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Fnr the Iloüdays. the, T., A. A. & X. M. E'y wil) glve o;ie and one-third iare round trip. Tickets ou sale Deeember 24th, 25fh and 31st, 1891, and Jaaiuary 3st. 1802, tietween all statiüüis on its line and other pointe deslgiiated on hand bilis. Tickets good going on aliove dates and returnbig ou áñy regulaï train until ,Tan"y ith, inclusive. R. . GEBENWOOD. Local Agent. Uuaranteea Cure. Wc autüiorize our advertised dru;;gist lo sell Dr. King's New Discover,) for C'onsumption, Couglis and Colds, upon this condition. If you are afflicted with a Cough. Cold or any Lung, Throat or Chest troublo, anej will use this remedy as directed, giving it a fair trial, and exporienee uo benefit, you ïaay return the bottle and your money will be refunded. We eould not make this offer did we no{ Unow that Dr. Klug'e New Discovery could be relied on. It never disaj points. Trial bottle fi-ee at EberbacU & Sou's Ann Arbor; and Geo. Haussler Manchester; drug stores. l,argo süc 50 ets. and SI. 00. Real Estáte For Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY ■ Uol' VVaahtenaw, ss. In the matter of the Estáte of Thomas Keedle do asid. Notie hereb) triven thal I:i lureuánce of an order {rraincd 10 tlie uudersiüiicil admuiistrator of ilie Estáte of said i homas Keedle deceaged by the Hou, Judge m Probate for tlieCouuty o!' SVashteuaw, on tlie ■Linú day of December, A.D. 1801, there wil] ■e sol,1, at Public Vondue, to the higheat bidder, ut the liitst front door ji the Uourt Housü in t City of Aun Ai-hor in the Couutj ol WashtoiiH ui sld State, ou Monday the Jíiglith doy of Pebruury A. D. 18!, a. lu o'cljok in the Cornnoou of tbat day (t.ut)cct to all ■noumbrances by un. i-tengo or otherwise ■xlstiug ai ihe ilme of the death uf suid ■eoeased) the followlat, desci-il cd Uc.-il Éstate, to-wil: 'Jlie West half of thoNorthhalf of the vvost half of the Soudi-HiiM quarter of seution Number twenty oix (3a) in tha townshlp of Ann i-hoi-, Washtenavv County, Míl-Iiíkhu WILl.IAM IC. CHILis, Datcd üo.-. 22, i.H-.ti. Admlniitrator.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News