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Nations In War, Dance And Song

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Th wJio are fco takt part in the novel entertainment and Mrmess to given at the opera b taae, Tuesday venlng, Jan. üGth, are relhearsing daily ior tlxe event and tlïe entertainment promlsea bo be a greal su : cess. The cutiré company will take pari in the first part of program, "A Nght In an Am rica n Aimv Camp." In the econd tlie members will be vssisted by about thirty of tihe young larties of the city, ta-kl-ng part in the varloujs dances. The titel part will oonsiat oí a rep i-esentatioai oí a military ein-iimpinent and af the duties of the soldier.v whiUe tn camp, commenclng with guard niount and closlng wlth an exliibitioa drIH by tlhe drill corps oí the Infantry. Durtng liiis part the foUowing sp 'cialtii's will be giveu: "Trouble with the (uard," a Iailgh.ilil ■ skit by llarkins and Granger; SO'liR by the eninpaiiy; musical peclalties by Kreil MeOmber; scunga by J. E. Ilarkin.: rEcitatktfl by ('apt. llis eock, song and dance by Messrs. Quarry, Dnffy, Clark, Hangsterfer, llarkins and Granger; harmonica epecialties by Messrs. anil Cooper; Scanlan's "Swing Song," by J. E. llarkins; banjo speoialties: s )ii!i by A. A. i;. í. quartette, songs, chorases, elogë, JlgS, etc., by members of the eompany. The seconwl part will conslst of i tntional kirmess. eacli nation beiñg represented by a national dance. The oatlons will be represented by the folio wiinig dances: America, by the ','Flag daaice;" l'ranee, by the "Minuet;" Bungarta, by the "Dance of the Gypsies;" Spain, by theSpani dance, "Cacáucha;" England, by the 'Saibn-s' Hortyipe;" Germany, by tihe ■D.inr oí the Miinntaineers;" all na liinis. by the "Plertotte." BacJb dance will be n awpirópriaite eostume, repvesi-iilative of the cDUiiti'.v, all of Uiem beiog eapecially secuired lor the occasion. The seciier.v :or t-he tirst par: Jias ibeeo paJxtted foï Bhia eveni and represente an entlre oncainpment. Eïvrvlhiiü mm p;ints to a very snoósgful entertainment.


Ann Arbor Argus
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