Mrs. Catherine Davidson died at Superior City, Wis.
Mrs. Catherine Davidson died at Superior, Wis., last Friday, where ehe went a sliurt time ágo to vieit her (l:iuü,iitT. Mrs. Davidscn was nearlj 72 yeras n age and hr deatlb was oaused i. cerebral heicwrliuge. Sha ■vius boi'ii in New Vork state and had lived in Anu Arii ir over halt a centur.v. S.ic va-i Lwiee uiarried, bet ïirst husbaiuj 1 i"-' the late Nelson Inii' . S:ii' l'.'i ves i irée cbilü M . I d. HUI i :. ■,-ior City, Wis., au ; Jasper limis anti Mrs. U. ,1. Loomis, of tliis city. funeral being iheld at the reeldonce ol the latter lasi Sr.nila.v artenwi in.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Nelson Imus
Jasper Imus
D. J. Loomis
Catherine Davidson