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A Glimpse At The Past

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From the Mlohtíran Argus, July'.i, L835. The charter election succeetled in the choice of George W. Jewetfc, Eaq., president, md E. W, Morgan, Ksq., recorder. Having i new board we hope to see something done. We trust that the present board willtake it apon themselves to do sometliiiifi more tluin pass laws wliicli :ire never enforced, and appoint attorneys who never ecute. The Corporation of Aim Arbor have been tlie laughing-atock of town and country long enough. Their ordinances have been ridiculed and "Their Dignities" been made the subject of jest. We said the laws had nevcr been enforced. We, lieg pardon. Twopiga .have been eonfineil and one . :i hoiti tii e neople by way of getting brass neeklaces for their "yefping ciirs." Ifow orin what manner the money has been expended which has been so raised, the records of the town council of Ann Albor say not. We would let the records of the past meetings of the "President, Recorder and Trustees of the village of Ann Arbor in Town ('ouncil assembled,:' be nnmbered with the things that were. Tlie institution, however, is one wliicli niight be mail e of great service to our village. Money might be raised and expended in such manner as to ornament our village and enliahce the value of tlie property oí its inhabitants. In order to do tliis, laws must not only be made but enforced. We like to see the laws respected. We do not wish, however, to have a character .so Bacred attached tp them as to make il. a sacrilega to nee tlii'in --as appeara to have been the case with those enacted by the "President. Recorder and Trustees of the village of Ann Arbor, in Town Council assembied," of l884r-35. These were, it is true. likesome precious relie, exhibited for a few weeks in the columns of the Emigrant, and laid aaide to be seen or beard of only by the antiquarian, Once while upon this subject, we would suggest to t'ne Corporation of is:;.) 38, thepropriety of building sheds upon tlie north side of the court house square. It does now well, very wel!, for a bain yard. It ai s worst very purpose as such, except in a storm, and after öeing kind enough to furnisli drovers and others with tlie most sighi ly spot in the village for their cattle to litter, it would certainly be in keeping to furnish them with a place as well in rain as sunshine. We were very inui'li grieved at the necessity which compelled a draver a few days since to retire before the square was completely littered. It would also be well, we siiould thiuk, to enact that no inhabitant of the villaje should draw water from the town pump for the use oi' hiniseU' and family. Therekliardly enough to slipply the horses. l?oth cannot be accommodated. W have uoticed that the "dear pigs,"' during our warmest weather, were very uncomfortable in eonsequence of there being a scarcity of water in the beautiful mud-hole which ornaipeuts our public square. These "delightful animáis'" must be veryuucomfortable if somuch water is taken from the aforesaid pump for the accommodiition of families.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News