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TUS SjmgSi RepuUican FOR 1892. AN INDEPENDENT, COMPLETE AND ABLE NEWSPAPEE. THE REPRESENTATIVE JOURNAL OF NEW ENGLAND. Established in 18::4 by Samuel Bowles.. Pablished SAILV, SUlftJAY and WSEKiï, The Springfíeld Kepublican ís ernplmtically a ucujspaper tor the poople. It publishes all the news that is news in the broadest and highestsense, unaffeeted by partisan or personal prejudice. Itis enterprising, alert and intelligent in the performance of its duties to the public. It has its own deeided opinions oti public questlons, and these opinions are e.y. pressed with vigor and ability, but they are not allo wed to color its news columns.. Tuk BeptjBLICAN is a thoroujrhly íiiir journal. Membersof all parties whodesire to keop in. formed of the important political eveuts and discussions of the presidential campaign cf 1892, should subscribe íor The Kepitblioan. THE DAILY REPUBLICAN Was started in 1844. and is the oldest daily paper in the state outside of Boston. It has alwayskeptabreastof the times, and has been quick to avail itself of the best modern applia ices tor the enlargement and improvemen of it3 news service. It is now reg-ularly an eight-page sheet with seven wide columns to the page, and supplemental pages are i'requently added as the demands of news or advertising-require. It covers the news of the world with discriminating care and thoroughness. New Engiand happenings and interests receive special attention and liberal space, and a largo torce of special reporters and correspondentsare constantly employed in gather ing the local news of Westeru Massachusetts and the counties of Connecticut, Vermont and New Hampshire lor its readers, lts edstorial pae is broad in range, independent, elevating', and interestinjr In quality. lts literary departmentJa of a remarkably high order. l(s political correspondence is furnishcd by independent, well-informed and capable writers. It publishes, moreover, a great variety of interesting and valuable general c rrcspondenee and selections. THE SUNDAY REPUBLICAN Was flrst published in 1878 in response to a real publio demand in WesLern Massachusetts for a llrst clnss, higïi-toned Sunday newspaper. Since that time it has been constantiy improvcd and it has been twice enlarged. Fully l'our-firths of ito 5ü columns of space is devo'ed to reading mattor of a high order, embracing news, special correspondence, a füll page oí editorial matter, a department of books, authors and art, a lirst-rate weekly story and a weekly sermón, sporting and theatrical news and notes, special arücles, original and selected poetry, etc. The Sunday Kepublican Is a thoroughly ïvholesome, excellent and interesting jonrnal, well adapted to the tastcs and wants of the intelligent New Englaiui public. THE WEEKLY REPUBLICAN Is now more than 07 years oíd, but age only lmproves its quality. It continúes to be what it has lonsr been, a remarkably faltbful and comprehenslve record of American lifo. lts weekly review of the news is very carefully compilad, and its 12 broad pag-es contain in addition to the news, a wonderfully rlch collection of valuable and entertaining matter. All the best features of Tuk Daily and Sunday Republican are reproduced in The Wekkly in fullor but slightly abrldged, and arranged with admirable skill and iHlelligenco lor the convenience and pleusure of the i reader. The result is a weekly news and l'amily ! jouraal which far exceds in interest and worth any similar publication in the United States. It is a paper that New Enjrlanders at homo and abroud will flnd of special value, and whieh Americaus everywhere can appreciate j and enjoy. SUBSCKIPTION KATES. DAILY: Tuoentsamonth, tZ a quartor, $8 i lyear. I SUNDAY: 50 conts a quarter, $2 a year. WKEKLY : 0 cents for slx mom Us, il a year. All subsoriptions are payablc strictly in ; vanee. Specimen copies tree. FREE EOR ONE MONTH. The Weekly Ropublican, a 12-pag-e oaper, i will be sant free for one raonth to any ona who wishes to try it. New subscribers , to The Weekly for 1892 can have the paper free for the balance of 1891 . Address THE REPUBLICAN, Springfield, Mass.


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