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Mrs. Olive Doyle, ot Öheleea, died Jan. 1 1 ii. aged 70 years. Mr. WiWiama of Ypsilanti town-j snip, (i. il Dec. u ' n 1 1 . aged 78 yeare. Peter YournR and .Miss Emma i bacli, ui Sylva-m, un-c married Jar.. I (th. F. H. Bcckwith, of Jaekson, and Miss Aiibic Gates, ol Chelsea, won' marrled Ja-nuary 5th. Will 1,1'hman is now a member of the Oran ol Hlrtli & Lenmam, siniiii',, at Chelsea. The animal meeting of the Eastoru Michigan Agricnltural Society was iK'ld at Yp.-.ilanti, last Sat unlay. Heary Stenbach, ol Lima, died Dec. ■'.l-i. 1891, ol cáncer, aged T.'i years. !■ mi to i iii county In 185 i . The ciici-ca Dramatic Co. gave ao entertainment, Tueedaj evening, tor the benefit of the1 Chelsea cornet bami. The Ladlee' Aid Society of the Baptist clmrcli. Milán, holils a social at tíhe re.vidcn '■ of Wni. Whaley, to-nigbt. The Frlemd's chtirch at Augusta wiH oon 'begin a Bariee ol meetings, preachers (rom Adrián taking charge. There vVl be a stlver mertal and eloeutionary ponteal at the Conprr(1gatio.nal cliHicli, Whittaker, Saturday eventng, Jan. 1 6th. Exteasive preparationa are biii4 made for fliajfveBting a big orop ol íce ironi WLiimiHT Lakê the present winter. Su iar bhe outlook pretty bhtn.- Dexter Leader. The Ypsllanti aldermen have not ; enough interest ín city business bo I 1 !:■! the regular meetings, 90 the few ii:at assemble to attoad the regular meetifligs ünd it neeessary to Jonrn Sor waní of ;i quorum. on Jauuary isi. Oscar V. Saymour and Mies Dora Bell Hubbard, both of Vpsilanti, ,were marrled. Frank Van Mía, (Vf Buffalo Prairie. 111., and Miss Agnes Sloan, of Ypsilanti, were also married last Thursday cvening. Airs. "Mary A. Starkweather, who preeented bhe Ladles' Library building, bhe ■ Hri.n.'l in Hlghl&nd eemetery amd the fine drinking fountain, ia uot cfased in her libérality to YpsiLanti. 6he is now arranging to furrilsb tfhiat city wlth a fine art gallery. a eitlzcn t: Britton being ahend oí i inic 'tbr otdic nistlit. w.'is approoched l.-y a loccmio'. ! vr, wMdh was about to iispute thé i-.j,iht of wáy wlth him, hm .',ir was pushed irom the traet U amotlier Citizen., just in time to kut .iiis .Heek. A Locomotive alwaa BCtsiasif it c-.v;i'.l th:1 t racli. - Ad'i-i :, Mi1-. N man, wife of Coagressman ftormaB, cam ■ over .rom ('iii'isca. Tac a day's dslt witli On.-r larcata. She reporta lier liusband'H eom improving, anti that Ihp i to I ave Eor Washington, next Mondaj', and will be accompanied by lier and a young Bon - Ouml'c Reporter. The ycung people o-i bhe Baptist chareto, who have been worklng ander the Vourng People'a Society of (Uii-istlan Endcavour for several years, have reorganlzed uodor tihe name of the Baptlsi Youmg People's Union, -vitli ihr followlng of.'i:ers: Pre.-ident,xGrace Huntington; vice-president, Arba Andrus; secretary, M:ilie Hftchcoeki treaa uier. i iris Tliroop.- Milán Leader. At tu.' animal meeting oï the Farmen' a.nii Horêemen's Mutual Live Stock tnsurance Co., held at Vpsilanti, last week, the tollowlng trustees were elected For the coming year: Clarenca A. Lemen, Ypsilanti; John S. Ilaggerty, Detroit; Frank T. Newton, Boniulus; Charles Tyley, Romulus; George Roberts, Ypsilanri town; and Joliu W. Fuller. Xorthville. Following are tin' new officers: President, John Elaggerty; eecretary and treasurer, Frank 'J'. Newtom. Editor Beakes, oí the Argjus, out of thv (ki-mliin-h f ñis big heort, glvea a of th.' eligióle bsielitíloTs of Aun Arbor, who íhiave, tip to the present tune, IQailed to joiiv the ranks of the banediets. BelieTtng thiat Ann Arbor Kirls ííhO'Uld (hiavc the preferenox', lic (ltitc iniot go l-nto Chie details of Uicir w M nal iiialLrication, social standing, or financia] Infcerests, lest wimc dealgnicature irom outside Ann Arbor nhoiild .st.'j) 5n and capture, ülie prtee. li. t: r L'eadét1. Last week, three men canvassed this iciwn and for the sum of 50 cents fKPomieed to eend a crayon portrail .1 1 iK'd at $12. Tliey wanted to take : i 1 1 portr al ts as samples. How inany people gave them orders, we do not knoiv. 'but whe.n the time comes ivhen thc.v were to reeëire tbese portraits, they can determine whether or not tlu'.v liave been taken In by oue of the frauds that are exposed every day bj .; wi papers ol i li lanfl. L'ast week we published a no-tice ol a number of portraits were f o and at Iludson ïn a room occupled by au who was working ttie same rácket. Ch i sea Standard. Artlmr Vedder snot n gray ongU on 'A'i'i],;n'.,!].-iy, abo at tour miles cast of Klus place, hirii meaaured fnun tip in tip 6 teet, 8 l-_ loches.- Milan Leader. Mrs. Martina .1. (xreenougfa, oí Fowii ■i-vüii', dded in 'J'fx.-is, Jan. 2nd, ene liaviug gone tliere on account of her bealbli. a telegram aanoonclng her ilraih was received by her pan-nis vvbile tlicy were celebratlng the flltietb aiuiivci-sar.v of üheir wedding. Bister Mary Ivucia, of öhe Sisters of l'i-oviih-ncr al 1 lic St. .JoHm Catholic HcUiool in tüiis city, is cmiüned to the liona' i Ui a queer malaiy. Thlstl t4 [iri'ivcd in Vjsilanti. Wedneeday, Dec. 80 fch, ruin l'ort Ilunm, wthere'she had i sliniil. allaci; u: Bh prevalltng cpiiftmic and tad nni uil.v recovered w'hrii '!,'■ readied tiere. New STear's l'a.y, about (1 o'clock a. in., as is thciv - 1! -.1 c , ti , Sisters werc WOTShipiDg lm the eliureh, when she iel] in what wan suppoeed to be a fainting peil, hut. a.s &bL dld not recover in a reasonable time, a piiysioian was summomed, alter examlaing hls patiënt, sald t was "cataleptlc co'ma," ;md altic'Ui?h mot domgerously ill she is still lm a etiipor. Dr. Hueatoin, who is in uttcniianee, ays the patiënt may lic üi this state for same twenty days, but tliints ahe wlll iinally recover. Klie arouses ufficiently each day to l;il;c .nouri.shmi'iit and lilic attemdlng istiii-s hink áhe recognizes her firtendis, as ie will nod lier head


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News