclng Jan. lst, A. D. 1892, would reepecfiully rreommrail tliat the propoeitioïi of the Ann Arlxw T. H. Electric ('o., Vte iccepted umder same condition as last year. except that when xilis and lighte are ordered moved iliat the uajid Ann Arbor T. H. Electric Co., shall move the samo at their own under the dlrection of the ighting committee istreet commissioner as the common couneil may direct. Respectfnlly submilte'd, WILLIAM HERZ, (iEO. ATXMENDINGER ARTHUR J. KITSON, UchtlnK Com. Ahí Martin moved that the report be accepted and adoptod. AVhich moliion prevalled a.s follows: Ycas- Alds. Maim, Wines, Herz, Martin, AllmonilingiT, Fillmcwe, Taylor, Behberg, Hall, Kitson, Pres. Cooley -11. REP0ET8 OP SPECIAL COMMITTEES. To the Common Council:- Virar committee which was .ippointed to negotiate for the extensión of Fourth ave., from Madison et. to Hill st., respt'Ctíully report that they have liad an interview with Mr. Parker, the owruer of the land requlred íor euch extensión. The least sum that Mr. Parker will take i eiglit hundred dodlars ($800). Yoiir committee aro oí the opinión táiat snch a sum is ira excess of the real wortli of the Ian4 required iniluding all possible damage to come 'rom the opening of suob street, and ecoinmend that condemnation proceedings be instituted to ocquire the necessary riglit of way. Respectfully fmbmiitted, E. (i. MANN. (JEO. ALLMKNIIINGER, LOUIS P. HALL, Oommlttee. Aid. Mann moved that the report ! be accepted and adopted and con, mittee dtecnarged. Which motioai prevailed as follows: Yens- Aids. Manu, Wines, Herz, Martin. Allmendinger, Killmore, Taylor, Rehberg, Hall, Kitson, Pres. Cooley -11. EEPOKTS OP CITY OFFICKKS. I hereby annooince the appointrnent by the mayor, of D. Bycraft and Robt Leoivard as special policemen at the opera house, subject to the provisioiis of tfhe resolution passed Dec. 7th, 1891. WM. J. MILLJËR, Clerk. Ann Arbor, Dec. 21. 1891. M0TI0N8 AND KESOLUTIOXS. By Aid. Herz. Resolved. That the mayar and city clerk be and they are hereby authorized to contract vrith the Ann Arbor T. H. Electric Co., for the city to lighi the city accordlmg to the terms o last year's comtract, except that whei poles or llghts are ordered moved oí ctoanged, tlie said eompnny shal cliange or remove the same at their own expense. Which motion prevailed ae follows. Yeas - Aids. Maim, Wdnes, Herz, Martin. Allmendinger, Fillmore, Taylor, Renberg, Hall, Kitson, Pree. ('ooley -j By Aid. .Manu. "VVhereas, Thi.s cnuncil, having rinounii üx eommlttee, duly instruct;1 mr til at purpoee, made ;i fair and reascmable effort to obtain the right oi nny for the extenision of Fourth ave. BOOitherly from Madison street to Hill strect; also a release of damage liki ly m le occasioned thereby, and tliis conncil doth declare that euch right of way has not been obtained by purohase or otherwise, for t'he reason that wc were not able to a.gree witfh the person interested in the land and tenements, required, or affected tttuereby, thierefore Resolved, That the city clerk do certiiy tüils resolutian to the city attoa-ney, who is hereby directed ïoi-thwith to instituto proceeding in condemnation, and acquire such right of way and settle such and all such claims loc damage. Whicli resolution ptrevailed as foloav,s: Y'as - Aids. Manu, Wdnes, Hei'z, Martin. Allmendinger, Fillmore, Taylor, Rehberg. Hall, Kitson, Pres. Cooley -11. By Alá. Maan. Whereas the old cemetery is jkw in possession of the city aind is too valuable to hold lonji out of use, and, Vhereas, it is deeirable to. raakt' the best use of the same, consistent with the rights of the people therefore Kesolved, That the committee on parks and the city attorney submit a plan for renting for residence purpases ar other suitable use and report to thie coutEcü at their earliest conrcniicnce. Referred to park committee. Aid. movel that tho appointmente made by the mayor of I). Byeraft and Robert Le.onard as special policeiiK'n at opera house be confirmed by tliis couneil. AA'liicli motioii prevailfd. MISC ELLA NMOI s UISIXKSS. Prof. Chas. E. made a furHii'i- report ou sewerage as requested by tlic council, with plana .i mi profilo. The report of Prof. Greeoe Is as fodlowis: To the Oommon Coimcil of the City of Anu Arbor. Gentlemen:- Under the resolution of the oommon council of Nov. ICtli, 1891, I have made the following estiuiate of cost of a main sower for the city of Ann Arbor, from the creek 011 Hfll st., to the Hurón river, and I submit with the estimate a plan and profile for the sew-er, shovini;the line f rom Bunker's Dam and the K. I!. bridge to Liberty st., Aiiic!. in connection with the general plan mide aard repcwted by me two yeai-s igo, will cover all the pointa referrd to in tlie alKve resolution. "Tlie estiuuate of cast for a pipe sewor teem the R. R. bridge to Ilill . st. ;n tiie creek, as per my original plan, is: - K. R. bridge to foot of Mui st., 500 ft 22 In. pipe i Koot of iluin st. to Miller ave., 2000 ft. 18 la. pipa _ 3,101 Milleinve. to Wlllium st., 1901) ft. 15 ui pipe s,217 William st. to Hill .-;. . m creek, 3300 ít. Vi in. pipe 2.115 Total 14S00 ft.. 7.902 I' uglneerlng and Contlngenciee, !0(í_..I. i,7o If the nbove line is coutinued to Buukor' Dam, udd 1900 ft.,22 iu. pipe. 2(70 Fins lo :;:: 247 II the above line is built with ü 4" pipe in i)lace of -2" and 18" fromthe K. K. bridge as lar as Miller ave., and tJien TOilth 18" pipe to Hill st.. til estímate wU! be: R. R. bridge to Miller ave., 9100 ft , 21 in. pipe Í5!)CS MlUer ave. to Hill st. and ereek, 540Ö ft" 18 in. pipe ;Xr2 Engineering and Contingencias 10 ÜisiG If the line iscoutiuued to Buuker'sDam ndd 190U ft,, 2-1 in. pipe n 'is-; If the line is built with 24 iu. pipe from ' K. K bridge as far as Hill st., and 22 in pipe from tlience to creek, we will have 14000 ft, 24 in. pipe ... i6 470 500 ft, 22 iu. pipe ... --.:::::::: 7 Engineering and Contiugencies, 10;s f272i If continued to Bunker's Dam add as above _ Ml Mía The resohition of Nov. 16th, aills lor mi entúnate for a main sever from Bunker's Dam, wi'th 30". Irst quahty sewor pipe from lts outlel to the sou th skle of Huroa st., and 26" pape from Huron st. to south lin; of Hill et., and 22" pipe from Hill st to stopping place as indicated on mlp As I onderstand tliat no larger size of sewer pipe thau 24" is made, I have feit obliged to estímate on 30" m-ick sewer for the lower portioi. a 2-t pipe from Hurón to Hill st.. and a 22" pipe for the remaining distance. Tlie quantitiee, therefore win be ; Bunker's Dam to M. C. R. R., 1900 ft. brick sewer, 30 In. diameter, 8 in. thick 4,750 M. C. R. R. bridge to Huron st., 9800 ft. bnek sewer, 30 in. diameter, 8 in. thick 9 400 Huron to Hill st., 4200 ft. 24 In. pipe 8 ffi On Hill st.. 550 ft. 22 in. pipe „.„"I" m Engineering and Contiugeucies, 1O;Í 7J:S 7391 as wui oe seen Dy ínspection ofthe pro trie, to carry the sewer to Bunker's Dam, will require a lessening of the grade and henee a diminution of the velocity. I am, therefore, of the opinión that thia lessor grade and the further diminution of velocity from the greater roughness of the interior will rendier 30" brick sewer no more efficiënt for conveyance of sewage tlian the 24" and possibly the 22" pipe. As brick is no inipervious to water, the capacity of thi eewer will be further dimhiished by the infiltration oí ground water, of which there is considerable all along the river bank. The author of the resolution under which tliis report is submitted did not probably notice that. on the general plan, the grado of the main sewer is steeper above the intersection of Main and Suminit sts. than it is lelow that, if 24" pipe 30" sewer is larsfe enougli below that point, it should. íor due economy, be reduced proportionately above that point, not taking accotuit of the increase of sewage írom laterale along the vay. The sewer. as estiínated, is supposed to be tendered by coutractors of expreriieace in this line of work, after public advertismont. A very material reduction from tiiese figures can lc made. if the line of the scwer can be laid in the neighborhood of Alien creek, across private property, as indicated approxiimately by the dotted line, tlnis avodding the deep cutting shown on the profile on First st., from Catharine to WasJirngton st., and iu a less degree at the corner oí Jlain and Felch ate. For the deepest cut the saving would te from $1.50 to $2 per runTiiiTie fnnt. wiuJe ir om au engineering ana samtiiry point oï view I am unable to see why itt is sugrgested that the outfct sh'Oulfl be c&iriied down to Bunker's Dam, I have cstimatetl to that point, as requfsted, in addition to the line originally proposed. I am still of the opinión, as . oxpressed in my first report, tliat. while it is wise to plan a errade -hich -vill admit of extensión to the R. B. ba-idge, there !fi no neceeeiiby, for the present, of carrytng the sewer farther than the foot of 13th street. Beepectfully snbmitted, CHAS. E. (ÍRRBNE, C. E. Ann Ai-bor, Dec. 19, '91. Aid. Hall moved tüiat the report, plans and profiles of Prof. Chas. E. Círeene l)e received and referred to sewerage commiittoe and report be spread on the record. ■Ynich motion iinanimonsly prevailed. On motion the eouncil adiourned. City Clerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
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