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Report Of The Condition Of

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At Aun Axbor, Michigan., at the close of business May, 4, 1891. BES00KCE8. LTAB1LIT1ES. Louns and .Discounis, -f4lil,SÖ ïl r if. ■ afn„v fifl (KW (X Stocks, Bouds, Montages, etc 244,818 24 uipital stocK wmmj w. Ovordrafts, 10,848 86 Surplus tund ÏOO.UÜO 00 Furuiture und Plxturos 1.M30 85 Current expenses and taxes pakl, Ü.288 15 Undivided proüta, .U,.w9 fl. CASH. Dividends unpaid, 858 00 Due from banlis in reserve cities - 101,140 HO DEPOS1T3. SíSfí'SSÍ.l!!:: T o- s; Nickels aud pennies - siX Savingrs deposita 455,535 80 Uuldüoin, 15,01,0 00 Silver ooin 2,80000 Certifícate of deposit 28,o48 Kö. 8. ftud National Bank Notes 15,058 00 STATK Ol?' MICHIGAN, I Couuty of Washteimw. I I, Charles B. Hisoonk, cashier of the al'ove named bank, do soiomnly swear that theabove statement is true to tbe beot of my kuowledge and belief. Chaiiles E. Hiscook. casttier. COBKEOT-Attost : Ctanstian Mack, h Gruner, W. D. arriman, Direetors. BubgoMbed and swovn to before me. thtó 9th day of May. Mg j. FltITZ. Notar, PilbH. Capital stook pairt in, $ I Total assets, - 7Vw!A"mÍ Capital seeurit.v, - ÏOO.OOO Surplus, - - ÏOO.OOO.OO Trausacts a general banking business; buys andsells exclianges on Nevr ro-k Detroit and Chicago: sella ilrafta on all the principal cities ot Kurope. Thishauk alreaiiy Iwviiig a Ihiííí imsiness, invites nierchants and otners to opea acc.uuts witli them witii the assurance of the most liberal dealing con■istent with sstfe banking. In the SaviiiRS Department interest is paid semi-anmially, on tne nrst days ,if Jauuai v i ml -h'lv on al) siims that were deposited three months previous to thos days i hns affonliiift the penale f this city and county a perfectly saté clepopiUii"y for thtr rum Is. tottether wiiii a return in interest for the same. Money boloHii dn pwñvd spcurities. i DiitKc-, :-. f!hrwf.iai Murk. W. D. Harriman, Danie) Hiscoek, WUliam Deniic!, WiUiiï M. Sruith. Duvid Binsey, and L. Gruner. Officbiís.- OiristiHTi Maek, EYesident; W. D. Harriraan. Vice-l3resident; Chas. K. I (isefick. (Junh'u'r.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News