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Ann Arbor's Growth

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Aun Albor can llave no reason to e-omplahi over talé year 1891. Tho year lias lieeu as prosperous a one as its predecesaofs, and lias witnessed another year of that solid growth which Aun has enjoyed ior severa! yeai's pase. Buildings have gane up in all er .ion oí the city, none beiñg ni'írleoted. and tliere being no'ward wliich hae not sustained a substantinl Improvement in the way of buildings. Aun Arbov 'has no boom, nor has slie ever liad. Hev progresa has always been tliat of steady, solid industry. A ptealdar fact here is t'hat the progress here lis always mude by tlw steady savings and ernings ni our own eitizens. Outíádé capital is not eaJled Ín t'he total wea.ltih oí thr eity increased to any great exteut, the 100 or 200 ihonies Wttilcli spring up in the oity eacili year being tho result oí the savings and the ambition of eaeih of tir citiizeins to own a lióme oí lüs Owíl. It is safe to put the total expenditure tor buildings in Ann Arbor at not far from $425,000 during ttofi piwt year. Of thds amo-uat, $125,000 represeots the .investment of the state in buiIMings and repairs of the University. A large aum is also represented l)y tlie amounit invested by tiie variouK cHiurch aiiid roligious organiizatíons ín the city. The amoiuit spent ín the city lor repairs, estimated at not far from $25,000, the Srgtia has 'but little effort to keep Crack oí, tnit that our citizens may realdze wlhat improvements liave been made in the way of new building.-) ■durtajr .1891, tliie Ai'gus givcs below a nearly complete list, alt.hou{?h numeroüs smaller places built by private parties may liave e.scaped the eye of O'ur representtlfive: The U.uiverslty linprovëments during the yètU.' have been the largeat in several ypars past, the total paid ior new buildings, additions, repairs and improvements amouuting to over $125,000, the principal items of which are as iollows: Lniversity hospitals, $85,000; President Ajtlgell's house, addition, $1Q,OOO; athletie ground.s, buildings and fitting ujp, $5,repairs; on oíd Univeraity Hospital, $3,000 other repairs, $4,000; ehemical laboratory nddition, $2,800; iittiiif;' and equipping engineering laboratory, $3,000; steam heating, $7,000; toundatioms for additions to luw and engineering buildings, $5,000. NEW BUILDINGS. McMMlan Hall, completed, State-st., $20,000. Cliark's ü. Whitin.a-n, rcsidi'iiec, E. Hurón street, $15,000. Mrs. E. Sniith, residence; corner oí Washtenaw avenue and Wilinot street, $3,000. ■Dr. A. D. ÍSalsbury, residente. est .avenue, $3,000. Mrs. Putton-Taylor, reaidencc, Éast Dolventfty avenue, $2,000. Henry Iticiiards, residenee, .Forest avenue, $14,000. O. l.. Kobiiiwon, residenee, llill-st., $5,000. E. 13. Huil, residence, Hill-st., $4,500. 1'. D. Wuodrutï, rt'.sidence, Forest avenue, $2,500. F. A. Wilson, regidence, Hill street, $4,000. Mrs. J. Schuniaclier, i-esidonce, North street, $3,000. J. E. Harkins, residenee, N. Maiu street, $2,000. A. A. Kent. residence, avenue, $2,000. H. C. Exinger, two resWeuces, E. Catherime street, $3.000. Newberry Hall, State istreet, fitting library, $300. Newbérry Hall, fitting Ubrary, $300. Edward Campbell, residence, llill-st. $3,000. Miss Oai-diüT. nsiilciuc. Wnshtcnaw avenue, 8,000. Mrs. K. A. Ratnbóae, tliree resl,■,, Twélfth and Hill streets, Y7,500. ;. W. Patteréan, reeidebce, S. l'niveraity avemfe, $3,500. si. Thomaá' Hall, Eaiüabeth street, $ 1 .500. Fred Retticli, Jr, resldence, E. Huron btjeet, $4,500. Urs. Louisa Behr, reeidence, South rnmth avenue, $3,000. Allx'rt Glatzel, residence, corner Plrsi nd JeïfersV" streets, $2,800. (ieoi-gi' liaiu-, residence, S. i' vi'iiue, $1,500. Miciuirl Seery, residénce, N. State dtfèet, SL'.tiOO. Cfrarles Sftur, realdencei Wilmot-st, 2,500. Mi-s. Clark, reedflemce, 8. Unlverslty avenue, $4,500. Adam A. Meutk, two resldences, Detoit and División streets, $3,000. Wm. Go-Ddyear, residente, X. Divisan street, $2,000. GeoTge Hamloo, rcsidencc, Tlioinpkn street, $3,000. Filburt Koth, resideince, corner Pack;ü(1 and IIül streets, $2,200. .lohn Feiuer, residence, corner Ashlv and Williams streets, $2,700. I.awrenee O'ïool, residence. E. Cath(1-inc Ktreet, $2,200. A. L. Noble, barn. División street, Í8T5O. W. V. Nichois, resldence, HiU-st., Electric Liglit Co., addition. W. Mashington street, $1,000. Alvin St. Clair, resiáence, ISrook-st., $00. Bdward Metcalf, residt-nce, Brook stteet, $800. Edwin Carr. addition and vlteratiUs, Brook street, $200. beorge Clark, resldence. Gott street, $tloo. . Mrs. O. B. Hall, residence, corner wkslitenaw and Geddea avehiiea, $4,5(1). Bethel. A. M. IC. ciuireh, N. Fllth avnue, $4,200. Mrs. M. L. Lukins, two residences, Wistenaw and Ueddes avenues, $5,OdO. ïm, Locker, residenee, Geddes aveini.. $1,100. Frank Feiner, residenee, E. Fniver■iii.s avenue, $1,125. Miss Gardjner, residencig, Wa.shtenaw ávehue, 1.500. M.u-tin Haller, residènce, S. Main stren. $3,000. y. J. Sehleede, pesidenee, Jefferaon streüt, $3,500.. Mii. É. A. .Speuce, remodeüng re(lcncr, Jefferson street, $2,300. Chetver, Grnaer and Treadwell, two residetcs! M dn and Williams sti'eets, $4,200. Ross Graöger, residente, VV. Huron street, $1,400. Mrs. Maa-y Colby, residence, ('huren street, $1,300. Chi&ilès Clazier. residente. Traver Street, Í500. Mr. Ktng, resideiiee, W. Sec-ond-st., $1,200. Fred lluss, resldenee, W. Setond-st., $2,200. tieorge Walker, realdence, S. Fiïtli avenue, $000. Mrs. E. Andrews, residence, 8. Ashley street. $(00. Samuel Krause, residente1, W. Third street, $1,200. ■ Philip Vteel, residence, W. Third-st., $800. David i:im:-iey, finishing residence. X. División street, $2,500. Mrs. J.. A. McOmber, addition, ('l'iireli .street., $.S00. James Tolbert, residence, Twelith Street, $2,500. . E. A. ('alkins, resfdence, S. [ugalls street. $1,800. Walter Taylor, residente, Broadway, $1.600. Josepli Williams, residence. Maynard street. $2.550. 1). F. Seh-iiirer. residence, Psiekard street, $2,100. MLsk Nellle Nichols, renidence, Madi801 street. $1,500. Harvey Convwell, residenee, Cornwell plaee, $3,300. Atliletic grcnwids, g-randstand, $1,300. Mrs. Chas. S. Millen. addition and repairs, Lawronee street, $1,500. A. E. Shaw. resideuce. Hill street, $8,400. D. V. Soliiiurer, residciu-r, Packard streel, $2,2oo. J. V. Shetfha.n, iounda t.ion for residence, S. Stal e street. $:(5(). A. Et. Hammond, stop, Paekayd-st., $300. l'roi. de 1'init. addition, Jefferson street, $400. Mrs. Dr. 1'uni, two residences, Washtem-aw and Forest avenues, $3,500. Andrew Oswáld, residence, E. lliiron -irecl. .■?(;,()()(). Mrs. 51, A. 1-ukins. residence, 8. Pouriceatii Areet, $2,500. Mrs. M. A. Lukiuis, residencc. K. Cni versity avmiue, $3,500. Dr. F. H. r.rnwn, residence. E. Iluion slreet. s:!,.-()ii. Isaac Re.vmdds, restdence, Hi-naiUvay. ir 1 ,:'00. Gedrge Rooaey, residente, Broadway, $800. Kdward Kemt, resldeoce, Wall steet, $1,000; 'bann, $12?. lugusí ' bara, Spring street, $125. .lo'.un V. Goodspeed, additlon and alterations, E: CatluTine Street, $2.500. X. .1. Kyer. addition, X. Main st., $1,200. A. H. Filmare, addition, Sprlng-gt., $600. M. M. Stclfey, í-esidencc, W. Washington street, $800. Miss Smitth, N. !Tiyer street, $800. Chas. S. Millen, additioii, $200. C. IH. ('ady. rcsidemce, Packard-st., $4,500. George Crockeis residence, Spring-st., $1,400. A. K. Beterson, rcside-nee, Cherry street, $1,500. George ÍH. Grow, residoneo, Cherry street, $l,L'O0. I). Cramer, new poroh. E. Hurón street, '-$500. Orvílle Sage, resldence, Higli street, $1,000. Jos. Sliaw, residnce, Mlller avenue, .i.l'OO. KEPAIHS. C. H. Worden. WÜUams-Bt, $200. ,lrs. Stilcs, Ttaompson street, $700. Jacob Ganzhorii, Spring street, Mai-.v Bleohler, . t'unrt.h st., $260. A(Urlpl) Lt'iitz, 8. T', $100. Mr. Kauske, Seeoml ward, 160. Charles Kauske. S. Ttiird street. $150. James Tolliert. at lamber yard, $120. Mi-s. Charles Mlller, Becond ward, $60. Frederick Sehonld, 8. Fiítlh avenue, $700. Maek it SHnnád, new front and repairs 'Om store, córner Main and Liberty streets, $1,100. lloiu-y Binder, córner Main and Liberty streets, $200. Waltrr Taylor, Broadway, -VoOO. Dr. ('. (i. Darling, E. Dniveraity avenue, $250. Win. ('aUl'svcll, WilHai'd street, $225. Mrs. Taylor, Chureh street, $600. f


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News