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The Springfield Republican

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FOR 1892. AN INDEPENDENT, COMPLETE AND ABLE NE WSPAFEB. THE REPRESENTATIVA JOURNAL OF NEW ENGLAND. Established in 1824 by Samuel liowles. hXU DAILY, MM uï VE2SL7. The Springfiem) Kf.publican is emphatloally a ?cuíipaper lor the people. )t publiehes all the news that is neivs in tho broadest and highest sense, unatfected by partisan or personal prejudice. Itis enterprièing, alert and Intelligent in the performance ot its dutiea to the public It has its own dedded opfnions on miblic nuesüons, and these opinions aie ex. pressed with vigor and abilitj', but they are notallowedto color its news columns. The Kepublican is a tboroiigbly fair Journal. Membera of all partios who desiro to keep in. formed pt the important political eveuts and discussions of the presidential campaign of 189:2, should subscribe lor Tue Kepubi.vcax. THE DAILY BEPUBLICAN Was started in 1841, and is the oldest daily paper in the state outside of Boston, lt has always kept abreast of the times, and has been quick to avail itself of the best modern appliances for the enlargement and improvemen of its news service, lt is now regularly an eight-page sheet with seven wide columns to the page, and supplemental pages are f requently added as the demands of news or advertising: require. lt covers tbe news of the world with diseriminatlni? care and thorough ness. New England happenings and interests receivfe special attention and liberal space, and a large forcé of special reporters and corres pondentsareeonstantly employed in gather ing the local news of Western Massachusetts and the neighborinji counties of Conneetieut Vermont and New Hampshire lor its readers lis edstorial page is broad in range, indepen dent, elevating, and interestinK in quality I ts Itterary department is of a reinarkably high ! order, lts politieal correspoudence is fin nished by independent, well-infonned and ca pable writers. lt publishes, morcover, a grea variety of and valuable genera j c rrespondence and THE SUNDAY REPUBLICAN Was fn-st published in 1FT8 in respouse to a real puWio (Iemand in Western Massaohusetts ïor a flrst-elass, higb-toned Sunday newspapev. Since that time it has been oonstantly improvcdandit has been twice enlargod. Fully fpur-flftha of itt 50 columns Of space is devoied to readlng matter of a high order, embrncing i news, special eorrespondenee, a i'ull page of i editorial matter, a departmeut ot' books, tlioi-s and art, a iirst-rate weekly story and a j weeldy sermón, sportiojf and theatrical news and notes, special artielcs, original and selected poetry, etc. The Sunday Republican is a thoroujrhly wholesomo, excellent and interesting jonrnal, well adapted to the tastes and want? of the intelligent New Eugland public. THE WEEKLY BEPUBLIOAN Is now more thanfiT yeare oíd, but age only improves lts quallty. It continúes to be what it has lont? been, a romarkably faithf ui and comprehenslve record of American life. lts weekly reviewTïf the news is very earefully compiled, and its V! broad pages contain In addition to the news, a wonderíully rich collection of valuable and entertaininif veading matter. AU the best features of The Daily and Sunday Eepublican aio reproduccd in The Weekly in f all or but sliifhtly abridged, and arranged with admirable skill and inteüifrence for the oonveuience aud pleasure of tho i reader. The result is a weekly news and family ' journal which far exeeeds in interest and worth any similar publication in the United States. It is a paper that New Hiiirlanders at home and abroad will ilnd of special value, and which Americans everywhere eau appreciate aud eujoy. STJS3CRIPTI0N KATES. DAILY: Tu cents itmontli.SJ u quarter, $8 a year . BtJ NDAY : 50 oents :i quarter, $2 a ynv. WEEKXY: öO cents Cor all montiis $1 a yeav. All subsorlptiona are payablo strlctly ló advanoe. Specimen oopies free. FB.EE FOE ONE MONTH. The Weekly Repubücan, a 12-page paper, ■will 'oe sent free for one month to any one who wishes to try it. New subscribers to The Weekly for 1892 can have the paper ft-ee for the balance of 1891 . Addre3S TEE REPÚBLICAS Springrflold, Mass.


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