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TTNAOQUAENTED WITE THE GEOGRAFHY OF THE COUNTRY, WILL OBTAIN MUCH VALUABLE INFORMATION FHOM A STUDY OF THIS MAP OF THE GHJCÏBck''lsUND 'i iaéïftFRAILWAY, Including mitin lines, branches and extonsions East and West of the Misso,uri River. The Direct Route to and from Chicago, Jüet, Ottawa. Peona, La SaUe, Moline, Rock Island, in IMJNOIS- Davs-nport, Muscatino Ottumwa, Oskaloosa, DesMoines, Winterset. Audubon, Harían and Councií Bluffs, in IOWA- Minneapolis and St. Paul, In MINNESOTA- Watertown SÍ&tSÍSJíÍT FalIs. ln DAKOTA-Cameron, St. Joseph and Kansas City, In MISSOURI-Oinaha, Fairbury and Nelson, in NEBKASKA-Horton, Topeka. Hutchinson, Wichita, BellevlUe, Abilene, Caldweü. in Kacscs-PondCreeS Hennessey, Kingfisher, EU Reno, in the INDIAN TERRlTÜKY-and Denver! Colorado Springs, Pueblo, in COLORADO. FBEE Roclining Cbair Cars tó and trom Chicag-o, Caldwell, Hutchinson and Dodge City. and Palace Sleenïng Cars between Chicag-o, Wichita and Eutchinson. Traverses new and vast areas of rich farming and grazing lands, aifordintT the best fa.eilities of lntercommunication to all towns and cities oast and west, nortbwest and southwest of Chicago, and Pacific and trans-oceanlc Seaports. MACN9FICENT VESTIBULE EXPRESS TEAENS, Leading all competitor3 in splendor of eauipment, wai-rneü bv steam from the locomotive, well ventilated, and fi-eë trom duet. Vhrodgh Coaches, Pullman Sleepers, and Dining Car3 daily betweén Chicago, Des Moines. Council Bluffs and Omaha, with Pree Reclinint: Chair Cars between Chicago and Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, vla St. Joseph, or Kansas City and Topeka. Splendid Dining Hotels meals at seasonablo S.?,uï,sAwest of Missouri River. California Qzcurslons düily, with CHOICE OP ROUTES to and from Salt Lake, Offdon, Portland. Los Angolés and San The DIEECT LINE to and from Pike's Ieak, Manitou, Garden ot tne Gods, the Mountain Cities, Mining Camps, Enita.riums, and Scenic Grandeurs of Colorado. VIA TS-ÍE ALBERT LEA ROUTE-, su.d Express Trains daily between Chicago and Minueapolis and St. Paul with THROUGH Recliniiig Chair Cartí (FBEE) to and from those points and KaPsas City. Through Chair Car and Sleeper between Peoría, Spirit Lake and Sioux Palls, via Rock Island. The Favorite Lino to Pipastone, Watertown, Sioux Falls, and the Suminer llesorts anü Hunting and Fishing Crrounds of the Northwest THE SHOtiT LINE VIA SÉNECA AND KANIÍ1KEB offers facilities to travel between Cincinnati, Indianapoüs, Lafavotte, and Council Bluffs, St. Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis and St. Paul. t or Tickets, Maps, Folders, or desired inforaiation. applv to anv CouDon Ticket Office in the United Statea or Cacada, or address E, ST. JOHN, JC -;N SEBASTIAN, General oger. CHICAGO, ILL. Gen'l Xiokat & Pasa. Agen


Ann Arbor Argus
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