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Cutting Up Monkey Shines

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The Two Suni . hav iiad three moiikeya exhibition in tbeir windfiv for a couple of weeks past, to attraét the attention of those who are iuterèsted in the antics of tiiase aiilmnts. They Hcrved thedr pnrpóse well and f rom fifty to a ïnindrod persons migh-t bc sean almost any time watchjng the mookeyB. it was a gqod advfe;-tlaément, but whetïler 'twas Voj-tli all it èosi i'emaina yèt to bë seeu. , Mookeys are vefy susceptible to the eold Tveather a:ul oa Sanday. fea ring the ïnomkeys miglit íollow the fisliton and e-ateh the grip, au oil sióve was placed In tle '.'ï-ont o! tifafe vindow where it would lied its heat over toe monkeys. TJiat isii'c all it did. it beated the twq largeplate glass Windows on t'lie Insidc, and the cold wind do outside caused tbe two large plates t.) eraek. Fortipn&tcly the glass was nsurea and thie loss will f all on the 'iuèdrance compain.y. Sundiay was a bad day for monkeys all arouiïd. One of thoui was taken siek and was taken to Browa's drug store for treatmemlt. The clerk gave íhini a dose of medicine and laid (hiru on tilie register to tliaw out. He "thawed" a.n,d in a few minutes was mailing t'hiugs lively among tlie boules and glassware but was captured bcfore any damage Vf&s done. The other two were lnakiüg tliiugs lively at the Two Sams' ai the. same time. They eseaped frnm tJieir eage and bad ;i fine time p-iilling down the electric ligiit wjrea ín tlie raat wipdow and smastilng .-i coaple oí sinall Mghts of glaes. Tliey weïë finaliy put back into their oage, bat oae got out into the stoi-B again latsr ia the evening and it was n,,t t : 1 1 1 1 late Monday mórning tha1 everything ,vog sa ' and sound uround The monU-y eagi'. The next timo the iirin gets ;ni,v live curiosities as an attraction, tliey wiH ' engage a eompauy oí armed ; aints to stand gaard over then.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News