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State of Michigan, County of Washtenaw. The Circuit Court f or the County of Washtenaw. In Chancery. Ennna Mnthiws. complainant, vs. Johu Mnlliews, defendaut. WashteriawCount] ,-s. Upon dueproofby attidavit tlmt Jolm ,n.,iiiews defendí. nt In the ubove tMititii'il oause, uonoealed withtn tin state, and that procesa oanuol served uptfn nlm. on m lof Crainer v crnmcr, eolloltors torths complalnant, it is ordered ihat the sald aetendant, John Mathewe, do appear and answerthe bill of eomphuut flled in the sald oourt withiu three montbs after the date of tnis order, else the gald hili ot oomplaint Bhall be taken iis contessed, uid fui ther. tlmt this order be published withtn twenty days f rom t bis date In the Anu Arbor Argus,a newspaper published in the Baid County of Washtenaw, and be publlshed therein once ineachwirk lor twelve weeks in succession. Sucli publloation, however, shnll not be neceSBary In oase a eopy of this order be surved on the defcdant pereonally at lenst twenty days before the time hereln pregortbed l'or hls appearan B. Dated this 21st day of December. A. D. 1891. E. D. KINNE. Cramer - ('HAMER, Circuit Judge. Solieltóre forConiplninnrit. Estáte of Mary E. Smith. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtentw, su. Atasessionof the Probate Conrt for th Coumyol Wimhienaw, holden nt the Probate Office in ihe city of Anu Arbcr on T m-sclay, tho eighth d..y oi Deoembsr, In the year onc tliousand eiglit lmndred and nlnety-one. Present, .1 Wlllard Bnhhitt, .iiidee of Probate In the matter of the cst.ite o! Mary E, Smith deeeased. John S,nitli, the adniinistrator ot sniil eptute, comes into eourt umi repretents, that he is now prepared torender bis tinal aciouiit nssuch adininiHrator. Thereupon t is ordered that Tuesrtay, the flfth day o! January next. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assianed for examitiing and allowinj; such account, and that the heirsat lawolaaid ■leceased, and all other persons iaterested in naid fslate. are reqnireil to i'pnear ut a seBion of said court. then 'o bc hulden at Ihe Probate office, in the eity of Aim Arlior, in said (ounty, and show cause, if nv there be, why Ihe soid account ahoukl nut be nlloved: And it is further orderud. thut said Aiïm niatrulor give notice to tbc persons lot oren tpd in aald estáte of the ppndency of naid aecoiift, and the hearing thereof, by caiiMnt; a copy of thisovder to publisbed in the Ann Arbok AitGüK, a newspapt'r printed and circulating In said ooOUty, three successive weeks previous to said dav of hearing. J. WILLARD BA.BH1TT, ludgrf n{ Probnte, [A true copy.] W II.IJAM O. Totv. Pmhate Register, Estáte ot James M. Halleck. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY 01 Wiishtenaw, ss. At a bession of the Probate Couri tor ilie County ol Washtenaw, holden at the Probaie Office in the city ol Ann Arbor, on Monday, the seventh "day ot l'ecember in the year une thousand light hundred and ninety-one. Present, ,1. Willard liabbitt,.Tud-c of Probat?. Ii the matter of the eelate ol James M. Hnllei'k, deoeftfied. On ri-ndins anl filiiitr the petilion, duly verified, ot Richard Waldron, pmylna that he may be licened to sell the real eftt&t wheroof said deceaed died seized. Thereupon it isurdered IhatTucsilay. the fifili dav of January next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, ne Hssignod for the heuring ol t,aid petiMiin anü thiil the luirsai luw ot said deoeaed und all other persons interesled in ;aid estato are re qulröd to appear ai :i sossion of snit) eourt, then tobe holden at the l'robitc O11ic in the city of Ann A rbor, and show cause, it anv there b(, why the prayerof the petitionei'should nol be granted. And it is further ordered that said petitloner swe notice to the personR interested in said esiate of the pendency of said petilion anil tlie hearing thereol by causing a oopy of this order to be, published in the Ann Arbor Akiíl's. a uewwpaper prmted and circnlated in said couniy throe successive weeks !revioi8 to said (Jitv ofüearinjr. .1 wriJ.AKI) BABlilTT, iA trneeopy.) .tude ul'l'robntp Wl 1,1,1 AM (i . ItOTY, Pr'itmt" HcciHtet. Real Estáte for bale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF Washtenaw, ös. In tlio matter of the estáte of Benjamin P'.vor, dceeused. Notice is hereoy grlren, tlmt In pursuaneeof au order granted to thn tmdersi(fned e.xecutor of the hist. wiil and testament f paid deeeased by tlie Hou. Judge of Probate foi the County of Washtenaw, on the twenty-nintli day of Si ptetnber, A. D. 1L91,there willue sold at public vendiio to the hiifhest bidder, at the eaet front (ioor of the Court House in the city of Aun Arbor in the Couutv of Washtenaw, in said ritate, on Monday, the first day of February, A D. lS9á, at eleven o'eloek in the forenoon of that day (subject to all encumbrantes by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the said sale the lollowing described Heal Estáte, towit: The Weet half of the SoutheaRt and the East half of the Southwest quarter of Sectiou Three (3), in the Townshipof Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan. Aleo a piece of land in the Southwest corner of the East half of the Northwest quarter ot said section which lies fouth of the hijihway, runninp the last described piece of land coutaining about one acre more or less. CHARLES A, PHY0K. December 15. IKfll Executor. E. E. BEAL. GEO. H. POND. BEAL & POND (Succe8sors to A. DeForegt.) Insurance Agency ! RepresenUng Only FISST-CLAB3 COMPANIES. 0OVBR1NG Firo Iunnrance, Stoaiu Boiler Intnrauoo, Plato Glans Insurance. . m Lfjweat Ratea, Honorable .Vljustment and Licsses l'romptly Paid. ♦ . The patronage ol our Frlends end the Pul)lic eneniUy is solloited. Office In the Courler Building.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News