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Estáte of James W. Waugh. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of WiSHTF.SAW, SS. At a SCSion ot tho Probate Court. ínr the County of Wuhtenaw, holden at the Vroljate Office in Cío Cuy oíArni Arbor, onWclnesday, the SOlh duyof December lñ the j-ear one thousaud etght hundred and íimetyone. Present. J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter ol the estala o! James W Wangh, deoeaaed. Alfred Davenport,(be administrator of S9id estáte, comes iuto court and lepreseuts thnt be s now prepared to render bis tinal ik-coum a such aduiinintvatoi . Theroupon it ii orrtered. that Tuesday. tb 20tli ilay of Jaiimuy next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, lie amittned for ernmintng and allowinit siieh aooount, and chai ihe Iwlra at law of said deceased and 1.11 other persons interested in smd est:iti'. are nquired to appear tt a cesUm ol sairt court, then to be holden ai the Probate Office, iu tbe city f Ann Arbm-, in mid county, ami show cause, lf any thore be, why the s id icoount ihould not be allowed. And itu fnrther ordered. that said odmtplstrator give notice to the persona Uitereated ís unid estáte, .-t t lie pendeucy olsuia account, and (hebesrlDR thereoi bv causlnga eopy of this ordeno be puhllshed In the Ann Akhor ARü5, newnmjier prlnted nuil ctroulHtlngintiaJd eesuccereive weeks pteiousto raid d.iy oí Hearing. J. WlI.r.AKl) BABBITT, ía TKtiEcoi'Y) Judïti ofProbste. wn mam G. Ooty, Probate Realstcr, Real Estáte For Sale. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY k of Wnslilenau1, s. In th matter of the Estáte of Thomas Keedle decüíiscd. Notic is hereby frlven ttiat in pureuanoe of an order yranted to the undersiirned adminlstrator of Ihe Ral ite of i-aid Thomas Keedle deooaaed by the I ion. Judge of Probato for tho County of washtenaw, on the Sínd day ol Detember, A. D. 1891. Hiero wi.. he sold at Public Vendue, to tho hlgheai bidder, at tho East front door of the Court House In tho City of A nu Arbor in the County of Washtenaw ín sald State, on Monday the lóth day of February A.D. 18H2, at 10 o'clook m tho forenoon of that day (subject to aU ciicuiiibrances by mortpaffe or otherwist existinjr at the time of tho leath of said deeeased) the followins descriled Heal Estáte, to wit: Tho West half of tho North half of the West half of the South-East qunrter of seotiou Number twenty six (26) in the townshlp of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Countv, Mlehinin. WII,LIAM K. CHILDS. Dated Doe, ga, 18'.il. Atü ministra tor Notice to Crediiors. C TATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTï of Washtenaw, nu. Notioeisbereby priven, that by an order ol the l'robite Court for the County of W.i-hlf ui:w, made on the lOih dny oí December A. I). IMM, six nionths from tlmt date wert: allowed foreredhois to i)reK-nt tlicir claini!. atrainst the e tate ot Alvau Buntlug, liite of suid county deceaaed, and I uil creditor oT suiij decea?ed are reqnlred t" preseot tlicir clairas tosKiil Probate Cuurt at the Probate office in of Ann Arttor, for ozamitmUou and al!ov..Dce on or lieforc tlie lOth nay of June next, aud that such olnitns wili ! heard bafbre said (Jourt, on Tbirrsday the lOth d:iy ol Mar h and on Friday Ihe lf'th day of Jane iiuzt, ut ten o'clooit in the iorenoon ofeachofpaid dfiys. Dated , Ann Arbor. Pecembei lOth, A t 1891. J. WILLAKD BABBITT, Judgeof l'robate. Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, The undereisned liaviM boen ippointed by the Probate Court lur nn t.'ounty, coinmie-iioners to rereive, exiimine nnd adjuat all claims and demands of all persons agaiostthe esute of John ( rundal, Inte ol suid cocnty, (feceased, htreiiy pive uotice tlial tiix months from dute Bre allowed, b" order nf said Probate Court lor creditorR to present thelrclainu a;'-ini--t thü ctitate ofsaid receased. and tltat ttu-y wlll meet at the rtsidence of Wiliiam Murray in Sal in. In said county, oi Friday, ihe fourtii day of Maren, and on Saturday, the fourtii Uay of June next, at ten o'clocka. m. ot each of snid ti,1.-. h to receivp, examine and adjuat said claims. D.ited December 4th, 1Í81. WILLTAM MURTtAY, JOHN WATKKMAN, Coinmissioncru. Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY 0 of WaBhtenaw, The undersined havina: Ucen appointed by the Probato Coart for said County, ('otnnijssioners to receive, exanntie and aiijuKt uil claims umi domanda of all persona ultiiiiist t!ie estáte ol Dwlgbt 1!. Tate, late of s.iid couuty.deceasd, hereny pive uoiice thal six inonths from dille ure allowed , hy orderoi said FfObHtc fiMift, tor ereiïiton, to prefleni elaiuin apainatthe estnte ofn;iid decead, and that they will meet at lenidence of Kmmet O. Al'eniu the townshlp of Brid,;ewater iu Bsid county, on Frldav, the fourlh day of March, and on Snturday, the fourth dny of June next, at ten o'clock A. W. of each of s:tid da.s, to roeeive, examine and ndjut said claims. Dated, December 4„ 1891. JAMES BENHAM, EMMET O. ALLEN, Coininiseioners. Estáte of Leonora Kelly. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washteuaw. holden at tbe Probate Office iu th City of Ann Arbor, on Friday, tlie eixtb day of November, in the yearone tbousand eiifhl Imndred and ninety-one Preseut.J.Uillard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In themiitter of the estáte of Leonora Kelly, deeeased. Ou readinff and filing the petition, duly verified, of Elizaljeth I,. Kendnh, praymg that adnunistiation of sai'l estáte may bc eranted to Joseph C. McKee, or SJtne other auitable person Thereupon it íb ordered, that Monday, th llth dayoi .lunuary, next, at ten o'clock iu Ihe forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petiliou, 'ind that tbe heirs at law or said deeeased and all other persons interested in said estáte, arerequired to appearata ecsion of said C'ourt.theu to lie holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arhor, and ehow eauie, f any tlice be, why the prayer ol' the potitioner shonld not lie erautea, Aud it s further ordered, that Raid petitioner giva notice lo ihe persons interested iu caid eetnte ofihe pendencyoi said petition, anti tbe hearing thereoi, bycausing a copy oi thi order to he published in tbe ANN Akbok ARGtíS, h uewspapcr printedanrt drculated in eaid County, three 9uccesaive weeks preyioua to naid dny of lieariug. J. WUjLARD BABBITT, LA truecopy] Jmlu of Probate. V ii.i.iAM G. DoTV, Probate Begiater Notice to Creditors. w TATE OF MICHIGAN COUXTY OF il Washtenaw, ss. Notice is hereby eiven, that by an order ol the Probate (!ourt tor the County oi Wnshtcnaw. made on the thlrd day of Deceüber. A. I). Isn. six montha Iroia that date were allowed forcreditor to present their claims againt the estáte ofT. Dwijtht Townsend. late of said connty, deeeased, and that all creditors of said deeeased are requircd to present their claim toi-uid Probate (,'ourt,atthe Probate Office in the city ot Ann Arbor, for exaraination mul allowance, on or bcfore the third day of Juih next, and tlmt such claimi will he heard bi:tore said Court on Thur-day the third day of Mareh and on Friday, the tliird day of Juut next, at ten o'cloek m the forenoon of each 01 said rhij . Daled, Ann Arbor, December .1. A. D 191 J. WILLAliD HABItlTf, Jude of Probate Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF Washtenaw Tne uuderalirned having been appointed by the Probate Court for said County . Conmtissioners to rtceive, examine and adjr'st all claims and demands of all persons ngrainst th estateof Seary J. Hickison,late of said County, de ceased, herehy give notice llial mx months from dale are allowed, by order ot siid Probate Court, for Creditors to present their claims asainst tbe estáte tf said dece.ised, and that tbey will meet :i'. the oüïce of John i'. Kirk in the city of Ypsilanti, in said counly. Oö Wednesday the Lhird day of Februaiy and on Tuesd.,y, tbo third da nf May uext, at ten A. M. of each ol sairt ikns, lo receite, evaiuiue and ailjust said plnjini. Dlted Novemb r 33, UU1. JAMES . CIUDHTEK, JOHN P KlKK, Commissoüeis. Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTr ol VVashtenaw , u. Notice ia hereby ;iven. Hint by r.n order of the l'robato Court for the Countv of WBhtenaw made in the 2fith day of Octolifr A. 1). 169', six uiontha trom thal üate were aiiowed fdr Bretditorn to preuftiit tbeir I claim airamst the eütatc ol Ribero Henrjques, late of ..i'l coiiiilv.d nü that all creuitors ofsatd di'if ist a ;M' requireri vi present ilieir elüims ti sald Proh ite Courl . nl the Probate Office in tho 1 city 't Aun foi examination and allowanoa, ; on or l l'irc Lhe 2 th dav of April iiMxt, ainl RMch claims will be board bot'ore B id oourt, on Tnegday, the 2öth day of Jauuiry and on Tuesdáy, Ihe 2nth day of Aprn next. at len o'cloek in tne forenoon of each of said dar. Dated, Inn Arbor, October2fi, A. D. 1891. ). WILLARD HABBITT, ' Judie of Probate.


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