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Adrian Press Washtenawisms

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Aun Albor has a visión of a S50,000 car factory in herjnidst. # 9 Ten new ehurcli sheds in Willis, and more to follow. Willis belives in sheddingthe gospel. # # Tlie Normal senior class vvill adopt tfae "mortar-board" hat. The mortar cannot be very dry under snch a hat. Bexter is proud of a bedstead sixty years oíd, and made with a saw and an axe. It still possesses a fine, rugged eonstitutinn, though it was bed-ridden for half a century. An Ann Arbor man was sent to Detroit for ÍK) days last week, for stealing a bag of ilour. Had he stolen a railroadhe would have been complimented and overwlielmed with applications for conductorships. Under tbe old test, lamp explosions were unknown, or very rare, but now property is being destroyed in Michigan daily by tlie quality of oil that is allowed to be sold. Thé sqnawbucks who changed the test have a areat deal to answer for.- Ann Arbor Courier. The "Sqüawbucks" are entitled to tlieir share of the blame, bnt it suould be borne in mirid that the republicana in the legislatura were a unit for the law while the demócrata were not. The bilí would have flnally failed in ;he senate but for one republican who first voted no and afterwards changed to yes. The bill then passed, nnniy demócrata votinc; in the nesrative. # "Peewee"' Johnson, au emaciated darkey. with one lung gone and the other going, rnustered up vitality enougli to pry open the cash drawer of Bach's office at Ann Arbor, the other day, and extract therefrom $55. The pólice pounced upon "Peewee" and put himin jail. The consumptive was then gone through and about $23 were mined lïom his clothes. As the poor "mok&" has but a short time te live, it was decided to release him and let the Lord deal with him according to his transgressions. [The Press falls in error in supposing that Johnson was a darkey.] What appeared to be a case of murder or suicide was discovered early Sunday morning of last week, by au Ann Arbor gentleman, who, in a husky voice, called the coroner i'rom his peacefnl Sabbath snores, to attend on tüe solemn presenee ot the dead. A doctor and an undertaker (frequent cause and consequence of mortality) weve jerked l'rom their drearbs, witH runipled hair, and rubbing their eyes, appeared on the scène, and glared around for the eorpse. Presto ! The body had disappeared. Th ere had been a resurrection ! Subsequent investigation dissolved the mystery, as melts a pot of suow when the flre is iot. Tlie supposed victirn of a tragedy was but a plain, every day Ann Arbor drunk who had been sleeping off his Saturday night's potation, with the earth for a tick and the sky t'or a coverlet. Smythe- I dropped a cent in front of ii blind beggar to-day, to see if he'd piek it up. Tompkina- Well, did he? Sniythe - No: be saiil, "make 5r, a dollar, lio.-;, and I'll forget niywrli.'-'


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