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Read the Two Saras' ad; bo-day. Preeideni Barrlsoo has named Peter tliin. The MieJiJgan state Press Associatie D, ,, ,,,._ The couirty paid $15735 on sparrow orders in December. The Schubert Quartette, at Universily Hall, Saturday evening. Twenty new members wore added to the Prcsbj teriair ehurch, last Bun, la.v. Joi! T. Jacobs & Co. have Bomethlng important to teil you. See their fullpage ad. Dtseningo lodge, 1. o. O P instalad tiifir oificers for the year on Tuesday evenlng. The Ligiit In'antry entertainment will take place at t)h opera house Jan. l;th L'Oth. -Mr.s. Coats has moved Into her nTTv house on v. Huron street, near the corner of First si peel . Karl Bucihoiz, ag-ed 55 years, died on Hiscock street, Wednesday mornSing, oí pneumonía. Washtenaw chapter, No. (i. R. a M., will met next Momday evening work on the mark degree. Mrs. JoJwi Gies, of Kawkawltn, died on E. CatlherTne street, Tuesday eening .oí CQuamnptlon, aged 28 years. Fred Eberbaeh retuwied from Kalkaska, yésterday, and will accept a position in Dr. W. W. Xichols' office. 63. Hieks has beeii o the sick list dnirlng the peel week bul expect to be out aaln in a few days. W. Carpenter to succeed Martin Ci-emer as postmaster of Ypsilanti, tlio commiasion of the íatter havlng expired. On Januury lst, the city accounts slunvinl an overdrait of $505 less thau they did on the corresponding date last year. Part 'Of the ron work for bridge No. 3 thas arrived and workmen are Jiow engaged in taking down the old etructure. The xlrgus h:is a -straight tip" thai (!]■,■ chances are that another d'aily paper soon to ii:1 started in Aim Arbor. This is the weck ui prayfcr and unioai service lias beru held each evening by the Baptist; Presbyterian and Congregational ehürches, A NewYear's party was given a1 Granger's Hall, last Thursday evenfrng, by Floissi.' and Ross Spence, iind B&ssie and Tom Kinna. Justlee I'oiüI made an extra fee, Tuesday, for periormlng the marriage ceremony for Win. J. Bönner and Miss Lizzie Booth, botli of Si-io. Eva Ionard has vesigned as teacher in the l'ourth ward school and Mrs. Lulu (r. Downs has been ppointed to fill the vacancy. John Kempf and John Nichols returned to Pittsburg, yesterday, after liaving (spwit a couple of weeks with t'heir parents in t'his city. The invst-allatiou of Olfifters of Arbor Tent. K. O. T. M., will take place this cveining, Past Comnnander 1'. S. Banfield aeting da installins offiecr. Jas. N. Riley retired frora the firm of Wagner & Co.', Jan. lst. He has a position au the road for a Detroit concern and expects to start out in a few days. The Tw-o Sams shipped thelr troublesome inoiikoys on Monday, and a sigh of relief went up from everybody in tlie store as (lic animáis dísappeared from slght. W. W. Watts hns been appointed assistam manager of the opera houw, taking active charge o! the house. Sawyer si 11 haring charge of the contractB. John Wilson and James Doyle, drunks, were genteneed to jail lor 30 days cacli, by Justice Butts, Tuesday. James Gillispie received tm days for a. similar oífemse. Iuvitations have been received by relativos announcing the wedding, yesterday, oí Peter Dignan, lormerly of tlii.s city, to Miss Minnie Murpliy, of Jacksonville. Florida. .Mrs. Farany Holliday, wldow of the late Charles Holliday. of tlie Fifth waru, died Jan. .'rd, aged 66 years, ol aslhma. Her remains were taken to Pontlac for Lmrinl, Tuesday. E. F. Mills has boen eliosen superintendent of the Presbyterian Sunday school. The retirlng superintendent. Prol'. XewconU), w;us present d by the school with $15.50, aa a New Year's siit. The eounty iunds were oVerdrawn $32,269.35 at ïhe Fannei-'s and Mechanic's 'bank, Jan. lst. The county treasurer ipaid the bank $838.80 for imtsrast om overdraits for the six months ending Dec. 31st. "Nations in War, Danee and Song.' the long-promised entertainment and kirmess uuder tihe auspices of the Ann Arbor I-ight Infantry, lias been deflnit-ely set to take place ut tin; opera house, Tuesday, Jan. 26th. It is said, and Mie estímate is none too low, ühat iully 1,000 Ann Arborites ihave been dowji with the grip within the few weeks. There is liardly a business placo in the city that has a full corps of elerks. A bi-oke cnit in tlie rear attfe of the house, of William Graves, on Wall istreet, .Monday morning, froia a detective fine. None of the family were ar home and the fii'tí '.vas dis j oovered by metghbos, who kept LI ander eoutrol nntll he 'Are department arrlved. whea tip :ire was quiekïy extiogüislieil. TiirL :' was bui-rie 1 ttightly and tuj ioúl dainagá will amóuui i . about $2 , .i:ily eovered 'by Insnranev. Aïter i .1 eelt! -i' ui il field oSicers 11: the Hrst rcginiyut a, next , the ïpsllan Ligb.1 Guarda will tender the o'ficeraoi tl) ■ rcplment a banqoet. (':i)t. FtisJock and Lieutp. Watts and Armstrong f UI attond troni tliis eity. G. R. Whiuiiiiu sitcesded in gettinj; Uw snprrmi' couri to re-open the C'oi'invcll-Swift C'Oeo, t:i roü'.t grantlog liis vequost for a ridiearing on kis inotion. The couit, alao sranted a etay of proceedings uinil furthcr order of tihe court. - Thero is sleighiiig, bu; it is pretty Stone sidewalks are veo ïik-e- where there is now snow or ice on thein. In the latter eondition they are exceediagly hard. as manf oi óur citizens who have fallen on them within the past few days can tfettfy. The newspaper men ol Uhe city are wálking now and getttng plenty oí exerctee. They are uot doing thisfor tlieir liealth- their sti-cet riiilwa.v passes nave expirad and tihey have to walk ör lower themeelvcs to tilie levil of 'Oriliuary niortals and pay their [ares, so they walk. Next Mouulay the ela-tio ol field aflicers oï the first regiaent, M. S. T., wlll be lteld at YpsUaati. Col. E. W. Bowm will undoubtedly be reclected. Lleut-Col. Tyrrell, of Jackso-n, and Major Mülard, oí Ann Arbor, are camdidates l'or the positioo ol Lieutetiant Colonel. T!ie Ladies' Aid Society of the Congregational ctnuch elected the folio wring oificers, Wednesday: President; Mrs. E. A. Spemee; first rice-president, Mrs. Noah W. Cheever, second vicepresidetct, Mrs. Mary E. Parsons; secretary, Miss M atilda Brown; treaeturer, Mrs. M. L. White. The annual sermón before the Students' Christian Assot'iation wlll be delivered in University Hall, Suiiday evening, by Rev. Mr. Lestr, rector of tihe leading Episcopal cSmrch at Mllwaukee, AViü. The same gentleman wlll occupy the pulpit at St. Andrews' (Imrch, Sunday morning. The Innual meeting oí tüie Washbena-w 'Mutual Fire Insurance 'o. wi'l be ln-ld at the eourt house, Wedneaday, Jan. 18t(h, when the election of direètore will be held. The directora Whose terma of oflice expire are Wm. E. Stocking, oí Ijlma; E. E. beland, of Northfleld; Wm. K. Ohilds, of Anu Arbor. John Cloir. w-h-o sp.'iit the last Eifty years -: nis liV i:i this city, dled Tuetla.v, at the home oï his daughter, Mrs. Amdrew MeMahon, on N. Ashley street, o!' poeumoaia. He was barn i'n Qncens eounty, Ireland, and was 77 years o-i age. The funeral was held at St. Thomas' ehurch, yesrterday morning. Miss llosa Bower, who is attending the medieal department, will sprak before the Young Peoples' Society of the M. E. chUTCh, this eveniug, on missionary work. Miss Bower has spent a nuinber oï years as a missionary iin África and expects to return to that country when her studies are completed. Mrs. Mary Ilawla-s died at Lincoln, Neb., Dec: 30thl891, of pnetimonia, uged 65 years. Her remaitte wenbrought to An;i Arbor and placed in Forest Hill cwnetery, Saiulay nnorniiif;. deceased was the mother oí Mrs. (leo ■ge 6. Suiimm. or this city, tond made her lioine with her ut) til a few mo'nths ago. John F. Sipley, father of the chief of the fire department, died at two o'clock. yesterday morning. at his residence on W. Huron street, oi old age and tin' grip. He was born in Germany In 1807 and carne to this country' in 1844, engaging In business as proprietor oí a meat mavket hete two years later. Hut a (smalt portion of state and county laxes ha-ve been paid lnto the eounty treagury up to date. the following townsihip treasurers belng th only onesto receive credit so far: Scio, $3,422; Ann Arbor Town.sliip. $2,0 1:'.; Preedoim, $1,906.50. Salem. $2,500; Nortlifield, $1,510; Pittsfield. $2,804.52; Superior. $2,200. At seven o'elojek yesterday mwning, Eugene Oesrterlin, Jr., and Mlas lulia Kress, bofli oi ttiis city, were umlted in nuM-riago ut Bt, Thomas' ohurch, Kev. Fr. Fïerle, oí Ionia, perlormlng the ceremony. The room is weli-known among the yottng men or thi city, and tlie bride is the daughter of John Krees, of North street. The teachers oí the aetrtng school to thank the iriends who 80 gencvoiisly oootrlbuted presents and moiaey lor the benefit of the school and especially to the teachers and Sabhalli-Scho-ol oí the l'rtsbyterian church wiho not only gave the tree witli many beautiful giïts, but also donated ten dollars toward carryiag oo the work. At the aiiuiual meeting oi bhe PreBbyterlao Society, Monday evenin-i, Wit liaan A. Campbell afcd A. W. HamiltoD were re-elected trustees tor three yeatv. The salary oí Rev. J. M. Gelston was raised Hou per year, making it now ij(2,L()(). Thé society is in excellent b-liape (inaiK-iall.v and ends rlie year witli a good surplus in the treasury. A mi Arbor Commandery, K. T., conierred the ;J5th degree or Beiievolent Order of the Golden Gate upon p, class of nine candidates, Tuesday eveiiing. Tilia dogree is distinet irora Masonry, although on'y Knights Templar are al lowed its privilcffes, and i.s purely of a benevolent character. The candidates were Messrs. Carpenter, Scovill, Deulel an.l Vninian, of Ypsilanti, and Sawyer, Bach, Gasser, Stimson oud Hegeler. of Ann Arbor. The tore of E. F. Mills & Co Is betng rcattisi and will bi' the equal of an.v in the city in a short time. A fine passenger elevatör to run from the basemem to the third story is belng put in. .New [loors are being lai 1 in the secoud and third storles. The former will be used tor the carpet department and tin: latter tor thé cloak department. A little iudii-iouü advertising paya ajid assures quick returns. of the list oí marriageable young men imbliiilieil in last week'a Argua, ühree have glven notice already bhai they are out ol the market. THiey are all lrtiniiiKMit young buainessmen and ii' everythlng is all rigiht, the young ladies wliolhave them in tow will lead vtlxem to the altar beíore the flowera bloom iu t!ie spring. The Dundee Reporter lias turned over a new leal and now all noticos of meetings, smials and entertainmonts i)i Bocletles and local organizatlona must be payed lor at tho. rate of five cents a line whlle obituary poetry mul lists ut' redding presente go in at three cents ti line. Regalar ehureb iiotices are all that are fret'. Il" the sclieni" works. the Jjroprietor of tbc Reporter will soon bewealtiiy. The Ann Arbor and L'odi iPlank Etoad Co. held its animal meet int;. Tuesda.v. and olected the followlng oificers: Qeo, 1". llasii. president; Nelsnn Sut lu-iland, seeretary and tfeasurer; Ilir.ry PePue, superintendent. U'li' companp dcided to place a watering fcrougi near bhe toll gate, and to ipay a bonus of ten cents for cncli shade tree set out along their road tliis spring, wihiell the superintendent linda iu good condition next October. Man y oí' our leadíag citizens nave received niceiy worded letrera ahowing thcm an oppxwtunity feo grow riili in "a safe and sura way." Part o! the letters openly make the oíler of supplying --good money" at about ten cents on the dollar, wliile otherB contaiu tlic same Information couched in different language. it seems as thotigh the counterfeiters in different parts oí the country had mado a anited attack on the integrity of our titiZl'lls. One of the most dangerous spots in the city, w'hen there is ice an the sidtwalk, is on the Main street side of the Farmers' & Mechanica' bank, where a water spotit leading fi-om the roof keeps the walk covi-red witli water and ice. On Tuésday mornlng aa Miss Salina Bantlng, of Seio, 'was passing thia spot shc slipped and recelved a bad fall, dlsloeatinglier shaulder. Her injuries received prompt medical and ghe is doinig well. S. Coiheii, deputy olí inspector, was in the city. yesterday, and was very emphíttic in liis dental that there is aiiy uil solii ia Aun Arbor Bhat is heion- t'he standard. Regarding the sta temed of experiment made at the Díiiversity abpwing tliat certain oil was below test, Jie said that thc.v mixod tlie tire and flassli tests in their t x lórimenting. Ytsterday motnlng he gave illustratipns of the various tests before tttie cïremicaJ classes, explaiñlng the tliiference in eax'h. The news has been íeceived liere announeing the death of George Sizer, on Friday, at Cullmann, Ala., wliere 'he wem to spend the winter. Mr. Sizer wa.s 71 years of ase, and carne to Aun Arbor in 1S45, bein? engaged in Míe tannin.u; btisineas He afterwards went to California and ensaged in business, remaining there until about fifteen years ago, when he retarned to Aun Arbor and has sílice made Chis fcity his (lióme. Hls remalns will be sent to Charlotte for bnrial. The Times Compasiy haspurchaged a ñew Campbell press and will do their own printing alter Peb. Ist. The offices will 1)" removed t. thbse forniPi-ly oecupied by the Argus in the Duífy blovk. Tae threc Btoriea will be refitted, the flrst being caed tóv a press room, the Hecond for editorial ánd business ru mi8. and the third íor a composing room. Tac work oí fitting .np the building and setting the prees will be oo-mpleted by l'eb. li.. when the Timeü claimed that it will li ave the frnest office in the county. The l'niversity oí Michigan inakes a better showing and has inore of its alumni in the present eongresB than over before. Senaiors Brice, of Oöio; Davis, of Minnesota: and Allen, -ui Wasliington are a.11 graduates oí the imstitution. Among the U. oí M. ni in the house are Representativa Owen of Oliio, Hare of Ohio, Hayos of lowa, fTaraney of Missouri, Piekle of ïSou t tt Dakota, Brostas of Pennsylvaiiia, Haugesn oí Wlaeonsln, and Shlvely ol aml Chipman, (Jorinan, Stout, Whitlng and Wheadoek of Michigan. , The meetings of the Unity Club wili be reaumed on Monday evening next, Jan. 11, wlK'ii tnere will bc a social. The atmual meeting of the ünltarlan church society, instead of being devotetl to formal writtcn reporta ;vcii by repreaeatativee oí the different aetivitie.s of the ehurch, as has heretofore been the custom, will be of a somewhat different nature tlils season. The evening is to be devoted to supper, at which toasts and responsee ril! be glven instead óf the reporte. A very evening is expected. All air eordinlly iavited. The üedieatory exercises of the in-w hospita! will "be held 1111 W'edncsday. January 2Oth. In the afternoon the will be thrown open for ingpectiom, ttoe other exercises taking place in Uuiversity Hall in t'he evenrng. Dr. A. . Uihon, of the l . S. Nav.v. will di'liver au address on "Medical Education," to be followed by addrt'sscs by Governor Winans, Mayor Ioty and President Angelí, ol this city, Bisliop (Jillospie, of (rand Kapid.s, and Regent Draper, of naw. ThB medical íaculty will tender the suests a reeeption after tlie exercises.