How te ducceecl., ThKs is the great problem ot lifij wiiiiii ïcw eitisfactoirily eolve. Slome iail becauée of poor ñealtüi, ethers wamt oí iiii-k, but the majoi-ity from (Iciirimit grit - want of nerve. Tlipy are nervoua, irresolute, changeable, eiifeily get the blues aaid "lakc the spirits 'iliiwn ti) keep the spirits ip," Uu:.-, -wasting ntpney, time, opportunity au nerve toree. Thei-e ia nothing like' Bestoratire Nervlne, discovered by títue grea.1 specialist, Dr. Miles, tO eure all uerv.ius (JlseaseS,, as Iieada'lii', the blues, nervous prostration, sleeplessnéss, neuralgia, St: Vitns dance, íiis. and histeria. Trial bottlea and fine book oí testimoniáis free at Eberbaeh Son's (li'UU' store.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News